sometimes even AWT is too small

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -nicae-, Apr 20, 2002.

  1. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    sometimes i feel that even AWT is too small for FH.. still far from the FH peaks, there are enough pilots to make major furbals in 6 fields!

    ehhh :(

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  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    The problem is not the size of the map but how all those darn fields are bunched together so closely. That sucks. We need FAR greater distances between the various fields. A lot of them are barely just 15 miles from each other. That's just ridiculous. IMHO no two fields should be any closer to each other than 40 miles. The majority of the fields oughta be more like 60 or even 80 miles from each other. If that means that the total number of fields needs to be cut back somewhat, so what??
    That would at least give a plane's range some meaning and encourage people to make some altitude rather than just jump from one field to the next at 5000 feet.
  3. mekh--

    mekh-- Well-Known Member

    If you extend the fields to where it's a comfortably spacious for late-war planes, then it's practically impossible to mount any offense with early-war planes.

    I find AWT a comfortable balance. I love medrl2 in 1944 and 45, but it's horrible in 40 and 41.
  4. stooge

    stooge Well-Known Member

    AWT is fine, med2 is fine
    i really hate to fly for anything longer then 30miles to reach a field
    if u wanna fly 80miles
    why dun u just off from some field 4blocks away then
  5. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I'm doing most of the time. But anyhow, my point was that this game will never be anything else than Quake In The Air if we don't get more room to maneuver between the various fields. You can just take off from one field, fly straight and level for 2 minutes and voila, there's the next field already. If we had more space between the fields we'd get a whole bunch of advantages from it.

    • Longer transits would encourage people to climb to altitude, which means we'd be seeing more combat at high and medium altitudes and less playing around down in the mud. As it is now, a plane's high alt performance is almost completely irrevelant because nobody bothers to climb to high alt anyway (with a few exceptions of course).
    • Longer distances between the fields would also mean that a side could no longer successfully fly piecemeal attacks on a field, forming a chain of planes from one field to the next. The attacking force would have to arrive in the target area in a relatively tightly spaced time window. We might be FORCED to act as a unit rather than a bunch of uncooperative individuals. Bringing up reinforcements from other fields would just take too long. The same holds true for the defending side.
    • A plane's combat radius would at least become somewhat relevant. No more taking off with a completely unrealistic (in most cases anyway) 20% fuel load. Also if a field's fuel gets blasted to hell it actually has a real impact on that field's offensive capabilities.
    • We might even see less senseless furballing, since you no longer can just take a look at the radar pic, spot the nearest furball and fly there to join in. By the time you'd get there the furball may well have evaporated.
    • Ack hugging would become significantly harder, since if there are no acks nearby you should have a hard time hiding in them.
    • You might even be able to fly around without constantly being within range of either side's radar coverage.

    Don't you think all that would be worth sacrificing a few minutes of your virtual lives? At 350 mph it takes a plane roughly 7 minutes to travel 40 miles. Maybe throw in another 4 to 5 minutes to make some altitude, but so what?? IMHO the benefits would be more than worth it.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2002
  6. mekh--

    mekh-- Well-Known Member

    No, it doesn't, as they can sortie right on the spot. This gives a huge advantage to the defender. This is particularly a problem since the fields on the larger maps are, on average, leaning towards the large side and all have more targets than on other terrains. Even a medium field on medrl2 is about impossible to capture until 1943, and even after that it's very hard if there's any determined defense.

    Respawn restriction would have to be lengthened, target destruction times would have to be stretched out. Otherwise offense is just too difficult. Far from discouraging furballing, you'd encourage it, field capture would just be too hard.
  7. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    with cooperation that is not true mekh. any field is possible. and its cooperation what needs to be encouraged in FH.
  8. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    I find fields easier to capture with bigger field distances. There 2min fight times from fiedl to field is laughable. With more space you have more space to sneak your force in. Enemy fighters will be higher..etc.

    With current map i can go to 6km, fly 30min and rtb without seeing anyone at even 5km altitude. It's damn boring. We need WBeto or Medrl 2 terrain to have something else than these furballs. I don't remember last time when i actully have to had used real E fight tactics against high flying opponents...must have been in Kursk semi-scenario.

    That was very fun btw.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2002
  9. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    cc, low icons scenario was the best... it was very realistic and fun :D

    greetz, Zembla
  10. topjmy

    topjmy Well-Known Member

    I like the AWT the way it is.

    I like it a lot. :@popcorn:

    I also like the fact that we rotate the maps, so we won't be stuck in any one person's idea of the BEST arena.

    In fact, being stuck in one terrain tour after tour is probably what drove more than one iEN player off iEN's service.

    I think the FH guys manage the arena fantasticly.

  11. ledada

    ledada Well-Known Member

  12. Herz

    Herz Well-Known Member

    Oh well.. we have to live with this actual quake islands map and others like this one... This kills the real Warbirds intention that is to simulate closer as possibe the real life WW2 air combat.

    Yeah, its actualy just a Quake Air Simulator. The mind of the ppl who plays here must change... i know its hard.. will take time.. but im hoping it to change and thats why i keep flying WB here.

    Im with Red Ant in all what he said.

    *Nothing against the staff. All i have to say is thanks for your great job with the WBFH.
  13. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    Yes herz, exactly my point.

    And there hasnt been any balance in map rotation.
    We get MedRL about 2 times a year...only then i bother really to fly.

    These low alt furballs are so damn boring. In way it's good.
    I won't fly too much.

    I really miss some scenarios.
  14. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    This is NOT a simulation.
    And NOR it will be.

    As you know majority of people arent simulation freaks, but prefer to play quake, halflife, C&C and stuff.

    They check google for new games...YEAH WB FREE!!!
    ask in ch 100 "WHERE IS ACTION"

    And yes you are majority here now.

    As this sim goes on with democratic (Aristoteles was right sayin it sucks:) ) voting well soon have 2 fields 10sec distance from others with no ack at all.

    I guess this is also reason we why dont see 88mm acks firing to 8km altitudes.

    I'll wait for some good scenario with actually even semi-realistic flight distances. I love simulation.

    With greater distance and over 30minutes takeoff restriction from last field you took off would be good. This would make fighter sweeps little more realistic and end stupid vulching..

    But useless to say

    With with these votings this will go to shoot em up..and it actually is now.

    Posted by Vadim (-busy-)

    Posted by snkeye

  15. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    btw - did anyone from airwarrior stick at FH?
  16. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi Nicae,

    >did anyone from airwarrior stick at FH?



    Henning (HoHun)
  17. topjmy

    topjmy Well-Known Member

    Funny, I feel that I'm getting lumped into the "quakers" when the truth is flight sims are my passion. Outside flight sims, the only other game that's had a life on my machine was Lords of the Realm II, and that was strictly offline.

    I agree that the senarios are the best way to approach realism for those that seek it, and I agree that they are very satisfying events. I hope we'll see some in here soon.

    However, I've seen squads successfully create thier own events within their own organizational structure, and execute their plans online in the arenas we all share. The 9 Sqn and 5 Sqn RAF pilots were particularly good at that, as were the Jolly Rogers of old.

    It's up to you to make the best of what's here, and if you can contribute in a positive way to the aspects you enjoy most, all the better.
  18. Snakeye

    Snakeye Well-Known Member


    I hope u did not misinterpret my words - I DON'T fly for score. Actually I fly to learn and to survive yet helping my side (which is red most of the time lately).

    This quote was an argument against score-hunters making new nicks to get another set of "uber" planes.
    Those 90% are a bit too high ;) thou. Nevertheless it's sad but true...
    And it doesn't get any better :(
  19. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    makes sense in a variety of ways :)
  20. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi Nicae,

    >makes sense in a variety of ways :)

    LOL! I was waiting for someone to notice :)

    We've got a couple of old Air Warrior pilots here, both from Germany and the US (and both from the AOL server and from the Gamestorm/Electronic Arts server), myself included.

    Air Warrior did have longer distances between the airfields, by the way, and fights usually took place at higher altitudes and involved more air combat manoeuvering, too.


    Henning (HoHun)