Ha, alex is not dumbed down

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by hezey, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Holey fuck.
    According to the emoticon below, my IQ has now jumped from 160* to Godknows - some fucked up calculus there.... by 10% [compounded]

    or are these numbers just Yank numbers or, what The experts call norms.were. What the hell....
    IQ PFT See Meyers Briggs SAT et al below.
    I shouldn't be surprised the streets are infested with people who can hardly articulate themselves and are only useful as Shovel Operators.....

    Maybe because of my strokes?:
    Apparently not, it was a poll somewhere in the USA, I think it was the Department Of Incompetent Teachers Union, or it might have been the Department Of TV. Maybe Department of Gaming Consoles.... Maybe chlorine... maybe lead. Maybe dope gulping parents and bad government....

    Not a very good idea stuffing children into universities either, they go from mommy and daddy to a university, graduate not knowing ANYTHING about the world of work and strife. And then go on to be The Nations Leaders ALL with IQS above 90.... [note, GW Bush went 'to college.....' How the fuck can this be? Doesn't it make your skin crawl? Make you feel like you need to wash?]
    I am glad I will not be alive to see what is coming, and it is coming, fellows!

    Click the emoticon, above, of the smiley pointing to the tablet
    FUCK, I don't have to explain to you, I hope, what a fuckin tablet is.

    * Yep, that's right LL
    And more than once I was tested.
    The school Nazis wanted me to Participate In School Society...
    Why I said to myself, fuck those guys, they are thought NAZIS, I am gonna go handle a very competent shovel and be a happy adult.

    * IQ, Meyers Brigs SAT et al:
    What a load of shit, eh?
    Is complete bullshit. Devide and conquer, eugenice, NWO, Brave New World, Technocracy, 1894 stuff. Those sorts of readin I did a lot of while I was skippin class.
    Out of school;
    I was a failure in life, except I raised one decent child, just one. But that is the only deed I have ever done that Jesus would let pass. The rest, He would have to think about, I am sure.
    I doubt IQ is intelligence, it is just a bullshit test of bullshit abilities that are only qualities in a bullshit world.

    LL for instance, his IQ according to the wikileaks I read about him, is 80. And look at the guy!
    He is the Opposite of a GWBush, see.
    Grade 8 education and yet he runs his own institute.
    :fly2:Click the fuckin emoticon

    Now, Mac, do you ever ask yourself, Why is Biles crazy?
    Listen, the stupider, the more at ease with things, then there is a progression from there, it only goes one direction:
    You know what I mean?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011
  2. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    double post
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011
  3. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2002
    Maecenas egestas velit sit amet ingenium sapientia.
  4. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Latine dictum, sit altum videtur
  5. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
  6. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Saponem et educatio non sunt tamquam subito clades, sed magis mortifera in longius tempus..
  7. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
  8. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Don't feel bad. 11% of Americans believe they have been abducted by aliens, and a further 4% believe these aliens ran tests on them.

    Biles, sing along with Mcloud and Bing, you'll feel way better
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  9. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    My oldest friend, been friends since we were 10. he has seen sasquatch. And he has seen flying saucers and The Mothership. He extends the life of a razor blade by putting the shaver under a pyaramid he made back in the seventies. HE stores lots of stuff in his 2x4 pyramid.

    The pyramid I think is funny. The aliens I think are insane.

    He doesn't yack about that stuff at work much or outside home ro family, this way he has kept employed and not become a garbage picking insane social pariah.

    And I have another friend, a very old friend who is gacky [- sucks on a meth pipe couple times a day, every day.

    There are parabolic shaped things aimed this way and that all at him, no, they aren't the kind people put in their homes for tv. They are tiny, CIA ones, that record thoughts. They also send thoughts. My buddy doesn't question the commands those voices give him, he gave up resisting them a long time ago. Now he just does as he is told.
    Funny, he has nothing. He has sacrificed so much so that he can feel like he is having a mild inner 24 hours a day [that is exactly what meth hi feels like, intense brain-stem shit, man, like you never ever seen before and likely will have an affect on you like that.... see? He is not a flailer, I don't know why not.
    Flailer; One who flails [akathisia Dyskinesia and couple others].
    Watch a flailer on the street, that flailing is called 'akathisia.' fancy name. What akathisia IS, and it is never spake is:
    It is caused BY A VERY INTENSE FEELING OF INNER MASSAGE. That never goes away. Ever.

