BoB Stage1, 2nd Frame - First impressions

Discussion in 'Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions' started by RedBull, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    So its over - it was great fun i hope :)
    We are looking for your impressions and experiences. Pls post here.

    Thx for BoB team for spent time and energy with preparation and realization of the 2nd Frame.

    Personal thx for Maletin for his huge work on the registration system and TS server administration. Thx for Hardy by the good LW commanding, thx for all leaders an pilots for keep discipline and make lot of fun.
    Thx bah--- for countinuous work on test runs.

    Special thx for LW pilots of the JU87 - without them the scenario wouldnt be realistic. Their role isnt so awarded like the fighters role by the aerial kills, and they have less opportunity for safe rtb. But they have made their job very well, hope they will follow jobs in next BoB frames too.

    Looking fwd to the next frame :)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2004
  2. laxtsc

    laxtsc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2004
    Congratulations for organization. It was better than 2 weeks ago, TS worked fine, connections was albo better. Thanks for fun. My flight was quick, succesfully bailed over red country but alive :)
  3. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    was great fun tonite
    all aspects of scenario were improved, experience gained with 1st frame is workin for us now;
    as i said after not the best start - its gettin better and better :)
    wtg for ur work boyz
  4. Snakeye

    Snakeye Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2001
    32nd Squadron Biggin Hill, Red Section, 2nd pair leader

    I was in vought's section, with fremen and yankee. We took off from Biggin Hill right after rbull's order and headed S in perfect finger four formation. Blue section flew beside us, lead by arttii. Near the coast HQ spoke again and we were vectored W.
    Soon the air was full of planes. Both our and enemy. We went right through that fight at 12kft still in formation. Twice some 109 buzzed through our group, but with good comms we had no problems evading these attacks. Then we spotted about 7 planes going straight towards our factory. We firewalled our throttles and went right for them.
    Unfortunately we were too late. It was too far from BH to effectively protect that target and we saw ju-87's divebombing our factory with us 2km behind them... A fight with bf's and junkerses began. I went for a 110 that was shooting at one of us and hit him with a short burst. He broke off but I stayed on his tail. From 200m in a sharp turn I took appropriate deflection and put over 200 bullets in that 110's nose. Enemy cockpit exploded in million pieces!
    I went lower to join another fight. Soon I settled myself on 6 of a pair of 110, but couldn't get any closer than 400yd. They went NE so I stayed on their tails. After about a minute it showed that they were going to help a lone stuka that had one of us on him. I only saw that that Tommy had leaking fuel, so I reported on r/t that 2 110 comming in on a leaking hurricane. There was no reply however. Only after some time I reckognized it was vought in that plane ! I shouted to him to break off, but it was too late. He didn't make it in time and these zerstorers sent him down in flames...
    After that I jumped on that stuka and fired one or two bursts. He turned like mad and for a second I appeared in firing arc on his gunner. He hit me a few times and, suddenly, my plane broke in half ! After less than 20 hits from 7mm !
    It was too low to succesfully bail...

    1 x 110 shot down, killed by ju87
    First - this time was a lot better ! Organization improved a lot and we began only 31min after schedule ;)
    I had great time, especially flying in formation right in the middle of enormous furball :) TS worked like a charm, we didn't have to use chat at all during flight and it added a lot to immersion. I realllly enjoyed it this time :super:

    Now for a minus point. I know SA admins can't do much about it, but gunnery and DM are crap now. Over 300 hits on 110's and ju87's were reported by my teammates without visible damage. I aimed for cockpit so I needed 'only 204' hits to bring down that 110 with pk. Yet, 87's 7mm is a MONSTER KILLER. Single Pisek's otto killed: me after 16x7 hits - rfuselage destroyed, yankee around 20x7mm - cfuselage destroyed, I saw another red killed by pisek too. Lite was killed with less than 20x7mm from 87's otto - rear fuselage destroyed. That is pure BS and it just can't be left like that :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. RedDemon

    RedDemon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2001
    Only 130 :)
  6. yankee

    yankee Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2003
    Warsaw / Poland
    you mean meters, bullets or pieces?? :D
  7. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    zmh, dane, tomick and myself formed II/JG27, covering STG77 (stukas). Stukas broke in to two groups, so 109s covered lead group. Stukas killed all targets and all rttb'd safely.

    Of the 4x109s, I think perhaps 2 died,1 friendly bail, 1 enemy bail (me) and 3-4 cons killed.

    Most importantly, stukas had a completely successful mission and rtb :) :) :)

    WTG II/JG27.

    Afaik, I/JG27 fared well in terms of kill/death. Not sure about 2nd group of STG77, but last I heard they were rtbing.

    <S> all and thanks for a good fight.
  8. ihsrem

    ihsrem Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2003
    Moscow, Russia
    <S> pilots :)

    The Mosche's group was not the lead one, it was lead only by speed, its also must be a much fewer in pilots count - but its happend they were bigger then it was need by The Plan. ;)

    Anyways 2nd group from StG 77 safely flew to their target and hited it as much as we could: we met 110s on the final apporoach to target, it was veery fortunately, couse they took almost all enemy fighters on themselves. Then we dove, droped eggs and turned back home, when one of us pilots got killed. It was bazura.

    So we done our job :)
  9. Pikkot

    Pikkot Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
    So, how I feel that:

    This time delay wasn't too big (30 minutes). 610th stood ready from about 1810. Just 2 minutes before take off -lite- told me, that he registered to 610th. So I joined him rapidly to Blue (where ldr was tigrou). Then just when OTR command was spoken Flihnt appeard. He rolled about 30 after all flight and joined. On CAP route I saw most planse nearby me. I know that Lazarus and Cdtemp were formed in good V with me. I saw (i think it was) Sirfux and Tigrou on my wing about d15 so just where they should be.

    Then things went worse:
    I used bad command : "buster" (and pushed throttle to 100%), so blue flight didn't knew that we accelerated.
    I saw our hurries low (first 3 where in nice V
    Then I heard questions: engage?
    I had no idea bandit report...heard that question about 3 times. Then I spoted 2 level 109's. I engaded one hitting him 81x7mm. I still saw Lazarus and Cd by my back, second 109 and some highlithed guys from 610th about d20.
    Then, oh no, yellow beacon, red, my TS command: Lazarus leads, and then I was disco....damn it.

    Then I took of again, met CD, died, CD died...shit. Wasn't good job by me. My all squad died:/ I suck...

    What can I say is that pilots of 610th has organised very quickly and after take off kept close too me. then I disco and I can not say anything more.

    Before dead guys could take off again and fight Golds managed to rtb after probably very succesful mission.

    Thank you for great fun!!
    If next stage will be in 2 week I'll at last fly using better computer and connection.
    On my 633mhz 128mb ram when I use all guns computer is drawing only 40% of them so I need to use only primary or only secondary guns:/
  10. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2004
    hi :)

    as pikkot said, when we saw bogeys, we (i)didn't know what to do immediately:/ while pikkot was braking right otw 2xcons, i climbed straight to cover cause more 109 were coming ( they were formed one by one on a line)
    1 con crossed my gst, no time to fire, i folow, he breaks, i climb to keep E, in one second: only gold icons round me!then 1 con chase me and try evasive maneuvers,need help!, then a friend hit him (oil i saw) ...ouch... wer am I? wer are they? i spot low fight, inform pikkot of its pos and go in... pk surprised me.

    about T off, i (blue ldr) didn't anderstood that i had to stay close 610 ldr, i was airborn for rendez vous of 2 fingers at LIMA wp, so when mistake was discovered, i took too mutch attention to reform pikkot left wing.:) we learn a bit each stage.

    it was fun!! thx Rbull team for that hard work emulating FH comunity :cheers:
  11. Sarych.

    Sarych. Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    He-he, i was in second pare of II/JG27. Dane and glas were very close to StG77 formation, but zmh constantly lagged behind me and I have been compelled to keep between he and a Stukas. I/JG27 and JG53 have well made the work - only 3 Spits met our caravan :) But two of them have proceeded further and have attacked on zmh, I think both of them have been brought down by our hero ;) The third has made a loop and was directed to the last Ju-87, it has already opened fire, when I have left to it behind on a distance of a shot. The shells which have flown by by a number appeared enough to force Spit to brake his attack :) He has repeated attack once again with the same result and has turned aside. At this time we were above radars and Ju-87 have left downwards. It seemed to me, that all Stukas have dived on this purpose and I have begun to worry for our overall objective - a factory. I have proceeded further to an overall objective and have seen only burning acks. I began to shout, that the overall objective is still whole, but here commanders began to congratulate all on successful mission and I have understood, that was mistaken. On a return way I have seen two golds fighting with 2 coming back spits and have thrust in one of them 1*20mm :turret: . Landed successfully on F19 on last drops of fuel. A minute later after me has seemed zmh which landed on a field without legs. Then it has pressed the window key and has disappeared :(
    I have very good impressions of this frame! WTG all! :super:
  12. -cbfs-

    -cbfs- Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2003
    Where the flowers bloom like madness in the spri-i
    I was in I/JG27, with scratc as wingman - As soon as we went over the English Coast, nubi and golzac reported enemy fighters. Soon the sky was full of planes but me and scratc initially kept alt and let them engage in a fight. Almost all the enemy planes were now below us and we started having dives on them.

    I sneaked behind a climbing Spitfire and put about 10x20mm in it, he went down in flames, I/JG27 drawing first blood. Scratc got another con further down and after I watched the track, I saw it was pbarry, who when we went over the coast, he (and his partners) went RIGHT under our group, but noone noticed him, lol.

    Eventually, I saw zembla (our flight leader for I/JG27) with something like 4-5 cons on his 6, at very low level. I decide to scare some off and I start my dive. A Hurricane seems to hover as I go down, popped a couple hits in it and then... saw my fucking shadow on the ground growing bigger. 'Fuckfuckfuck' I think, I throttle back, full rudder and pull up.

    Complete blackout, I kept my eyes on the altitude reading and was very happy to see the number growing bigger. As soon as I exit the black out, I have no freakin idea of what's going on around me and start checking 6, etc.

    Rude awakening by bullets hitting my plane and I spot a Spitfire VERY close on my tail. On top of a climb, I couldn't do much. Spitfire kept firing, I thought 'God this guy really hates 109s!' and my tail departed. I bailed and saw over 200 hits on the counter. Game over.

    Great work by the COs etc. Had fun, but fucking Spit cut it short.

  13. vojtas

    vojtas Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
    Ur anus
  14. vought

    vought Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
    Gdansk, Poland
    Well it went bit like my squad mates wrote.
    I was very proud of the ambrose red wing. hurricanes were f;ying in a finger formation thru the middle of battle for about 3 minutes. Noone went farther than d6, 109s looping above our heads could not suprise us. We eagered to fight but the ojective was not in sights. Flying W finaly slow moving dots were spoted. "Full throtle! These must be the bombers!" I radioed. In 30 sekonds we closed in to identify. "Nazi stukas! Theyr diving in! Atack, fire at will!"
    I targeted the closest ju87, closed in fire range. He was still flying lvl but as soon as he saw my bursts he divied in. In full throtle i flollowed firing 1 burst after another. Not much hit the bastard nazi. Flying to fast, i throtled down, ppulled up and saw stuka droping bombs about d2 by my side. "Damn! You gonna die bastard!". Furious, i rolled and dived in again. Stuka pulled up and slightly turned That moment i went on him d2 and fired a hard burst from about d 0.5.
    "Hes going down in flames!" The rfuselage of stuka detached and cut in half he went down leaving trail of fire and smoke.
    I looked around and saw some of my squad mates atacking stukas, soon 3 kill reports from the 32. ambrose were reported.
    But the was no time congratulate. I heard many distress callls on the radio. And in 1 second i was warned about a 110 targeting me. Hard evasive, pong!. Im hit. A bit panicking i realized i got lucky, only 1 20mm hit me and the center fuel tank was leaking. "That was close, thanks"
    I had about 50% fuel left so i had to rtb. Couldnt take the risk. I dived away, runned NE towards biggin hill. Soon i got lonely but i saw 1 low and slow dot right infront of me. Another stuka running home. An opportunity noone could resist. I atacked him but the stuka turned hard. I knew that as soon as ill get in position i will tear him apart. After some turning i wont too close and after firing a short burst i broke off to evade his otto. I covered the cabin with the hurricanes belly to avoid pk and pulled away and in that second i heard the radio call. "Vought 110 on your si...." [poof] that was the second when 1 20mm hit me in the head and blew the plane apart by the way. Tough luck, if i gotten that six call 2 seconds earlier :/.

    As you guys previously spoke, the scenario went well, organization was better and it was hell alot of fun.
    But not to glorify everything i found something that might be improved.
    Redbull i know commanding that hole a lot of people is difficult but i think we still need to improve commanding and comunication. After you sent us on a vector i barely seen or heard you giving any orders. You reported about alot of enemies but left the decision who to atack and where to go to the sq leaders. And with all those information its hard to interprate the current situatuation. Probably i think this becouse i never seen this from a CO side and its probably more dificlt than i imagine.
    <S> to the 610sq. You guys engaged the 109s allowing us to fly right thru that brothel to find our enemy practicly not bothered by anyone.
  15. Pikkot

    Pikkot Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
    Cool, Vought I'm glad we allowed you to do that. Bad point is that whole flight I led become "plastic bag flight" :/
  16. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    1. hoewer DM and GM are not managed by the arena settings, but (most probaby) by the FHL and WB program libraries. As arena admins/superusers we have not possibility to change DM/GM of any plane. Thats in responsibility of the FH developers who creates FHL.
    All we know that 7mm gunnery is a joke and you can only spray enemy, doesnt matter you have 8x7mm. Thats a reason why on MA at least noone use Hurry/Spit I and choose planes with 12mm or cannons in 1940 era.
    We have been finding the solution and only one way is change the maxlivevar param, this decrease plane durability then kill bit easier - for all. On one way its increase chance for RAF 7mm gunnery planes, but on other way its also increase the LW chance. We have made a lot of tests and current settings are best compromise from the worse ones.

    2. So as you know in the Tactical Limits there are condition to set otto rg d6 for follow more realistic settings. But we cant guarantee all pilots will respect this. As we know, e.g. Pisek didnt follow this rule and have used same settings as he has for MA. That was the reason why he was deadly for several RAF planes.

    Together with lower maxlivevar buff otto is more deadly from close distance. So you must attack on different way as you are wonted on MA.
  17. Marins

    Marins Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2004
    Don?t know exactly who send this. So, here I go.

    In arena's briefing I was getting overloaded with radio traffic (both typed and voiced). Ishrem was doing great job but we have many pilots asking obvious things. Radio bar was chaotic. But it's my fault. I was used to fly single and in pairs. Long time I flew in a Squad. I never flew in a multi-team scenario.

    I was assigned to Mosche group. Understood it was the 4/5 planes group to a special mission, Ventnor targets. Radio chaos growing, I started to be insecure about my task. It was not Ishrem and Mousche fault's. My plan was simple, join the Mosche group. Some dumb things makes me slow down. I trying to keep focus in radio bar on ch 17 and ignoring everything else, ch103, ch 100, unswitching ch110. I was ignoring TeamSpeaker. Don't know who of my group was using TS. All I was hearing was a chat between organizers in a strange language (think it was German). I heard my name many times but I thought was talking about me not to me (anyway I didn't understand).

