okay I just saw shweinsteiger get hit and a little blood. Too bad he fakes injuries so much when he gets hurt no one believes him. Anyways this has been a great game..OH!! he just went back on the field. Hope he doesn't have aids. Do they have aids tests for soccer players? well I have no idea who is gonna win...score is 0-0 at 112 minutes... GOTZE JUST SCOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
If you want to have some fun, watch the game while a Spanish or Portuguese speaking announcer is, uh, announcing. I think Football announcing can be better than theme music [and the fans chanting too!] [Talk yell yell talk, hoorah hoorah hoorah...........wait [oooooh] SCOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Best sport there is in the whole world [except for [never mind].
Amerikanier reden über Fußball. lol Edit: I can try your language. It is about your americon brains. You cannot watch a sport or game or whatever, where there is no break within 5-10 minutes everytime. It may hurt your health and destroy the little bit you have got inside your cranium. I would be very sad if this would happen
I think some of the 'Americans' here are Murkins. A Canadian American is a Canuck, or sometimes called a Canadian. A Brazilian American is called a Brazilian, a Mexican American is called a Mexican. We are embarrassed to name ourselves after the region we live in because of the United States Of America, who call their country America. Which is akin to a Russian Federation Citizen calling himself a European and expecting everyone to know where he is from when he says it. Never mind, that was a fun World Cup series.
Ähm, muß ich da jetzt Unterschiede machen? Das wär ja wie Russen - Ukrainer - Weißrussen, wo kommen wir denn da hin!?