Covid19 is bullshit

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Mcloud, May 2, 2021.

  1. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  2. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I got a jab too. I don’t remember which brand name it was though…..
    I didn’t have a second jab…. it won’t be a long wait. My country has social medicine (and we are filthy rich) they (our bosses in Ottawa)are even sending the army into mega churches to read them the riot act …… they count heads and then have to choose one of two routes .
    My grandfather’s clan of men all had their noses (their faces) broken! is called But-stroked….that is what happens to young men who say no to the king ………for their trip up into a camp in the tundra…. They got to wear itchy uniforms they were given shovels and wheelbarrels and they built that fucking Yankee highway…. Oh yeah sure as if Japan was going to successfully invade the United States or Canada even?
    If it were not a world war it would’ve been something like chlamydia, herpes or bubonic plague……
    My grandad told me all about the naysayers after the first world war and during the first world war and during the 20s and 30s and even the 40s.
    We had a couple world wars and that encourage people to get in the line when they are told to by soldiers and then they were given two choices…. You can go spend seven years dress like a soldier carrying a shovel and pushing a wheelbarrow building the Yankee highway to Alaska or you could carry a shovel and push a wheel barrel and plant trees in our crown-land forests..
    Or you could just go on the run and then spend the rest of your life living a mile or two away from the logging road and then you have to sneak into town to steal your food…..
    My grandfather and one of his brothers spent 7 to 10 years with a shovel because they were naysayers.
    Never mind their story I heard hardly any of it but what I did here got through to me
    If you think you are a tough guy and you can just wish trouble away you are so wrong!
    Yes the coronavirus doesn’t get you it will be cluster bombs or something like that…
    1940 my grandfather and his brother went to labour camps up in the tundra!!
    On many years of maturing I came to the conclusion that if the soldiers pounding on my door I would just go wherever I’m told!
    My grandmother who is my granddad‘s wife never said a word she picked fruit and valleys of British Columbia along with Hindus and Mexicans to get pennies so she could feed a couple children that the army wasn’t feeding for that family because if you didn’t do as you were told you couldn’t join in the line to get food and medicine and stuff like that

    I am in a old folks home and my country the whole country never mind states we don’t have those we have these political bodies called provinces.
    When the army marches out in squads of four and bangs on every single door in town and asks the names of people oh well Canada has been through this before.
    The world of mankind has been through this before too….
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
    vasco likes this.
  3. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    My granddad fought in the WW2. He was injured at the Don's bend, in the battle for Stalingrad. He was buried alive by an exploding shell and had multiple wounds. He was missing fingers at the left hand and had other wounds that healed.
    Whenever me and my cousins would ask him how was war, did you shoot anyone, he would answer "it was too far, I couldn't see". He was in the infantry.
    He never told us anything
    What I know is from the oldest of my aunts, how he gathered the brains of his comrade and put them in a box for the burial, how they were always hungry and cold.
    He didn't even tell us how they stopped an enemy advance by shooting some abandoned guns, which was the kind of story we wanted.
    OldUncles and hezzey like this.
  4. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    It's amazing that your grandfather survived those experiences! He must have been a tough man.
  5. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    My dad (1915-2002) was also wounded near Stalingrad (Elshanka) and was captured by germans. Germans cured my father and after interview they didnt sent him to Germany as a slave, but put him to work nearby.
    As your granddad, he also didnt want to talk about war. Sometimes, looking a documentary movie, he put fingers on falling soldiers and described to me with intemse: "look my son! that's how soldier is dead or wounded! not as shown in usual movie (with pre-mortial few-minute dances)". Sometimes he showed tears on some memories...
    OldUncles and vasco like this.
  6. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    So did my granddad.