    Anyway, he doesn't flail. Not yet anyway.... maybe someday.... At present, and past twenty years he is in a mild state of meth-head being, he no longer feels like he has a motor in his ass. Now he just smokes the stuff so the voices don't tell him to do certain things he wouldn't do except for when he hasn't had a puff from his glass pipe.
    None of his friends ever tell him he is insane and try to reason with him. He won't be reasoned with. He says it is his right to listen to whatever voices are in his head, if he wants to, or if he doesn't want to or something like I said, he doesn't argue any more.
    Both those guys the aliens and bigfoot guy and the voices guy are nuts. One from drugs and one not.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  10. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    stay away from that guy, he's headed for big trouble imho. tardive dyskenisia is when you get the lower jaw wobblies from all the meds you took for schixophrenia. My uncle you to call people like that "mumblies" people that just mumble and stuff. He was a cop.
  11. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    I am not Schizo-anything.

    Perhaps I am schizoid, in the way the Greeks meant it, not the NEWSPEAK which is nonsense.
    Means [paraphrased] 'highly adaptable and can change his reactions according to his surroundings and circumstance.'
    Why is that a bad thing? Why is it a 'disorder?' Disorder is cop word, controller word.

    I can adapt when I need to.
    Always have.

    My gacky friend:
    I don't go see him much. But he is an old friend and someone has to go to his funeral when he croaks. That would be me and a few others, who knew him when he made sense.

    He doesn't have Tardive dyskinesia. Not yet. He is in the stages that come before it. Hallucinating so much and so often... and so subtle... You would have to experience it to know what I mean... Is that a distant cop car? Or is it a CIA van, it's crew setting up the antennas?
    He doesn't know if what is happening around him is real or not. But he goes around the van just to be careful, if it turns out it was a deliver van, he is glad. If it is a CIA van then he is grateful he saw it first, so he could prepare, gird his loins... do what he feels he has to. Remember, my buddy has been hassled by cops for so long, he is paranoid, oh yeah, wouldn't you be?
    Anti-psychotics cause Tardive dyskinesia
    In the first years he was hitting the pipe, he saw aliens and such and he denied them. He fought. But after having his door kicked in by the police a few times, being harassed by the police and courts, being drugged by the Attorney General [yep] he got more paranoid and he lost strength to resist, he felt persecuted. HE WAS RIGHT.
    One dope put on top of another type of dope can have terrible consequences, that is what happened to my old friend. PolyPharmcy. Those little Jew Bastard Psychiatrists TREATED for his meth addiction by injecting with other dope, and he had had NO chance to get off the previous dope. Any hippy can tell you to not mix dope with dope.
    That happens to a lot of 'psyche' patients. Arrested, section 18 and then ANYTHING GOES, even to the point of destroying a person's thinking. Which is MURDER.
    They are doped and doped and doped with little regard to my friends health. After he was released, he was cut loose. No money, no shleter, only the blue jeans he had on when he was arrested [for digging in a bin on private propertyy, it is called 'Tresspass' FUCK. My friend was section 18d and that is when he failed. Before that, he was managing, but after he got out of jail he was completely different. He had been driven over.
    See, Psychiatry is not about making a person better, it is about enslaving a person and that way Psychiatry can make trillions of bucks. And none of the disorders they 'treat' are scientifically valid, ie, they are nothing but smoke and mirrors. My buddy is a victim. You uncle doesn't know what it is like from the other side. He is, like the Psychiatrists, making judgments based on subjective conclusions. Just like those Jew pricks who dope my friend and many others, they are 'restraining' behavior. Not doing anything else. There are no answers for internal strife. Each man has his own demons and there isn't anything wrong with having them, we all do. But some people who Love The Feeling Of Power will put clamps on a man who tells about how he sees things.
    I have no fear of my old friend. I am not ignorant. There is nothing to fear from the guy. He jumps in and out of garbage bins in a city a long way from me. He is welcome to it.
    Poor guy, he has not had a fair chance for a long time and is now so deep in his hole he won't get out.
    I think the speed he is smoking is safer than anti-psychotic dope. See, Psychiatric Industrial Complex Combine cooks the stuff so that a user gets very very sick when gulping it. This way it is easier for their lawyers [their relatives] to claim that stuff is not addictive, see, if it makes you feel like shit, it cannot be said to be addictive right? RIGHT? USA Law Courts fall for this NEWthink at a very hi level [mother's act, No Child Left Behind.... etc]. You read me raving about how the English Language is monkeyed with? Well, apparently, insanity is a muscle disease and apparently dope is only addictive if it is the illegal kind.

    My fiend has been screwed.
    Attempts were made to screw me, but I had enough of a brain left to resists, better than my old friend did.

