
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by vasco, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    We didn't have a thread on this here, since much of the topic was discussed in the russian forum where others don't really go.
    So here is it.

    russia's private military companies (PMC) don't get along at all.
    Fingers crossed for russian gang wars.
  2. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

  3. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    It seems that the russian military doesn't always recover their dead.
    The reason is that if there's a body, the state has to pay compensation to the family.
    No body - no compensation.
  4. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    It seems that the russian ukrainian military doesn't always recover their dead.
    The reason is that if there's a body, the state has to pay compensation to the family.
    No body - no compensation.

    Я поправил. Не благодари.
  5. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    russian disinformation technique: flood with contradictory messages in order to create confusion.
    No matter they are untrue, even absurd.
    No matter they are unconvincing.
    It's enough that they sow doubt in the audience, so that they don't believe anything anymore.
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
    hezzey likes this.
  6. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Last night russia bombed a warehouse of the Red Cross in Odesa. Humanitarian operations were suspended.
  7. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    I don't think Zelensky's tour of European capitals aims at gathering support for Ukraine against the russian aggression.

    I think the real objective is selling tickets to witness Putin getting raped in all available holes.
  8. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    BTW, you know there is a new world war happening. Jokes about sexual violence are interesting (I remember the destruction of Libya and Khaddafi very clearly), but a key thing to remember is that many hundreds -- if not thousands -- of soldiers and civilians are dying every day. Every day. At some point adult persons need to compromise. What kind of crazy person loves death and destruction? At some point both sides need to compromise. Or the situation will escalate and the nuclear weapons will be deployed. It's amazing to me how people cannot view things objectively.

    Brave people consider peace.
  9. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    What kind of crazy person loves death and destruction?
    Well, Putin does. And so do the many russians whose brains he washed. Read the russian forum. You'll get the chills.

    Also, my humoristic attempt was parafrasing the russian homophobia that is part of the current Z ideology. They use that to justify their aggression against Ukraine, don't forget!

    I don't see much of an oportunity for you to pretend to be standing on a higher moral ground, really. It's quite ridiculous.
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
  10. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    russian spin - a new low.

  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Let us think about this type of logic.
    You are living a happy life with your family.
    One day your Russian neighbour annects your back garden as his property.
    On the other day he invades your home, kills your dog, rapes your wife, and takes your children hostage.

    What you advise here is "to compromise".
    What type of compromise are you willing to work out in this situation?
    Are you going to sacrifice your back garden, your wife and children, (warning Oxford comma, but that's the way I write) and your living room, in exchange for bare promises the fucker won't take more?
    What sort of "compromise" are we talking about?
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    While listening to the attacker saying he in facts wants to save you from the Nazis.
  13. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    Вы с васькой всегда выслушиваете только одну сторону. А на самом деле вы в своем саду постоянно бухали, включали музыку на весь квартал посреди ночи, к вам постоянно приходили в гости какие-то отморозки, вы грозились спалить дом русского соседа, постоянно приставали к его жене, и собирались устроить в саду лабораторию по производству наркотиков. Так что не все так однозначно.
    PS. А ваша собака засрала все грядки русского соседа.
    -Shai- likes this.
  14. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Except that it never happened.

    PS I admit that I am ugly and lack a nice personality. I don't play loud music but usually complain about it until neighbors stop saluting me. My dogs do occasionally trash neighbor's beds but so do theirs.

    But these are actually small problems compared to the russian invasion of Ukraine. So many dead Ukrainian civilians, so many homes destroyed. So many killed and orphan Ukrainian children. Everything driven by Putin's imperial ambition sown in an already brainwashed society.
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  15. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    Ну так на тебя русские еще не напали. Или тебе кажется что напали? Паранойя?
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Well, we are part of NATO, so talking about an armed attack against us is talking science-fiction.

    russia does however mingle in our society and politics. We do have a nationalist populist party led by some fuckfaces that are sponsored by russia. They are anti-democratic, anti-science, anti-progress. The same recipe russia has employed all over the world.
  17. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Today's tally of troops lost by russia is 199,980 - number provided by the Ukrainians.
    That's russian army casualties in Ukraine.
    I've even used the thousands separator you are accustomed to, hoping that you would more easily get an aha moment.
  18. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Ненаучная фантастика в другом топике.
  19. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    My dog shits on my own lawn.
    And as far as manufacturing narcotics goes - Russia is one of world's leaders when it comes to drug trafficking, not Ukraine.

    Tell everyone what a "krokodil", or handmade desomorphine, is.
  20. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Are the ruSSian govt's reports still to reach 10 k own casualties? :D