No-icon fighter sweep scenario

Discussion in 'Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions' started by grobar, Dec 27, 2000.

  1. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    No-icon fighter sweep scenario
    Aimed at reality freaks.

    Each player has 1 life. Radar is off. Icons are off for enemy and d10 for friendly (since plane models don`t have numbers on them[​IMG]). We shall have 4 side conflict - each versus each! Each side has 2 nearby fields in mountainous terrain [​IMG]. The objective is to secure aerial superiority - to eliminate 75% of the enemy pilots (landing, bail or ditch on friendly territory allows pilot to take off again).

    On forum will apply only wing leaders - they will lead groups from 1 (lonewolfs) to 4 people (depends on how many actually come to the event). Attracting and briefing pilots will be left to the leaders.

    In the first such event we shall use only one type of plane per side. If we make it second time it can include 3-4 models per side - this will be major tactical challenge for the leaders!

    japs - Green - Ki-84
    soviet - Red - Yak-3
    german - Gold - Me-109K
    american - Violet - P-51D

    Load and fuel is choice to the leader.

    Leaders (not number of pilots) will be spread evenly among fields. The colors will be arranged so that to hinder concentration of all planes in one group before meeting the enemy.

    There will be no supreme commander as he most probably will try to concentrate the planes in one mighty bubble while we want long 2 on 2 or 1 on 4 battles with lots of surprises and runaways.

    Leaders will see to what field are assigned 15min before the start to hinder them from attempts to develop common strategy. Radio channels will be assigned 1 week earlier.

    No more than 2 leaders per field - if more leaders apply we`ll increase the number of fields. It is not necessary side numbers to be equal - this is war after all! [​IMG]

    After the event I will publish scores of the pilots by number of kills and duration of life (this information I think we can gather from the chat logs). I`ll try to gather information also about each group`s number and roster.

    Полковник (Group Captain) grobar
    Axis Foreign Volunteers Squadron
    "Nationalists of all countries - UNITE!" [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 29 December 2000).]

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 07 January 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 08 January 2001).]
  2. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    I have another idea - making 4 colors - each v each! This will help deconcentrating planes. Colors will be - german, russian, japanese, brittish+american.

    Still only one fighter per color.
  3. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    This plan is subject to later alterations.

    Please someone to translate it in brief in russian.
  4. fn_crow

    fn_crow Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2000
    woot, this should be fun.

    as for planes

    Gold: Bf-109F

    Red: Spitfire Vb
  5. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2000
    i say the same planes as fn-crow

    i wanna check out the no-icon system. the no-radar could be troublesom for normal play, but for this scenario will be good!
  6. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    The tactical difference is too big - 109F v Spit IX looks better to me.
    I`d personaly prefer to fly 109K. [​IMG] What is its most dangerous enemy?

    Rust, give your tupence, please?
  7. -rust-

    -rust- Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2000
    To be mosy amazing, planes should have some differences so pilots with good SA could survive, where should be no "kill from any position" rule.
    If 109F and Spit5 taken, in 1:1 engagement usualy the death of Spit is only the question of time. Same with Spit9 and 109G6, but the victim will be 109. To make game balanced and exciting, one plane should have speed advantage, and onother should have alt performance/climb advantage. For example, Spit9 vs FW-190A4, P-40 vs Bf-109E, P-47D vs Bf-109G6, e.t.c.
  8. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    109k vs p51d
    190a4 vs spit IX
  9. fn_crow

    fn_crow Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2000
    109k isnt all that great, if red wants a P-51 then we need a G6 or a G6/R6

    i still say 109K, vis the spit Vb

    or 190 Vs P38
  10. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    Radio channels will be assigned per leader - 1 week earlier.

    With rust we are on one mind. [​IMG] IMO late war planes will be more interesting.

    We are going to make the 4 sides conflict.
    japs - Green - Ki-84
    soviet - Red - Yak-3
    german - Gold - Me-109K
    american - Violet - F4U-4

    Load and fuel is choice of leader.

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 29 December 2000).]
  11. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    109k is more than match for p51d if flown right. In no icon evironment 30mm makes it
    very deadly.

    109g6 is just plain out [​IMG]

    I hope we have friedly icons to d15. Resemble AC ID leader and wingman can identify eachother
  12. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    Maybe with Mid war planes?? 4 coutries make it mess...end up to big furball all fighting all.

    Maybe 2 countries with 2 planetypes?

    190a4,109g6 vs Spit IX and p38(that later variant[​IMG]


    190a4, 109g6 vs La-5FN, Yak-9d


    ki61, ki84 vs f6f, F4U-4
  13. Storm

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2000
    Obninsk, Russia
    >> 190a4, 109g6 vs La-5FN, Yak-9d

    Yep, that seems good. [​IMG]
  14. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    I`m not well acquanted with planes characteristics so I just asked rust what is suitable against Ki-84 and Yak-3. He goes as something like authority here, so it will be what he said. [​IMG]

    I asked -ivan- is it possible. Waiting reply. If it doesn`t work we`ll set icons to D5 for both.