    I thought different about command hierarchy. I was taking things too seriously. Things was/are much simpler tough. Maybe due chaos radio and some conflict in Stg77 command, I was expecting others orders about take off. I took off delayed and managed to get close to Mosche. Everything was no bad up to now. So...

    16:34:43_marin-(Private): d17
    16:34:45_marin-(Private): d16
    16:34:55_marin-(Private): d15
    16:34:59_mosche(17): marin????
    16:35:10_mosche(17): srry you are group 2
    16:36:01_marin-(Private): im 2nd group????
    16:37:12_marin-(Private): who i need to follow??
    16:37:23_waffen(17): marin
    16:37:27_ihsrem(17): 1st group stay on 030
    16:37:33_marin-(17): ?
    16:37:42_waffen(17): is the 2ng group near you?
    16:38:04_marin-(17): correct waffen
    16:38:40_ihsrem(17): mosche why changed course ?
    16:38:45_marin-(17): shall i follow
    16:38:57_marin-(17): waffen 030?
    16:39:01_maleti(17): marin: follow ihsrem
    16:39:04_waffen(17): yes marin

    So, I broke off from 1st group otw the dots on my 3h.

    16:39:34_maleti(17): anybody read the briefing of mosche-group? think not
    16:40:02_waffen(17): ok, now 2nd group all together
    16:40:13_hardy-(Gold): WHO IS GOLD BETWEEN STG77 AND JG27???
    16:40:13_bazura(17): i thought leader was ishrem
    16:40:19_pisek-(17): cc he is
    16:40:32_hardy-(Gold): STAY CLOSE TO YOUR GROUP PLS
    16:40:45_ihsrem(17): 2nd group : head 030 , im 75% thr
    16:42:10_ihsrem(17): 2nd group. D to me
    16:42:15_pisek-(17): d2
    16:42:19_waffen(17): 7 ihrseem
    16:42:27_bazura(17): 14
    16:42:28_pisek-(17): ihsrem pls keep t90 all time
    16:42:30_mosche(17): ok LVL
    16:42:33_waffen(17): inst marin from the 1st group?

    So here I went again :eek:) ...
    Some before this, TeamSpeak ch started to growing chaos (at least for non-german speaker). Something makes me think I did wrong and broke off 2nd to back 1st again... :-/

    I was totally lost. Now and before. I think while 2nd dove trgts I was breaking off, backing 1st. :-\

    16:42:39_ihsrem(17): 90 % rgr
    16:42:45_ihsrem(17): nm now
    16:42:49_ihsrem(17): targets :
    16:42:50_ho-hun(17): hi cons!
    16:42:53_maleti(17): mosche has cons!
    16:42:54_hardy-(Gold): ZG26, REMEMBER MAX ALT
    16:43:42_maleti(17): mosche is attacking TGT1, correct?

    When I reached Ventnor area saw only trgts firing. So, headed home and landed safely. I saw just one con that passed straight by me.

    Well, I got some little faults (mainly mine?s faults) that led me to fly badly this frame. Though, easily things to fix.

    Normally, I?m out for the weekend. I know STG77 needs pilots. So I?m thinking to manage support stukas next frame from my girlfriend?s home if technically possible (not so good dial-up cnx there). Would rather drive a Spit or Hurri but thought of it as a challenge.

    This was my first scenario ever. Think BoB great and is going to be better and better.


    (aka ?elso- TBFH/ICQ)

    and now, uh, also... marin- at BoB arena...
    Humm... nevermind. :eek:)
  18. vought

    vought Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
    Gdansk, Poland
    with pilots asking about throttle setting and heading, i would be confused too, seems most people are untrained in squadron flying. The usual way of keepeing the formation is to tell everyone exact heading, thrust and counting down time to the next turn so nobody will miss it.
    far more practical is just to follow the leader, keep him in sight without asking any questions about all the unecesery data
    leader mostly flies on thr 95% so everyone are able to catch up, if the throttle is diffrent then he tell what throttle he is on.