hit precision

Discussion in 'Tactics and Training' started by tigrou, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    hello everybody.
    one question, does exists a practise arena in FLH?
    cause v'got problems about precision shooting, empty ammo before one hit.
    and never win in face to face combat.
  2. dankes

    dankes Well-Known Member

    Probably "Practice Offline" is a good start (since all arenas down at this time :) )
  3. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    practise off line of course.
    but online I feel that connection delay complicates things. be shot when enemy plane has already passed . :turret:
  4. dankes

    dankes Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2004