    No, no, no! The whole idea is to have more enemies and less friends to prevent furballs. Otherwise when you meet the enemy you`ll just call all other groups, the enemy will do the same - and 10v10 fight is there.

    I want something long and cautious. (Like in your dreams [​IMG]).

    BTW this is only the first try - after we see what was plus and minus we can always do more - it is simple enough.
  15. mcosta

    mcosta Guest

    To be honest, I think this scenario should be thought for a bit more of time... In the Jap case, the Ki84 is not representative. The Ki61/A6Mx/Ki43 would be far more representative of the Japanese might [​IMG] ...
    I think 2 fighters should be used by each side... one for boom-n-zoom, the other for maneuvering...
    I read above someone said the Fw190 should be used vs SpitIX.... but the Fw190 is useless for turning fights, which _will_ happen in a non icon scenario.
    Of course the Fw190 pilot will call for help, but if everyone uses the same plane, no one will take the chance to help the fellow pilot, knowing that he cannot return if he's killed...
    With 2 planes for each side, it can be easier to receive help, and at the same time, harder to coordinate [​IMG]
    Dont forget that some pilots don't like some of the planes proposed in the beggining...
    Even so, I'm curious to see what will happen on our first scenario...


    ps: can I use a ki43? [​IMG]))
  16. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    All other planes are BnZ. So should be the japanese.

    This is for next time! [​IMG]
    Yup, this is a problem. But if none of the 4 planes suits them they`ll have to fly a plane they don`t like. [​IMG] We chose those planes to have reasonable balance as in H2H.

    PS: ivan is still not replying [​IMG]
    and noone wants to translate the plan in russian [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 02 January 2001).]
  17. -airty

    -airty Старый пофигист

    Feb 1, 2000
    OK, grobar, relax [​IMG], here translated in russian
    У каждого игрока одна жизнь. Радар выключен. Иконки отключены. Разыгрывается четырехсторонний конфликт - все против всех. Каждая из сторон располагает двумя полями в горных областях. Задача состоит в удержании господства в воздухе - необходимо уничтожить три четверти вражьих пилотов (посадка, вынужденная посадка или прыжок с парашютом на своей территории позволяют пилоту взлетать еще раз).
    На форуме выступают только командиры групп - группы могут включать от одного (одинокий волк) до четырех пилотов (зависит от количества желающих поучаствовать в сем действе). Подбор и управление пилотами производится через командиров групп.
    В первом приближении мы будем использовать только один тип самолета для каждой из сторон. В дальнейшем может рассматриваться вариант с разрешением 3-4 моделей самолетов для каждой стороны - это будет давать больший выбор применяемой тактики для командиров групп.
    Японцы - Зеленые - Ки-84
    Русские - Красные - Як-3
    Немцы - Золотые - Ме-109К
    Американцы - Пурпурные - Ф4У-4
    Боевая нагрузка и заправка топлива определяются командирами групп.
    Командиры групп (вне зависимости от количества подчиненных пилотов) будут равномерно распределены между полями. Цвета полей будут распределяться таким образом, чтобы избежать сбора всех самолетов в одну группу при приближении противника. Это делается для повышения интереса к игре, чтобы получить массу поединков 2 на 2 или 4 на 1.
    Поля будут распределены между командирами групп за 15 минут до начала сценария. Это делается с целью усложнить им выбор стратегии. Радиоканалы назначаются заранее.
    На одно поле назначается не более двух командиров групп - если количество их будет большим - будет рассмотрен вопрос об увеличении количества полей. Неравенство количественных возможностей сторон никого не волунет - в конце концов это война.
    После сценария будут опубликованы очки пилотов по количеству сбитых и продолжительности жизни, а также по количеству и составу групп.
  18. -airty

    -airty Старый пофигист

    Feb 1, 2000
    [This message has been edited by -airty (edited 03 January 2001).]
  19. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    Thank you very much airty!
    (although it`d have been better to be closer to the meaning of the original)

    I received also letter from ivan - he can do the distance for friendly and cons different and there is nice automatic way to forbid killed pilots and to count points!

    It appeared that F4U4 is replaced by La-5 so Amis will have P-51D. Sorry.

    The scenario is going to be on 21. january, sunday from 18.00 GMT, 21.00 Moskow time!

    Полковник (Group Captain) grobar
    Axis Foreign Volunteers Squadron
    "Nationalists of all countries - UNITE!" [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 07 January 2001).]
  20. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    mscosta why would you want to turn with spit? 190a4 can stand up to any fighter in iconless fight. just use it like it should be used.

    All planes are targets if the are turnfighting. Even spit is much better when pilot E fights.