Betrayal. Christmas. Revelation.

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by hezey, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    When I was in a hospital after a heart attack I was amnesiac and trying to learn to read [it didn't take long] and trying to regain my lost memory [never did but get some back, but have huge gaps still].
    I was drugged, which the wizards who work in the wizard industry [medicine] do to people who are helpless, Grand-Pappy called it 'shut-em-up pills.' In my case, shut-em-up shots......
    I had a lot of hallucinations. Dreams and reality are confused when the wizards pump a victim, I mean a patient, full of opioids.....

    One dream I had was a meeting with a bank manager who told me I had been defrauded my bank savings.
    I awoke from the dream, or hallucination, and got panicky.
    MOney? I had money?_
    Where is it?
    How much did I have?
    I didn't need that sorts of stress, and when I told Mum about my dream she said:
    It was a dream.
    DON'T worry about anything, son, you are being protected, cared for... and you do NOT need to fret about this dream of yours, not now.
    And the intravenous opioids made me sleepy and I SHUT UP.
    A day, or a week later, MUM, did you go to my bank and talk to the bankers?
    She said
    DON'T worry about anything, son, you are being protected, cared for... and you do NOT need to fret about this dream of yours, not now.
    I was remembering some names of important and dear people, who I couldn't remember before and I used a quarter and called my oldest and most trusted pal and I told him about my dream. He said:
    DON'T worry about anything, Tom, you are being protected, cared for... and you do NOT need to fret about this dream of yours, not now.
    I said back, Yeah, my Mum said that to me too, but man, you are my oldest friend, we have shared so much, we owe so much to each other, remember the old days? Please go and look in my home, ask around, go to my bank, be snoopy, someone has ripped me off, please?
    He said
    I will do what I can old buddy.

    And he did, he didn't tell me though, he didn't want to worry me, neither did Mum. He got in touch with Mum, who was my legal guardian at the time [yes someone has to sign things for a guy in a comma, it was mum]. I didn't know he and her were talking, were doing stuff, were helping me, they didn't want to worry me.
    It was a pretty scary dream or hallucination, but even in my developing state of awareness, I could not tell myself, It was Just A Dream.
    Once I got out of that hospital and the dope the wizards were pumping into me receded and I had gained some weight and learned to read and was getting happy and better, I asked Mum, Okay remember I told you about the dream/hallucination and....... etc etc?
    Mum said, Tom, Casey and I went to your bank, we looked into this matter; you were defrauded [I cannot remember the excact figure] dollars.
    Bank doesn't know, son.
    Bank? What about the fucking RCMP?????
    DON'T worry about anything, son, you are being protected, cared for... and you do NOT need to fret about this dream of yours, not now.
    A day later, or a month later, I had been grinding the matter in my head and I could smell something rotten.
    MUM, I was ripped off, you say no police involvement, GRAND THEFT, you say no-one knows. WHO ARE YOU PROTECTING?
    Mum was stumped and stammered something like: _Oh, look, a pretty bird!!_
    I was no fool...
    DON'T worry about anything, son, you are being protected, cared for... and you do NOT need to fret about this dream of yours, not now.
    Mum. Was it someone in the family?

    DON'T worry about anything, son, you are being protected, cared for... and you do NOT need to fret about this dream of yours, not now.

    Was it MY SON????????

    She was being evasive. I had my answer.

    I finally got the answer on Christmas Day, 2008. The thief was MY ONLY SON.

    What a fucking Christmas that was.
    Some day I tell about that young man's lessons I gave.
    He didn't know as much about me as he thought.

    Now think:
    How did I find out? Who told me I was ripped off?
    I think there is a LOT more to this world than we could ever imagine, I have no idea what is was that gave me clues while lying in a bed. Or why.

    My son is scared shitless of me, and he better be, and everyone else better be too, I am being watched over.
    Thanks Allah, JHWH, or Spaghetti Monster.
    I am not cocky, I still don't walk in front of buses Just To Test It.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
  2. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    A dream, often, represents a desire. But not always.
    Maybe the dream was a desire you have to get a whole bunch of money handed over to you as a result of correcting of some kind of ripoff.

    Tom Colquhoun (or Bradley Brown or whoever you are): "hey buddy, I found out about that 10 grand you swiped from my bank account, you owe me that plus compound interest goin all the way back to 1995"

    other guy: "yeah, you're right, I ripped you off, I reckon I owe you about 23 grand, here it is"

    Some people like stuff like this. :cheers:

    Hez, yer mouths bleedin'

    understandin stuff better
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  3. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    I think, this is what I think:
    That while I was laying there, in the induced coma they will put you in when you are fucked up like I was, uh, family had gathered around to watch me, as people do, when someone is dying, and they were talking while I lay there and THINKING I WAS NOT THERE.
    I bet anything, my son was already exposed and my Mum was talking to him about defrauding me, IN FRONT OF ME WHILE I LAY THERE. I think part of me, could hear her and him and it came to me as a dream or a vision.
    And that is the only explanation that makes sense to me.
    I have now, since, decided to watch what I am saying when visiting a comatose patient, which I have visited and talked as if there was no-one there too.
    I think you should be careful what you say when gathered around your almost dead Granny, or Grandfather, Brother, sister, friend.
    Gathering around a hospital bed to weep is NOT A GOOD THING TO DO WHILE THE PATIENT IS ALIVE. Watch what you say.
    I told Mum that, I told her what I think happened, and she is NOT A GOOD LIAR and thinks she can shout:
    Oh look, a PUPPY!
    Because I don't believe in magic, I don't think I had a vision given by the Great Spaghetti Monster to me, I think I just heard my son and someone talking about ripping me off while I was laying there.
    Might not have been Mum, might have been one of my son's no-good cousins....
    I mean to say, I do not think I dreamt that, I think I heard people talking, but was very very drugged in an induced comma.
    I will tell about the confrontation between my son and I another time.
  4. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    Count yourself lucky; you're alive to tell your story. But it is horrible to watch someone die, especially if there are a**holes or stupidos around who talk as if the almost-departed is already gone. All you can do is look into the dying person's eyes and hope that they get some comfort from your presence.

    Now your life is saved, I hope you have some good ladies for exercise :)
  5. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  6. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    That can't have been a very elevating experience. :-\ But how was your son able to clear out your bank account if your mom was legal custodian?

    Are you still on speaking terms with him?
  7. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    No, we don't talk. I will tell sometime about the little talk we had one day [it was a night, I had a Big Siekh Friend with me]. But I tell that story another day.

    I was defrauded before mum became a trustee. She had to talk to a judge, took time.
    The Traitor went into my home, got my wallet and went to the bank and got my money.
    No, I don't know how. I had a cheque book at home. Some documents. I had left my MSWindows PC logged on when I went to work, my PC was my office - stupid me to have left it logged-on [and had the heart attack there, at work]. Here, in the forum, he introduced himself, to you people, my old flying buddies....... Anyone remember?
    I think I was Biles back then.
    So, The Traitor went through my belongings...... Got what a fraud needs, I guess, to be a fraud. I don't know how he knew how to do that, KIDS THESE DAYS....... I bet he practised my signature. The bank wasn't being careful, they paid me back.
    I tell that story later.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015