Future of the game.....????

Discussion in 'Warbirds General Discussion' started by looseleaf, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    I would like to ask the members, the creators, the admin what is the future of the game?

    Can there be any offline options to customize offline play?

    As there are so few players online now, I find myself playing offline practice exclusively.

    I think it would be great if we can modify some content such as being able to order what AI planes appear and how many waves and number per wave. An example if I re-enact a Battle of Brittan play I would like to have only those Bf109, Spits, Hurricanes, Bf110, and whatever available German bombers.
    Same if I want Eastern front, AVG and Pacific Theater, early/mid/late.
    If I want to do bomber intercept, selecting the number and type of bombers and the altitude the bombers start would be great.

    It's bad enough there are so few players now. But to have this game just disappear into the hard drives of old computers is tragic. With an offline optional overlay for some extra features at least a few more old men will be still be playing the game.
  2. isaev

    isaev Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    All devs run away, don't know why
    With now days hardware recreate client isn't much hard, but all just run... :(
  3. mamali

    mamali Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Russia, Kaluga-Moscow
    По-моему вы о разном, насколько мне позволяют знания английского.
    Иностранец вроде как интересуется чо как с оффлайном, а ты ему про онлайн.
  4. isaev

    isaev Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Проблема в том что старый клиент на новых машинах не запускается, вылетает или систему вешает, даже версия с софт-рендером.
    Поэтому ожидать притока новых игроков со старым клиентом вряд ли следует.
    Человек просит хотя бы оффлайн сделать.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022