Have you had a nice St. Patricks Day ?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Airway, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. Airway

    Airway Well-Known Member

    I really had a big craic!

    Slбn !


    p.s. who of you hosts songs of the "wolfe tones"? want them :mafia:
  2. --stec

    --stec Well-Known Member

    march 17 is the only day in whole callendar I celebrate so it had to be (and was) a blast :D. Got totally wasted even though I don't give a f*** about any saints... ;) (but I worship beer for sure)

    BTW tonight is 18th and I'm wasted again... 6th day in a row, WTF, am I an alcoholic?
  3. Airway

    Airway Well-Known Member

    lol - no i think you arenґt :@drunk: :@drunk: