Cheating or Not Cheating? I want to know....

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем gawong, 12 сен 2000.

  1. gawong

    gawong Well-Known Member

    10 май 2000
    Christiansted, St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands
    I want to know if there is some new feature in FH that I am not aware of. And if there is please tell me because I want to learn... Let me explain. Tonight or should I say this morning, I see a kill credit awarded to red pilot wobbie for killing drone [*******]. Now only seven (7) players were in the arena, and had been for quite a while. The arena could not seem to build numbers. Now whether its commandos or V-1s you need to have at least ten players. How do you drop a drone with only seven players. Now the host did not say say kill of commando [handle]. It said kill of drone [*******]. I asked that pilot repeatedly how do you accomplsih that and how did he do it with only seven players, but he never responded. I wont mention the player's name in this forum, however, if this is considered cheating, any administrator can contact me on icq or when I am in the arena. I will gladly tell them discretely. If it is not, then I apologize.
  2. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    3 апр 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    These days many pilots are reporting strange sights and phenomens. There is growing rumour that ETs preparing to embark on Earth.

    Actually the US military is testing a very new and secret weaponry - fully Robotized Flying Objects (RFO), inc. using anti-gravitation and cloaking.

    PS: I hope you get the allegory? [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by grobar (edited 12 September 2000).]
  3. gawong

    gawong Well-Known Member

    10 май 2000
    Christiansted, St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands
    No FOO Fighters plz [​IMG]