Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by looseleaf, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
  2. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  3. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Funny when we rant about psychiatric drugs and brainwashing, on a soap box we are looked at as if we were ranting about nonsense and are portrayed immediately preceding a psychiatrist telling the viewers to 'just ignore them, they are scientologists...' and 'See here! We have EXPERTS after the commercial break. HERE!!!! is Tom Cruise, an ass, laugh at him a bit."
    TV did that. YOU KNOW WHO DID IT. I have seen the clips of the Scientology pundits harassing people who DESERVE HARASSMENT, FUCK EM ALL.
    Did you know, USA Gov is, right NOW, looking for a violence gene? No, seriously, they are.
    Sound like the search for the Rich Cheap Jew Gene the Nazis were looking for, and didn't find. Jew is not a race, and unhappy is not a disease.
    Jews were unhappy in Europe when Eugenics was run it's logical course. Now it was never dealt with i USA, it is still their, alive and well.
    Violence Gene is another way of saying 'Nigger Hunting.'
    And we are told the Nazi Eugenics died with Nazi Germany. Well, it was INVENTED IN USA and never left. Still there, still alive and well and is DRUGGING YOUR KIDS AND OLD PEOPLE AND TROOPS AND PRISONERS [and Guantanamo bay forgotten souls too]
    See, Psychiatry can have a free person arrested and never charged and incarcerated for THE REST OF HIS DAYS.
    No Scientology has NOT that sort of power. SO, as far as I am concerned, I applaud Scientology, someone has to fight Hitler and his boys.,

    Mindless dupes.
    And your crap trickled up to Canada or Auz or NZ or GB or Ireland and a couple other places and drives their young people into despair and helplessness also.
    But the source is USA Pharma, not Ireland and NOT Canada.
    So, USA, the Current Roman Empire, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS before we tear down your gates and deal with you.
    When I see seroquill written, I cannot but help to asociate the word with USA.
    Same with Paxil, Prozac, Welbutten, the fuckin SSRIs,
    [Start Non Sequitor(?)] the statins [that wreck a liver while 'lowering' cholesterol [all the cholesterol, only one of which contributes to arterial plaque. So..... your toenails split, you get infected, the type c diabetes the statins caused, with no idea what they were doing, then flairs up, your toes get infected, your foot is amputated,[End Non Sequitor(?)]
    but oh well, it is Merely A Side Effect!
    Anti-psychotics given to 2% of USA's infant population? [infant is 3 and under, I believe, but that varies..]
    WHAT THE HELL???????
    Big Pharma must fall.
    I would gladly follow Tom Cruise while he is crusading, as long as I get meals, a nice room, and air fare. Oh, and I don't want to enter USA, but I am sure Tom can find a Off Shore Party spot, so I could inspire him!! Sure.

    Thanks for the Memespiration, LL
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  4. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Maybe some day, guys like you and I will be harrolded instead of sectioned.
    Thanks for the link.
    I have seven nices and a son. More than half of those darlin's have had to deal at one time or another, with elders [so called adults] who tried to get those chillins to a psychist.
    I worked long to be an UNCLE BRAD. And now I am. And now I am listened to. There are two unles, one my dad's brtoehr, who I never see. And me, on my mom's side, me.
    You do not want to fuck with the little gals in this family or I will KILL YOU. I mean for real, I WILL KILL YOU. And I will KILL a medicine man who drugs the chilins in this family, any of them. Easily. I would have to be sure, but once I am sure?
    Death Penalty.

    How many people have to be poisoned before the law enforcers and law makers clue in. Manslaughter, even sanctioned, is crime.
    Capital crime right?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  5. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    In Ontario we now have mandatory vaccinations. That's right, mandatory vaccinations. SOME PEOPLE think Mercury based vaccinations are murder by injection. 1 in every 100 kids born with autism due to mercury based vaccinations. SOME PEOPLE think Vaccinations also contain bio weapons.
    Read murder by injection Eustace Mullins or watch online.
    I don't see a problem, lol.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  6. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Cause and effect mean nothing to psychists.
    They use backwards logic and yankees fall for it!
    They have so many things backwards. Have a stuffy nose? Here is some meth!
    Have a cough? Here is some Codiene!
    Shitty mood? Here is some meth and some codiene.
    Are you itchy? Here, some meth.
    Sore back?
    Here, have some cocaine!
    Pisssed off at work?
    Here, have some more codiene!
    all those dropes are the same ingredients, again and again.
    Yes, I didn't make that up.
    The pillars of biomedical/biochemical psycology [AKA Psychiatry]:
    Amphetamine, Bensodiazipin, Coca, caffeine and codeine. And lately, nicotine, because it is needed to 'treat' nicotine addiction.... and is re-branded, so yankees haven't any idea they are just eating nicotine.......w t f Yankees also seem ignorant of the SIMPLE FACT that psudo meth IS meth, as much as mashed potatoes IS potatoes.
    Can't get an erection?
    Well, we have these pills, NO METH, there is, instead, gyploxisasticam. The recipe is patented, no, you cannot look. Wait five years.
    And some ASA for easy regulating and fresh patents.
    If you still cannot get a hardon, well we have many other medications that might work, her are some free samples.

    Billy: Your mom is so skinny [and sexy] and she does a very very good job keeping the kethen so bright! What is your mom's secret?
    Bobby: My mom is on meth. Tomorrow she will stop and we won't see her until she comes out of her room.
    Then she will clean up the kitchen again.

    Are you white house guys hooked on meth or crack yet?
    [recall the meth addict name of JFK? Or Hitler, a meth addict. Idi amin. Meth addict]
    1/7 youth in USA addled by psych drugs all of which are made from the things I listed prev.
    No wonder your nation is falling apart at the seams, you growth is stunted, you are drugging your leaders of tomorrow, like you did to JFK, when the psychists in the US Navy got him addicted on the things.
    Meth is very very difficult to quit. Kenedy never managed.
    Don't argue with me, look at the guy, read some abouthim, his behavior was classic meth head......
    So was Idi Amin's behavior and Hitler... and about a million soldiers in the Vermacht. Yeah. The drug was called:
    Hilter's wizrd injected it.
    Look at hitler. Watch him over time on film. Calssic. I know meth heads. Yes. I have been around.
    I can spot a meth head from a mile away.
    If he is rich and guarded by troops and in a limo, maybe not. But let me be close to that meth head for a few hours, oh yeah. I will know.

    Kennedy was on meth.
    Didn't they dope up Cleveland when he was really really sick and invade some tiny nation while he lay in a ship dying of cancer? Oh maybe it was that other prse who lay drugged and dying. Or was it the other one? I can't remember.

    General Kuribyashi was a meth head too. He was in command of a couple million troops. Oh toward the end, not as many. Dead.
    They were meth heads too. No food but there was loads of meth on iwo jima. Oh not just Iwo. Everywhere the drug companies went...... I mean the armies. Oops.
    How many others yankee leaders are drugged by psychists and wizards and MDs?
    It doesn't just happen to niggers and chinks yankee. It happens to your leaders and troops too.
    Remember My Lia?

    Psychitry IS the mind control. And it is loss of mind too.
    I know a spade from a fuckin shovel, man.

    See, a medical man would say:
    You have no mark on you, I do not think you have a arm bone disorder. I cannot see any marks on you. I will not treat an illness just because you call your arm disorderly. get the hell out of here, you drug seeker! OUT! OUT!
    A shrink will say:
    You look depressed, so therefore you have a disease called 'being depressed.' here is a prescription.... scribbles gibberish in Latin shorthand and screams into his buzzer, NEXT!

    You know that.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  7. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  8. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    That is funny. No not the content, just the irony in the title.
    My cat is that.
    So what...
    My toothpaste was manufactured by a company who's ceo is antisemitic .
    Oh Deer!
    We are doomed.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  9. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    deleted sorry it was so OT.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  10. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    DSM-5 Approves New Fad Diagnosis For Child Psychiatry: Antipsychotic Use Likely to Rise
    By Allen Frances, MD | July 22, 2011

    [Copypasta by Biles]

    The DSM-5 Scientific Review Group was the last hope for an eleventh hour DSM-5 save. This hope recently died. Its first decision makes clear that the group will be no more than an easy rubber stamp willing to approve even the worst ideas dreamed up by the DSM-5 work groups. Its quick acceptance of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD, also known as Temper Dysregulation) shows that just about anything can make it through this sham review process. Watch out for yet another fad sparked by child psychiatry.

    A brief update may be in order for those of you not fully up to speed on the arcana of DSM-5 organizational functioning. The appointment of the DSM-5 scientific review group was a belated response to criticisms that many of the DSM-5 proposals did not have a reasoned rationale or deep scientific support; were reckless and radical; and would trigger diagnostic inflation and excessive use of medication.

    Had it lived up to its name, the scientific review group could have ensured a safe and usable DSM-5. Initially, there was cause to be reasonably optimistic that it might serve as filter at least for the worst DSM-5 proposals. The group consisted of highly respected, experienced, and competent individuals who might be expected to hold DSM-5 to an appropriately high standard. But from its very beginning, there were also three reasons to worry that the review would be more spin than science:

    1) Confidential Reporting: The review group was instructed to report confidentially only to the APA Board of Trustees. A wall of secrecy is inherently incompatible with the spirit of scientific review. All science worthy of the name should be open, transparent, and subject to the most thorough peer review from the widest of sources.

    2) Independence: A scientific review group should always be independent of the science it is reviewing. How puzzling then that the Chair of the DSM-5 scientific review group had also served as a DSM-5 Task Force member and has previously staked out strong positions defending DSM-5. Interesting also that the only researcher ever to have studied DMDD also happens to sit on both the scientific review group and the child disorders work group (although she did recuse herself on the DMDD approval). The other members are less immediately involved in DSM-5, but are loyal APA soldiers, not at all independent of pressures coming from the byzantine APA political process and from its financial needs. The DSM-5 proposals should have received a completely unbiased, multidisciplinary, and truly independent review—they didn't.

    3) Lack of Evidenced Based Methods: There are well developed standards for evaluating scientific evidence and applying it to medical decision making. We may never know the secret rituals that have informed the deliberations of the DSM-5 scientific review group, but we can be sure from its approval of DMDD that these had no resemblance to state of the art scientific review.

    The scientific review group's first action was to issue a blank check that will allow child psychiatry to start another diagnostic fad. Child psychiatry has been on a reckless binge of overdiagnosis with no fewer than three false 'epidemics' to its credit—childhood bipolar, attention deficit, and autism. Unchastened, the field now offers up DMDD as a new and completely untested diagnosis—and amazingly enough, the scientific review group has swallowed it whole.

    There is virtually no research on DMDD—it has been studied by only one group and for only six years. We don't know how high will be its rate in the bustle of primary care, its proportion of misdiagnosed false positives, its natural course and response to treatment, even its optimal definition. We can make only one safe prediction—DMDD will almost surely increase the already outrageous overdiagnosis of mental disorder in kids and the consequent overprescription of dangerous antipsychotic drugs.

    Everyone (even the scientific work group and the child work group) must have known that DMDD is a made up and unstudied diagnosis with no real scientific support. The review group probably bought the child group's argument that DMDD is a lesser evil replacement for childhood bipolar disorder—less stigmatizing and less likely to result in reflex long term antipsychotic use. But their proposed fix is a disaster in the making that will most likely make an already bad situation much worse.

    DMDD will capture a wildly heterogeneous and diagnostically meaningless grab bag of difficult to handle kids. Some will be temperamental and irritable, but essentially normal and just going through a developmental stage they will eventually outgrow without a stigmatizing diagnosis and a harmful treatment. Others will have conduct or oppositional problems that gain nothing by being mislabeled as mood disorder. Yet others will have serious, but not yet clearly defined psychiatric disorders that require careful and patient monitoring before an accurate diagnosis can be made.

    Difficult kids suffer and cause much suffering to parents, sibs, teachers, and other kids. Everyone feels great and understandable pressure to do something. Eager clinicians and worried parents seek a label and a treatment—even in situations where it is not yet possible to make an accurate diagnosis or deliver a safe and effective treatment. Making an imprecise diagnosis and giving a risky treatment is not a reasonable solution to the troubles caused by troubled kids.

    Too often prescribing a pill follows all too quickly and mindlessly after the (mis)labeling of the ill. And too often the pill is an antipsychotic with all its risks of huge weight gain and dire complications. Amazingly, the newer antipsychotics have already stretched their off label usage to become the number one revenue producing class of drugs in the United States—raking in $15 billion per year. The inclusion of DMDD in DSM-5 will most likely add further to the overuse of antipsychotics in kids, not solve it.

    It is a great puzzle that any group charged with responsibility for conducting a scientific review would take on blind faith the scientifically unsupported suggestions of the child psychiatrists—the very group who initially got us into this mess with their seemingly insatiable propensity for overdiagnosis.

    So what can be done to reduce the overdiagnosis of childhood bipolar disorder? There are three steps that are much safer and more effective than adding DMDD. First, do no harm. Don't propagate new fads in a futile attempt to end old fads. Second, include a prominent black box warning in DSM-5 about the overdiagnosis of childhood bipolar disorder and its potentially dire consequences. Third, the APA and the various psychiatric, psychologic, and counseling groups concerned with pediatric mental health should sponsor conferences for clinicians, parents, and teachers on the difficulties in definitively diagnosing youngsters, the need for caution, the value of accurate diagnosis, but also the risks of overdiagnosis and of overtreatment. The childhood bipolar fad needs to be attacked head on, not by adding a fake new diagnosis likely to start its own foolish fad.

    The general lesson to be learned is clear—never have the fox guard the henhouse. The DSM-5 experts who are suggesting untested psychiatric diagnoses are too close to their pet proposals to be objective about them. The scientific review group is too close to the DSM-5 leadership and the APA institutional goals to provide anything resembling the needed independent review. The DSM-5 momentum towards unexpected consequences appears to be inexorable. Only mounting pressure on APA from outside groups can brake this runaway train.
  11. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  12. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada

    PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS are made out of Ephedrin, Cocain, Codien and Caffien
    And some nitrogen fixer like ASA or a sulphide, like, well, that yelow stuff you see falling off box cars in the rail yard, yeah, sulphur..... Oh and, uh chlorine.... WTF.

    It will get worse, the Yankees are going to ensure all their puppets are zombies.
    Great Britain is their main champion right now, it was Soviet Union Psychiatric Gulags before and before that? USA had the laudanum patent [back in the day a patent was, I think for 100 years], was that eli lilly? I can't remember.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2012