    I am proud of something:
    Twenty years ago, when a young relative of mine was doped because she was very active in school, OVERactive they called her.... I stood up and made a hell of a fuss. Sorry to say it but women are, mostly, not fit to raise children on their own. They watch too much Oprah.
    My sister and her family doctor had my niece doped.
    Nobody asked the girl.
    After she was on that dope for about six months, she told me how it was making her feel. She told me the doctor and her mom say it is part of her 'treatment' that she will get used to it and she will get 'better.'
    I drew all the guns I had and I made a hell of a fuss, I even had to challenge the men my sister was fucking and allowing to enter her home.
    My face is broken and I have missing teach and those guys didn't know me. I scared a few of em away. One I damn near killed.
    I couldn't get at the Jew Bastard Psychiatrist that my sister's Medical Doctor had as a bum buddy, but I could at least fight on the home front.
    Anyway, skip forward to today:
    The cunts in my family all know that if ANY of the children in this family are doped, I will be as much a brute as I was.
    In USA it is very very bad, a lot more kids are being victimized by FreudFraud [Psyhicatry.] than here.
    I have a nut-case living in me, waiting for action, the need to DO something. Just need to be triggered. You know, like the guy in your town who dissapears one day? Never to be heard from? There is a good chance a good man killed that guy and gound his bones. I am proud that men in my family have [never admited to having] done something like that.
    I can see myself one day, finding a psychiatrist who needs deleting and doing the deed as my last virtuous act.
    one of those guys and deleting him.
    I am that angry.

    Hang therapists.

    Beware, your kids are doped 1000% more than our in Canada. I am willing to protect the babies.
    Are you?

    No, really?

    Never mind the fuckin buck-a-bottle bottled water and the fuckin private schools. The vast majority of our kids, in both countries, are scrutinized by the State and indoctrinated, indeed as are their mothers.
    Resistance is futile.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  12. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Hey some of your threads are getting funny again. :super:
    your friend could have avoided jail (probably) I have been arrested under the mental health act but I know how to escape/my rights etc. never been section 18d before just that they had proble cause to believe I was a threat to myself (i saw the paperwork). dont give them your ID tell him he doesnt have to unless they arrest him.
    hope you watched the eustace mullins clip on murder by injection. they are taking the fluoride out of the water in Toronto.

    ever hear about ezra pound? he was eustace mullins mentor. He was the greatest writer in American history. 4 of his students went on to win nobel prizes for literature...ezra had 5 of his friends killed in ww1. he tried to find out why. he went to europe after the war and discovered the only people who benefitted from the war were bankers. he then said that there was going to be a second major war, which be called world war 2, and that it would be a repeatr performance of world war 1, and that the only people would would benefit froim this war were bankers, and that at the end of this second world war, the state of israel would be created by the bankers (rothschilds).

    For being a fucking genius, ole Ezra pound was thrown into a mental hospital against his will and without charge in Washington for 13 years. Eustace went to see him everyday in the mental hospital and Ezra told Eustace Mullins who was a researcher at the library of congress that bankers controlled the fuckin world economy and were responsible for every war since the french revolution, they control all important politicians through masonic lodges, and still do. Eustace wrote secrets of the federal reserve and the world order, loooooooooooooooong before anyone else had a fuckin clue.
  13. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Mac you are a good man.
  14. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hemmingay lost his mind 'because he was insane' killed himself because he was 'mentally ill.'

    Why did the JewPress never tell us that he has brain damaged from repeated electroshock therapy, insulin shock, and [I think the stuff was called] scopalomine - coma drugs.
    Psychiatry killed him.

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
  15. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Hemingway was a protege of Ezra Pound, so was T.S. Eliot. Ezra Pound announced on Italian radio that Americans should stay out of ww2. Roosevelt had Pound arrested by US troops in 1945 and they put him in a steel cage outside and they pissed on his face every day for 25 days straight. Then he went insane and he was arrested and brought back to the US and sent to a mental hospital, because the psychiatrists said he was unfit to stand trial he was sent to St Elizabeths hospital. After 13 years in a mental ward, Eustace got a congressman to stand up in congress and ask "why is this guy in a mental hospital?" He got released because writers in Europe and Canada were writing about what was happening to Ezra and how the government was trying to silence him.
    Next Alex Rosen tried to get transvestite J edgar Hoover to arrest Eustace Mullins but they backed down because Eustace flew B17s in ww2.
    Eustace talks about Jews on radio
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
  16. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Wait for The Lick-spittle shout:
    [you know it is coming.....]

    Maybe, if there are more then two of em., they might begin to chant.... like sheeple, you know sheeple chanting? They do that.....



    Ever since The SawMill was sold, I have regretted not living somewhere I could whack one of em any time I wanted.
    no, not harm, just to whack the fucker.
    Oh, I know, some of them are big... I know, but the inbreeding has effected them and big Jews are rare.

    I miss the old days, back before the Mill was sold.

    When it was sold, the Goldsteins left town, they took the money and ran

    to the USA, where they would be protected.

    I heard the Goldsteins are now heavily involved in foreclosures in Detroit.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
  17. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada