Help: Problems !

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -babek, May 10, 2001.

  1. -babek

    -babek Member

    May 7, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Germany

    I have downloaded WB-full 2.77 for Windows and insatlled the program. Then I downloaded and installed the FH-starter-program.

    Offline everything is going well - I can fly the new planes - like Pe-2 - without problems or computer crash or something like that.

    But when I go online first there are some problems to get access to the arena and then
    (after 3 or 4 attempts) I get in and could start with a plane - but shortly after that the beacon becomes red and there is a disconnection.

    Today I had everytime discos (exactly 6).

    I hadnЄt these problems before the server started to use 2.77

    So I donЄt know where the mistake is.

    Could anyone help me to solve my problem?