Long hard Eff-Off to Apple

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by hezzey, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am cleaning up my Web Affairs and one thing I want to do is to STOP some subscriptions and refund or cancel micro-transactions.
    Ya know, like if ya like a game and ya want to 'Micro-Purchase' a new suit or armor or a new fighter-plane. HOW TO GET RID OF THAT STUFF LATER? [NOW]
    I have done that for a few things.
    Now I want to do it for everything. I can change my mind later.
    SOME subscriptions have been Per Month.
    I want to stop doing that, and I will too.
    I can, any time I want, re-start those things. BUT for now, I want to just go with a clean Linux Box and only do stuff that doesn't involve credit cards and subscriptions and transactions.
    I have two I-Things.
    In those things there are some song I downloaded from I-Tunes. Some games I subscribed to in I-Store, or bought.
    I want out.
    The only way I can GET OUT, is to do it using Microsoft Windows or a Mac.
    I don't have PC-running-Microsoft-Windows, or a Mac.
    I cannot tell I-Stuff to FUCK THE FUCK OFF, unless I use MS-Windows and it's web browser and stuff like that.
    How the fuck do I do that?

    IF I want to connect to the demons, I must use Microsoft Windows or a Mac. I already said that.

    MS-Windows 10 on Virtual-box!!!! So I can connect to I-Cloud using a Safari-Browser-or-ITunes-on-Windows, a EXE.
    Okay, let's give that a try.
    I don't like having to do that.
    It is too much work, and too me, is a lot like being forced to use feet and inches and miles and wear a MAGA hat.
    IF this works I will be able to cancel subscriptions and micro-purchases, using a Fake MS-Windows [in Virtual-box] right???? [I have a MS-Windows 10, bought and paid for I just don't use it [very often]
    Fake MS-Windows [in Virtual-box] right????I sure hope it works.
    Don't ask me why.
    I am free to do what I want with this PC I just want out and away from micro-transactions, subscriptions, stuff like that. I can change my mind later.
    I want to stop that weekly or monthly micro-transactions and stuff.
    MS-Windows on a VM should let me into ITunes I think, or hope.
    Itune is a web site in a Linux Box, I neeb to use the MS-Windows I tunes Software, on either a Mac or a Ms Windows box. I don't have either.
    I do know how to use, and am downloading right now, Virtual-box.
    Wish me luck.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  2. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Best wishes.
    And all the luck the gods of operating systems may grant you!

    As far as I am concerned, I am sane... I don't use Apple crap.
    The sole Apple corporation I support is the one that published records, some time ago (and then was promised, in out-of-court settlement, that the other Apple Inc. will never interfere with its music-selling business... bohahaha... these thieves from Cupertino will do just anything to rip you off...).
    hezzey likes this.
  3. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have to admit I tried the IPhone and the IPAd, just so I could try a Poor-Man's Mac.
    I wanted to try, to see what Apple-world looks like.
    I don't hate, but I am a hobo, a poor man [I am not a bum, I am a hobo]. I want to tidy up my affairs and this is a good day to do that [A day before my Pension Money arrives!].
    I have ran into a road-block, virtual_box under Manjaro-Linux is arguing with me, so I am gonna install MSWindows onto a spare Hard Drive.
    I have not looked at MSWindows since chistmas, it will be fun to see.
    I am not sure if VirtualBox will work on it. BUT one-thing-at-a-time, I need to get MSWindows Up-And-Running, then I have to endure the updates, the auto-interruptions.
    (Dreaming) This is a nice PC, I just built it. This is gonna be fun.
    AND maybe I will STOP those mesaages I get from Apple once I can Get Into ITunes and tell them to Fuck-Off.
    IF not, I will let it all go as BOTH the Apple Devices are paid for, by cash, so they will work without any triuble from creditors [or apple??? I do not know].
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  4. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I did not install MSWindows into a VM without argument [Arch Linx RTFM shit, I got no fucking time for that].
    I used my Linux /home directory and installed KUbuntu [which always works, even if I don't like it very much] in a / dir. Am right now, installing MSWindows10 into a VM using VirtualBox on Kubuntu. Too much bullshit just so I can do what I need to do.
    No argument from VirtualBox ... yet.
    One Step At A Time...
    Get a working MSWindows 10 [in a VM]. I don't care if a VM is not suitable for kids [gamers].
  5. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am giving up right now.
  6. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
    Why not just use wine?
  7. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have used the WINE that is beneath Steam on Linux. It is called, I think, Proton. BUT Winetools and other ways to use WINE, um...... Perhaps a hacker could be confortable with WINE but I am not. I do not use WINE directly, or Winetools, or PlayOnLinux even. There is too much heat in my brain when I fiddle. I am simplfying as much as I can.
    Sinple is not easy. I know that.
    I told myself a few years ago that I was going to use Manjaro and other forms of Linux and I told myelf to get used to that.
    I am not and never was a Fuckin Einstein. As I am getting old now, that doesn't bother me.
  8. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    This PC is not perfect. BUT it is just fine for me. I do so miss enjoying some stuff from the past. MSWindows is like a fat ugly woman I used to fuck before she went crazy and started to sag, and grew warts.
    If I see her now, I hope she didn't even notice me.
  9. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000

    Btw, instead of "Gettysburg: The Tide Turns" i recommend "Ultimate General: Civil War". ;)
  10. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    The Devil's Den is my favorite tiny-fight near Gettysburg. I thiink that is a scenario in Ultmate General. OH, there is a fight there, and can be done in the game. It is terrible. I mean, what the real troops had to go through is terrible.
    I think the Yanks also call that Little Round Top.
    That game is very difficult, and that IS NOT to say it is no good, it is very good.
    Every time I have ever played a scenario I was disgraced. No matter if I chose to be Confederate side or Union or to be aggressive or a moron. Also, it is very easy for me to get too mixed up and not end the game. I just quit.
    I hope to see more of that invention in other Great Battles.
    I do so wish there was a save function that allows me to back-up a bit in game, to try other strategies.
    It is VERY replayable.

    I would love to see something like that at a giant scale. At the level of detail it is, I bet my Brain would overheat.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  11. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I wonder if Apple's I-Tunes would launch in Steam??????
  12. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I could not make ITunes work using Steam.
    I don't care much. Apple is on the way out. The Iphone will die. The Ipad will die. They are both gonna run out of support real soon and I can do anything I want and one thing I am gonna do is STOP using Apple anything. NO HATE. This is about me, my brain power and my comfort.
    I am comfortable in Linux-World. I can keep on using it until I stop, um, living. It ain't gonna die....
    I am sort-pof proud of myself that I found Linux before it was version 1.
    YUP. I read LFS over and over again. And then came a whole family of Linuxes. That is the PC Environment that I grew up in....
    I am used to it.
    My favourite Flavour of Linux is, at this time, Manjaro. It is Arch Linux, but has a nice GUI and it is a bit like Ubuntu is to Debian
    Manjaro is to Arch Linux like Ubuntu is to Debian.
    I get all the advantages of Arch Linux but no hassle getting it to work.
    This is just in the nick of time for me, as I am getting old and cannot think as fast, care as much, or learn things as fast.
  13. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am now completely free of Apple.
    I still have a working iPhone and an iPad so I can get updates as long as it is normal to get updates for those models Of Ithings.
    I have no interest igame or isongs.
    When they have died so be it.
    Android Devices are about 1/4 of the price.
    On my Desktop is a PC running Linux (Manjaro).
    mcgru- likes this.
  14. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    As far as mobile phones are concerned - I'm a Sony fanboy... and I had a hard time last fall, switching from the Xperia XZ1 compact to the Xperia 5... all those folks went insane... Apple, Sony, Xiaomi, Samsung... you no longer can get a decent handset that does not fill your pocket completely*.

    * I know, Google Pixel - but its design sucks, and it was marketed at PLN 4.1k+ (CAD 1400+) last November in Poland, while Sony sold their newest Xperia just under 3. And - I know, Samsung S10e - outgoing model, with the Exynos (lower performance) chipset - no, thanks (it was PLN 400 over the price of the Sony too).
  15. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I believe ‘fanboy’ is pejorative.
  16. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I really really like cheap electronics.
    I really dislike crap though.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
  17. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    It is.
    Friends are having fun, cause I've been sticking with Xperia handsets ever since Xperia X10 Mini Pro some 10 years ago (and I liked that tiny phone so much, that I rooted it to get Android 4.1 installed, once Sony finished its support for it).
    Prior to the XZ1 Compact I had the Z3 Compact, the Z1 Compact and the Xperia T.
    The T is dead and gone, the Z3 C is no longer operable, the Z1 C works, yet requires new screen, the XZ1C is now the property of my daughter, the X10 Mini Pro remains a fully operable curiosity, I sometimes play with.
  18. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Hi frog, what's the feeling there after the elections?
  19. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Mhmmm... how to put that in a delicate manner.
    I'm considering migration, not an internal one.
    (I spent a year of my life - in total - in Germany, when I was younger, and over two years in the UK - 2006 to 2008 to be more precise, so I am not really bound to this place... one thing I fear is the reaction of my daughter, once we decide to do this (the son's to young to give a damn)).

    We voted past versus future in that elections, and the past has won.

    I will not say anything about those voting in favour of the past (they must have had valid reasons), I will just say, that the election was not a fair, equal, nor a democratic one.
  20. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Do you think another town or city or country is going to make a practical difference?
    OH, different-differences, sure, but still.
    I have not travelled as widely as a lot of the users here, but I have learned that everywhere I go there are people that can turn into lynch-mobs, in an instant.
    I appears to me that taboos and customs that differ from place to place are different but ever-present.
    Advice is to store money, enough money, and a valid passport and travellers should always be willing to get out of a place, quickly, to have an exit strategy.

    Watch the movie Borat.
    That guy, the character, not the actor, seems to say and do lots of things that, in the real-world, would get him in serous trouble. The character doesn't know, even, is blissfully UN-aware that he is in great danger.
    It was a fantasy,. I know.

    Borat Character was a Stranger In A Strange Land.

    Tell Jew-Jokes in Texas, USA.
    Butcher and eat a dog in Toronto.
    Be openly Gay in Dubai......
    Say the wrong word even.

    Fanboy ;)
    Faggot ;)

    I think some people are soooo worldly they can live well... I think education is needed before entering a new place. ANY place.
    And some education will never teach stuff like....
    Don't have green spiked hair and walk around in some places.....

    [Green spikes hair is just weird looking but there are billions of people that will gladly form a crowd and watch a whipping, or much worse]
    I am scared, frightened to go even into the USA where they keep screaming Freedom Hoorah, RIGHTS, Hooraa.. Liberty, OOOOHRAHHHH.
    The yanks are nuts.
    BUT so are Afghans and Scottish people.
    I just want to die without pain, when I do die.. I don't want to be lynched or kept in a hole.
    And that stuff can happen, and Holy Shit, what did I say or do?????
    I am so sick of mankind,,,, 1/2 of them are raving mobs. The other half walk around in secret...


    PS, Mac.
    Because of you I have watched Borat Movie @ five times .... I understand what Sasha Cohen was addressing. He is a Genius!!!!!

    vasco likes this.