Why americans still die in Iraq

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by jotaceTOGA, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    it is as rolandgarros said
    in irak u shoot a guy 4 times and what does he do? he blows himself up so u dont get the kill!

  2. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Last edited: Jun 25, 2007
  3. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    The above is rather ignorant.

    Iraq had the 4th largest army in the world. Now it has the 4th smallest.

    Vietnam had a very large army in a very hostile natural environment.

    N. Korea + China. Neither were 3rd world countries, and we held our own against both, with a lot less.

    WW2, Neither Japan nor Germany were 3rd world countries.

    Today we fight against a "global" enemy, and have only suffered a little over 3500 kia since 2003, and they have suffered over 100k!
    Sounds like we are doing pretty good.

    FYI We do shoot into crowds if gunfire comes from that direction. The crowds know this and run. They will also turn in information about the person(s) if they recognize them. Even Muslims don't like terroristic trash.
  4. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Good to see you back.
    I thought you actually had developed a spine and went over to join your extreemist brothers. Look at the bright side, you get a fast ticket to 72 virgins. ;)

    Everyone else gets a good laugh. :zachot:
  5. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    There was a time when the US demanded of it's armed forces Complete Destruction Of An Enemy.
    This is no longer the case. The United States General Staff [and, I suppose, Congress] now considers it possible and probable that wars do not always accomplish the aim of completely destroying an enemy's infrastructure, or ability to make war.

    It is a lot harder to add up a 'score' when an armed force doesn't enter the enemy capital city, force a unconditional surrender or whatever.

    I would argue the United States hasn't 'lost' any wars since it lost it's own 'Civil War.' And that is the nature of 'civil wars,' anyway, NO ONE WINS THEM. They may end, but NO ONE WINS, it hurts everyone in the afected nation.

    There is no way anyone can tell me the COmmunist Vietnamese 'won' that war they were fighting. USA evacuated it's troops, yes. But the wreck of a nation the Communists inherited was pyrrhic victory. Vietnam still, to this day, struggles and it has been thirty PLUS years since the US evacuated.
    Communists and citizenry had ENORMOUS casualties. Millions and millions over the course of a three decade long struggle. The tiny bit of human resources the USA lost cannot be considered a 'defeat,' unless you are willing to twist the definition of defeat. Which it seems many are willing to do.
    Everyone the USA has fought they have stomped. No, I am not praising them. I think a lot of it is just totally fucked up, man.

    If you are broken to pieces, all smashed up and the aggressor who did this to you runs off laughing, who has won? Have you won becuase your aggressor has left the scene and has not continued to beat you to a pulp? Does that make you a winner?
    Well fuck.
    Keep it up and have a party, "Yippee! Party time! WE WON! Come one, come all, PARTY TIME. Wait. Why is nobody coming to the party? Oh, the railroads are broken you say? The roads have holes in them you say? There is no fuel for automobiles you say? The cities are depopulated you say? Farmers are struggling to get a crop in before winter and haven't any time, inclination or young people left ON THE FARM who would like to join the party? The infant mortality is 30 percent???? Surely you mean .30 percent????? Surely....
    Oh well, WE STILL WON!!!!!! I will party by myself.
    What do you mean we have no rice left?"

    Poor Vietnam
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  6. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
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    excuses are for losers.

  7. Vlamik

    Vlamik Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2002
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    ...and America was too full of shit...:p
  8. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    The following is only HALF serious.
    {See if you can figure out which half}
    I haven't seen too many arsenals. I have toured parts the USA.
    You should see it, fool. The USA is chock full of mighty industry and resources. Fuck.
    California is 50million people. That is just one state. There are fifty of them.
    300+ Million people. And they are a war-like bunch...
    And they have bailed Europe's sorry ass somany fuckin times, it ain'tfunny. When was the last time Europe helped anyone in the New World....?
    Been a long time since Europe brought ANYTHING but trouble to these two continents.
    I dislike a lot about the ways of the USA, but I am next door to it and I haven't ever feared their troops or people conquering mine. You should try getting along with your nieghbours for 200 years. Have your people been at peace with any of their nieghbours for 200 years? Well, my people have.
    America ain't as full of shit as you might think, dummy.
    yeah, I read about Manifest Destiny. The hippies who taught me in High School made sure ALL Canuck kids studied that document. yeah, mexico has gotten a couple kicks in the teeth by USA. But Mexico was European each time except for one, when Pancho Villa needed to be killed...
    In Canada, we have always hanged our own Panchos...
    We don't fight against Yankees. We trade goods.
    And we have grown filthy rich doing so.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  9. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
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    To be true, all these anti-US escapades are nothing more than an attempt to pull attention from the problems of their own countries. This is a cliche: "If you suck, find someone to blame. No matter what of. To blame. Imperialism, globalism, ignorance, greed for oil, agriculture funding, genetically modified products, McDonalds, Bill Gates and Microsoft, weather, whatever..." And they really do, not even understanding, that all those screaming is equivalent to an inscription on a forehead: "We are suckers!"

