Mission: scramble Pilots: -herz- and -heino Plane: Bf109E Flight time: 30 mins Claims: 2 (1xI-16 by heino and 1 P40 by -herz-) Losses: none Comments: We scramble again but thid time from F12 under enemy fire. Heino was almost strafed by a enemy I-16 while taking off and as the enemy turned into me it was shotdown by friendly fighters. We took off heading N to climb and yet climbing at about 1.5km we were attacked by a P40. It came from our 6 and heino started moving for a sandwich and me for a bracket (what a coordinated team lol) but the result was good: con at heino's 6 and me at con's 6. I shot its oil as soon as i got on his tail then after few more turnings, scored more hits and it entered a spin losing few parts and crashing. We then started climbing towards west and over F26 we met an lonely I-16 that heino shotdown. After that we climbed to the midway of F12/F14 and started hunting reds. The fight ended high at about 4km+ where we scored some hits even heino smoked a spitfire but it did not go down. As we ran out of cannon we returned to F12 landing safe. Mission outcome was another good mission with 2 kills and no losses. We are starting to know eachother's styles to work well as a team. I hope we survive a little more. Horrido!