Me 262 and ( Again ... )

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Z-Wolf, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. Allsop

    Allsop Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2004
    U.S.A. Washington State
    If restrict put on me262 Its only fair to limit 1 day to pe8's as only 80 were ever made.
    only aces or pilots with a kill to death of 2:1 could fly p51's and such for the first year they are out....

    Its bullshit- dont even think of stupid things.
  2. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    For the most part the LW considered that their turbo was a multiengine plane & so for multiengine pilots. bomber units (i.e. kg51 in july 1944) were converted to Me262 before it was given to single engine fighter pilots (JG7/3 was 1st active with the turbo in october & only because it was evolved from erprobungskommando 262. JG7/1 & JG7/2 were never active in combat .
    As for it being a super expensive ride for special pilots, that is also untrue. turbine engines are much easier to produce & they run on fuel that was, unlike high-octane avgas, cheap & available in 1944 germany. per the Me163, it didn't do much in the war & probably wont do much against Pe-8 in FH, arms are too light. Try a 110g-2, great plane, huge armament, very manuverable, very tough
  3. beryl

    beryl Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2002
    19*08'E 51*30'N
    my pe8 lost wing after less than 30mm hits... i'm always so lucky....