    There is a rule of thumb: if you feel jealous of anyone's power, power up youself, develop your own economy, educate your own population, make your people happy... What Russia does: having approximately 1/10 GDP of US, Moscow is one of the most expensive cities of the world... Even damn Saudi Arabia or Bahrain are clever enough to make easy oil money to serve their population, to build some kind of potential to prosper when oil comes to an end (some 50-70 years left). And what Russia does? Oh, yes, it is carefully building an enemy image of US: Oh, those terrible anti-missile installations... Wonder why Germany, Italy, Turkey, Finland, Austria, and so on are not scared with that and don't promise to give a "proper" response?!
  10. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    the best impersonation of squirl until now. very well captured simplism
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  11. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Russia is slowly coming back, but as you stated, unfortunately they are starting up the anti-west rhetoric again. Sad really since I enjoyed my time in the East and would like to go back and actually travel the Siberian rail, just for the experience.

    Anyone who has worked with the US or offered secure tourism, has prospered. Even Communist China has strong trade with the US, and tourism, and is rapidly becoming the major economic power on this globe.

    Why does China always slap N Korea down each time they mouth off too loudly? It isn't because they care about NK, it's because they don't want their major export partner too upset because that bites into their profit!

    Let's all go to Cuba for vacation, wait, Cuba is poor and dirty.
    Let's all go to Aruba, or Cancoon, or St. Thomas, or anywhere in the Caribean. Plenty of tourist $ there, great food, great service, clean beaches, pretty girls...<wink wink>
  12. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Fuck you.

    Maybe they were on a mission? Who knows?
    I don't want to sound condescending, but if you ever want to see your third world country move out of the pit and join the leading nations, you'll never gonna get there by constantly seeking the blame with others and spitting your frustrations all over the place. Get rid of it. Relax. And see what YOU can do about YOUR fucking pit at first before seeking the blame with others. You're not gonna get anywhere with blaming others. Blame yourself, seek your own faults, because only THEN will you also be able to CHANGE something.

    I know it seems more easy to seek the blame with somebody else, and this is basicly what commies or what your country leader are busy doing all damn day long, but this also means that when you (or your leaders) are not responsible, then they also can't do a damn thing about it. That's what makes it pretty easy for your corrupted leaders, so they propagate that thought, and it also makes it pretty easy for you people, because you don't have to think much anything other than "FUCK USA!". Very easy, very stupid, and very much without any future.

    You are a free Citizen of Brasil, which is a very nice country, and with very nice women, at that. You got the CHOICE. You either keep blaming other people for anything that goes wrong in YOUR country, and thereby support lazy and corrupted politicians who are glad about your attitude because it keeps their lazy asses in power, or you GO AHEAD and CHANGE something in YOUR country. You can spit on other countries all damn day long, and that's easy, but if you want to see change, you first gotta make up your mind about your OWN lazy ass politicians who are running your country. Nationalism is stupid. It is what keeps lazy, corrupted, dishonest and possibly criminal people in power. Shut the fuck up about your big evil northern neighbour, and get busy already with cleaning up your own pit. Otherwise, your place is just pathetic. The choice is yours.
  13. Perdomo

    Perdomo Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2002
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    Well, I know of the leader of a country that only has to shout "axis of evil!" to get his country to do whatever he wants... and that is also very easy, very stupid, and very much without any future :dura: .... but that being said, I agree with you Heartc on the stop blaming others thing.

    And jotaceTOGA ...well, I am not going to talk any sense into you, am I
    jotace? is not like if you were going to listen to me anyway...

    time now to go back to my cave, to play WoW and spend time with my girlfriend
  14. Vlamik

    Vlamik Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2002
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    Yup, right. Maybe disturbing the traffic, ramming peoples' car or almost rolling over pedestrians (including children) would be a strong tactic against "terror". Keep licking US balls, despite all the crap they do, coz we will keep criticizing their mistakes.
  15. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    No sorry, this doesn't class as a good reason. If they'd actually been under fire, I would have understood the reaction but let's not kid ourselves, the guys in that vid were blatantly not being attacked.
    This kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out nonsense never did anything but make things worse for everyone.
  16. TS

    jotaceTOGA Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    What the fuck? I just put this link here because it is funny, damn it. If it weren´t funny, they even weren´t recording it, fuck.
    And I even didn´t say anything about USA on Iraq or something, crap. I just put it intended to be funny. Dude, I made a deal with myself to don´t blame anyone anymore that is out of my country or that has to do with Brazil, and even this way only talk to a few people. The problems we have here, and it is a lot, I try to do something, but do you think it is easy?
    I am a student and I need to pay for the bus every day, and it was expensive already. Do you know what they did? They raised the bus ticket from R$2,10 to R$2,40. I need to take four bus per day to go to my college and to go back home. I don´t work and this money come from my dad. Now take this price and multiply for a month.
    By myself, I couldn´t do anything, but many students got togheter and went to downtown to stop the traffic jam and to do the manifestation (or whatever the name is). It is not easy because the fucking politicians sent the police to hit us. And wasn´t only once. It had many times. Many. And I was there in most of them.
    And you know I tried to invite more friends and relatives that use bus also and pay more, do you fucking know what that suckers said? "Nooo, I don´t want to go. It is too dangerous. I can be hit by the police, or arrested, or God knows what more. And there is only vagabonds on this. No way I will go there to show it is so expensive to me." FUCK!!
    When they come here and tell something about you, you can tell them that you told me, but not to me, NO WAY!!
  17. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
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    nobody reads your posts if they're longer than two sentences.
    1 person likes this.
  18. TS

    jotaceTOGA Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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  19. Vlamik

    Vlamik Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2002
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    I do.
  20. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
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    its easy to tell lies on the internet
    also, there were never any typographical errors in this post and i am not a nigger
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007