    He sure was tougher than today's city boys. But they were all just regular people thrown in a horrible situation.
    I guess everyone's thinking about how they would have managed something like that.
  7. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    "do what government said or you'll be prisoned" - your choice...
    hezzey and OldUncles like this.
  8. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    My grandfather and his wife/my grandmother joined a weird Yankee religion called Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    My grandfather’s wife was a Russian girl in the beginning of the century and she was in a cult that was called Dukabour.
    Both of those religions/Cults had all sorts of tricks and strategies to avoid military service.
    Oh in my town when I was a kid there were people who were my grandparents age that had slings on their arms or used a cane when walking and that sort of thing and yet sometimes I saw some of those people without a sling and without their cane and I smelled A rat and when I was in my teens I started to think for myself and I said ha ha so some of those older man had faked an illness or a handicapped so that they could get out of military service.
    When I was 16 I was considering joining cadets and then Canadian armed forces and I guess I announced that and my grandad he took me for a little talk and he told me a bit about what he went through in the year 1939 or perhaps that was 1940. And the following years too….
    He did not tell me a long story he just told me a short one but he said he got visited by troops who knocked on his door and there were two or three of them and that he had to go with them and that he said no.
    I said yeah and you said no and what happened and he said “ oh I was but stroked in my face and then I was hand tied and taken away and spent seven years in a labour camp we who said no had to go build a Yankee highway to Alaska and also we had to put out forest fires and build campgrounds and stuff like that.
    My mom told me that my grandfather and one of his brothers spent seven years as a slave of the queen.
    Oh that was the king at the time.
    There were other men in my grandfathers age group who said no but I didn’t get much of their stories nobody ever talked about it and I mean nobody.
    All I know about my grandfather‘s people is that one of his brothers and he had to go into a labour camp and wear a uniform just like a soldier but they did not carry arms instead they carry shovels and hammers and nails and pushed around wheelbarrels.
    Grandad told me that if he could have done it all over again he would’ve quit that cult and just gone with the soldiers and done what they were told.
    It was at the time that I learned what happened to him and both sides of that family I just cited to quit cadets and to never dream about being a soldier again and just to say no no no no no. Don’t even think about it don’t consider it stay away from those people and stay away from our king and a queen.
    I did not tell him that I had changed my mind about being a soldier I just kept my mouth shut about it and have decided since then to not go shooting for the king or the queen unless they come to my door and then if they do I will just do as I’m told cannot resist like my grandfather my uncle David whore who knows how many other people in that clan.
    The Canadian north is the area where my grandfather and I believe his brother who is my uncle had to use shovels and wheelbarrels to use the Yankee highway which was called the Alaska highway my grandfather and my uncle David both were slaves with the labour gangs that built that stuff and other stuff to for seven years both of them had broken faces because they had gotten hit by gun buts when soldiers came .
    We are Canadians and we don’t and never have had the Yankee phenomena called conscientious objector‘s when in Canada the soldiers came to get you you either did as you were told or you got enslaved in prison camps or perhaps much worse.
    I am not arguing with anyone I am not naysaying my grandad died 10 years ago and I have always felt that he and his wife my grandmother and all of their brothers and sisters had very very hard choices to make and I am so glad that I was born much after that and never had to make any of those choices or serve any time as a slave or even worse.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
    OldUncles and vasco like this.
  9. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    McGru, thank you.
  10. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  11. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  12. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    That's a cool song, and a strong message. But I do have some older friends with health problems -- cancer, parkinsons disease, all manner of illnesses, etc. -- and I don't feel comfortable visiting them in homes or apartments. Even if everyone is vaccinated. It would be impossible to live with the guilt if I made them sick. I am living a normal life. Even though I'm an old, crusty piece of s**t that has lived a crazy life, I am in good physical condition. But I do worry about infecting my older friends. I don't care about my life so much, but I do worry about theirs. I've probably got up to 10 years left at most. I guess 5. And really, who wants to live more? Growing old sucks. But reducing the life of a friend is something I do worry about.
  13. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  14. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Here in the States we hear little about trends in Canada. One's got to put one's proverbial finger in the wind, so to speak. Heard something about his mother hooking up with Mick Jagger, that he culturally appropriates fashion from groups that he meets with, etc.

