iran nuclear

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by gandhi, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    for many winters have we global Kameraden live with amerika menace

    george bush want to make wurld his toilet seat with his ass crack become the prime meridian

    but is it a correct to stand up and fight?

    it is a true we many times hate amerika

    amerika takes our moneys

    amerika takes our lands

    amerika buys and sells our power

    amerika bitch slaps UN

    but we should be carefull that we not do same!

    today i see iran making the nuclear in the name of 'wiping israel and US out of middle east'

    but they lost befor they started

    iran wants moneys

    iran wants lands

    iran wants power

    iran is bitch slappin UN

    we must see that iran is not fighting aginst the ideas of amerika

    iran is trying to be amerika!

    fight imperialism! but fight not to enslave the imperialists!
  2. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    Don't fight.
  3. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Iran wants to be a grown-up.
    Think about what you thought a grown-up was before you was grown-up.
    You had some ideas about things you could do and not do as a grown-up. You could have cake for a meal, any time you wanted!
    Or not go to school.
  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    One must take a more objective review of the facts:

    The nuclear reactor system was sold to Iran by GERMANY.
    The nuclear fuel was sold to Iran by Russia.
    Everyone knew what Iran would do with the purchases and it was allowed.
    This was a set-up for an invasion of Iran to take control of the oil.
    Remember the "Sha" was put in power by the CIA/oil interests in the 50's and when he tried to become the 8th sister, the 7 sisters got him removed.
    This whole business transcends nations and nationalites, this is the Big Oil Cartels running the world.
    Bolivia is the only country doing what should be done: Nationalization of ALL oil companies.
    Hundreds of billions of dollars/euros a year in AFTER TAX profits to self serving interests.
    Just think that most of the world could have free education and health care and drinking water and money left over with just that one action.

    Bush does not represent the majority of Americans. Unfortuantely just like Imperial Rome, the great unwashed are too busy with the games to think about anything much less the takeover of their country.
    Hopefully they(we) will wake-up in time...
  5. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    iran is smart to make atom power.
    why use their oil when they can turn it into cash?
    according to the newspaper their domestic oil output will not meet their domestic demand in 10 years, but it will if a lot of people in iran die in a war, or when the reactor is smashed in an earthquake
  6. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    I'm not sure about the conspiracies, but Brazil has been able to declare energy (oil) independence, from what I read. Because they're intelligent, and they have a plan for the future (unlike the USA administration).

    Part of America's ingenious plan is a visit to Kazakhstan by the Vice President ;) Too little, too late ;) Most often this administration is caught "pants down," and they're not reacting well.

    Believe me, they will not. By the time of the 2008 elections, I hope that there will be a third -- not sold-out Democrats or Republicans -- party that represents the American people, but I truly doubt it. We're all asking: Where is an American politician who represents the true will of the people and is willing to act accordingly?
  7. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    wont happen
    americans are idiots.
    they just like to argue democrats & republicans, then elect president/sentor/mayor/governor/congressfag "BOHICA the 45th" thinking the are voting the lesser of two evils.
    1 person likes this.
  8. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    No, new parties (or at least reasonable leaders from existing parties) will emerge from this madness, and they will represent the people. At least I hope so ;)
  9. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    america will continue to be run by graduates of "Plantation Owner's Tech", as it always has been, no matter how many of it's citizens wish that weren't the case.
    yes, even if they post their wishes on the internet.
  10. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    You're a silly "man" :)
  11. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    early this year i flew to usa

    my uncle live there

    as i am student studying to teach i attended in the school every day as 'guest'

    i met a young white girl

    on side of her note-book is sticker 'no billionaire left behind: bush plan for economy'

    i thought of sticker every day on route to school as she pass me with her 'station' wagen with 'climbers for kerry' sticker on bumper - i was walkin on side of road

    i thought of sticker every day as she walk in school wearing >$300 of 'chic' euro-cloths, passing me (simple jacket, jeans and shoes) 'only the best' she would say of her cloths

    even 'the good ones' so many time wear the face of evil

    here was girl who in mind is a 'woman of the people'

    in the reality she is a rotten 'yuppie'
    Last edited: May 3, 2006
  12. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    uncles, are you hoping mostly for a third power except demos/libs or a renewal of the said?

    Are there any real "Third power" electable in the US?

    We had a few attempts here during the last 10-15 years, but it was mostly hot air or greenies that made a large enough impact that the "almost elected" party had to side with them to get majority.

    just curious.
  13. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    The dems will never come up with a real candidate, and neither will the republicans. A true candidate would need to come from without the established party establishment. But unfortunately, the two-party system seems to ensure that no person of the people will rise to prominence and be able to challenge existing power.

    It's difficult to have opposition candidates here. Perhaps some libertarian will be able to siphon votes from the dissatisfied two-party base of voters, but as of now it's unclear.

    The key to the next American presidential election will be the split among the conservatives. All liberal votes will go to the dems, but many conservatives are tired of Bush and they want a change.

    My prediction is that a democrat will win, in part due to conservatives deserting the republicans and voting for a third party (a libertarian, prolly).
  14. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    why did a thread on iran`s bomb turn into american politics?

    this smells, hmmm

    Anyway, I am cheering for Iran! The world needs more independent players in the power game. It might not be better but psychology dictates it.
  15. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    Couldn't agree more mate :)
  16. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    my independent 'match-up'

    israel: 200-400 nukes
    iran: 0 nukes

    thank you for play independent power game
  17. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    How many does it take?
    Why redundancy?
    Is the redundancy a reflection of realistic scenario analysis?
    If so, think on that a moment:
    What paradigm Israeli strategists?

    What paradigm Iranian?
    They have none, why would they want even one?
    Again, what paradigm Israeli strategy? Why so many nukes?
    More than likely Israeli strategests are being realistic about delivery rates, accuracy, efficacy and effect and figured they needed more than, just one, say....
    Which bears thinkin about.
  18. By-Tor

    By-Tor Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2002
    Pennsylvania USA
    Have you considered the Ami response to a nuke terrorist attack? Im speechless ....almost.

    Consider the American and Russian record for NOT using
    nukes. Sensibilties prevailed over anger, politics, greed, power...

    Do you REALLY want nukes in the hands of lesser stability? The US will hit back HARD, TERRIBLY HARD.
    And most of us will die. Surely you see this inevitability?

    We tend to bully yes. But think man. You want that kind of power in the hands of those WILLING to use it?

    Consider that Israel will NEVER let Iran have the capability to do... what they have SAID they will do. You know they will pre-empt. And you know what the Muslim and Arab (at least) reaction will be.
    You are for the proliferation of nukes?
    Your children and mine are at stake here.
    Let the USA decay of her own accord as all historical empires have. It is a natural process. If Rome had had the means to take her enemies down in her descendancy?...or
    Greece before her?... or China,England, France, Germany?
    Last edited: May 5, 2006
    1 person likes this.
  19. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Last edited: May 5, 2006
  20. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    I will second all what by-tor said.
    If Iran anyhow sukceed in makin only one nuke that will be
    begining of the "End".
    I mean look at what islam's kamikaze doin all around globe,.. self bombing.
    IMHO they will not hesitate to use it no thinking what will hapen later...
    Me, beeing, (at least always trying to be) pacifist, on this isue I am 100% on USA's side.
    Iran + Nuke = treat for minkind ( bottom line )