Non-Flight Bonus Points System

Discussion in 'Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions' started by RedBull, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    Because its important for scenarios the pilots to be informed, have overview of needed fact of mission briefing, responsible, etc. - we would like motivate pilots for take part in registration, mission briefing/test system and taking leadership, etc.

    Till this time - pilot could get points in individual classification only per in-flight activities (kill, target destroy, succesfull rtb...). Now we would like add bonus points per non-flight activities/matters too.
    In the future we would like implement also in-flight +points per "mission accomplished", but actual arena logging system dont allow it.

    Here is list of possible non-flight bonus points:

    • CO leadership - 300p
    • squadron leadership - 200p
    • flying as a buff - 80p
    • registered - 50p
    • "first-minute" registered - 100p (registered in first 24h after registration opening)
    • participation in scenario - 30p
    • test - count of points depends by succesfuly answered questions
    awarding of above points is conditioned by acomplishment. E.g. if pilot have first-minute registered , but he will reject job before scenario frame run - he will not get any points/or get -points.

    Its evident that a pilot can get good count of points into the individual classification when he will follow - maybe conclusive in the summary. For scenarios - there are not important so much an "aces" or "sit-and-fly" pilots. More useful are pilots who are informed, prepared, intersting in and who take their role as "job" what they do for common fun. These pilots dont have to achieve enough in-flight points, but they should be awarded for their endeavour too.

    We know that any "point system" cant substitute quality scenario design and administration. But it is one of the attempts how to improve our gameplay and join closely pilots into the game.

    Let us know your comments and views.