    But man, it's amazing to a yank like me to see how physically close Trudy gets to the Canadian people. I know that we in the States have about 10x the population of Canada, but that's wild to see.

    I the States we have armies of bureaucrats and foot soldiers who manage events where the big politicians will deign to show up. No way will Americans get to see a president -- or premier type -- walking down a suburban street. No way. Interesting.
  15. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I watched about five seconds into that video and then I stopped I can’t take any more of that.
    We have a fifth column of right wing evangelizing Christians from the USA and they have been creeping into Canada for I believe a couple hundred years….
    That used to be called the evil Yankee Chautauqua. I think some people still know them and some people can’t differentiate between a pig and a swine….
    The Yanks practice new-speak and new-think and their evil games influence many ignorant Canadians who keep on confusing Canadians for Yanks -The loudmouth Yankee media doesn’t help Canadians to learn to think either (but they quickly change their tune as soon as they see their medical bills….)
    I don’t know what the Yankee press has renamed that (Yankees do that lots they hijack English words and then they change their definitions).
    Anyway my family or one side of it were infested by evil Yankee Cults and about 1/2 of Canadians know all about those guys.
    Hi have heard that there are quotes from other parts of the world but to be honest I have never seen or heard of any of them except the ones that sneak across the border and use their credit cards and execute their fifth column marches.
    It used to be called chautauqua. They are creeps evil dangerous racist loudmouth gun toting bastards and if we don’t watch it they will take over the whole world note the Yankees have been trying that so have Maoists and if you other groups.
    I don’t know if Canada will ever get free of the evil Chautauqua and its kin.
    OK I will start now
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2021
  16. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I got my second ‘jab’ about two weeks ago. Walked 10 KM there and back in 40 Deg C+temperatures and then I joined a line of sheep and then I found out the pedestrian sheep get to the front of the line and all those people in cars have to sit and wait ha ha. There was hardly any place in that giant parking lot sheltered by trees….
    Now I have to go to another, to me as a pedestrian a long distance, to join a line and to get a photo taken or whatever strategy is next. Wait for a letter I guess and further fatten my wallet which never has any cash in it but it has lots of cards….. Unt Mien Paperss…
    I don’t like it I don’t like epidemics I don’t like being told to do stuff however my grandfather taught me about what happens to a man who says no to the king and I decided a while back just to do as I’m told.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  17. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    To be honest I cannot remember.
    Anyone who reads in this forum and doesn’t remember me and can’t remember my style of writing/thinking….
    Can you go to hell anyway….
    I suspect some international idiots mistake me for McLeod….
    He can go to hell too….
  18. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    In my land the federal cops (RCMP) Will shoot a litterer 200 times.
    Or a newcomer who only speaks Polish who is stuck at an airport without any air-conditioning and all the other people have been chased away and that poor Polish guy was stuck there couldn’t speak English he was calling for his mother please call my mother but none of those gunman could understand him and he ended up getting shot a couple hundred times by that circle of RCMP.
    I don’t believe anyone of those cops got any punishment for that hi hazard to think they were all given name changes and sent to other assignments quietly God bless the queen
  19. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Revisiting an older topic because I'm lonely tonight. Got goat pics? We are all God's creatures, lol ;)
  20. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Revisiting this topic from some months ago. But let me clarify something. Life in the USA is generally very safe and, to be honest, quite nice. Crime is concentrated in certain areas. Same as in most countries.

    Sure, we're kind of doing the end-of-empire thing now, and thumbing through our copies of Gibbon's multi-volume work about the beginning and end of the Roman Empire, and picking up on the many surface-level parallels, but we ain't done yet ;)

    Recently there've been a lot of comparisons between the late Soviet Union and current USA. The big question is: what's holding this USA thing together? No one's quite sure at the moment.
    hezzey likes this.