OT: History repeating itself

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Glas, May 10, 2004.

  1. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
  2. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    Grobar, any chance of translating that? I wasn't commenting on this conversation but it was nevertheless interesting, and i'd like to read that if at all possible. Thanks.
  3. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    @ grobar: I looked at that site also. Kinda scary, I imagine there's alot of nuts like that around.

  4. Cierzo

    Cierzo Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2003
    Madrid (Spain)
    What happened to your legendary languages knowledge? :p
  5. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    Dude, I just don't want to show off. I'm trying to give people some of my skills! ;)
  6. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    Ehhhh, the 'dude' is a lady Afi ;)

    Doing well with the own goals this evening :p

  7. vought

    vought Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
    Gdansk, Poland
    Wise words i heard once:
    "People become of who/what they hate"
  8. Kutya

    Kutya Banned

    Oct 30, 2001
  9. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    there are 2 in my pants....

    LOL Kutya
  10. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    The word "delusional" comes to mind.

    It dosn't even make sense..........

    Especially the bit about making sure all Jews from around the world come and live in Israel, the only way that could happen is if Israel extended it's borders to include most of the middle east.

  11. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
    Ahhh, is just funny. I could give you a ton of arab sites who are just as fundamentalistic. But I won't. Cause you could find them at a moment's notice yourself if you were only looking for them. Just as well as I wouldn't come up here with a topic like "How disgusting is that?", posting a link to the vid where you would see him getting slaugthered like a pig (is not just a nice head-cut-off-fall-down thingy) with regards to the beheading of Nick Berg, like you guys choose to do with any other topic that works against the US or Israel. Cause you could find it by yourself if you would want to, while your press prefers the torture pics to show over that one. Or the other American who was beheaded long before Nick. Or the Italian guy who was shot in the head by Islamo-Fascists, short after getting rid of his capuce and yelling into the face of his murderers:"I'm gonna show you how an Italian dies!" The "neutral" Al-Jazeera didn't broadcast that one for it was too "cruesome", other than the beheading of the American before Nick Berg, which they showed. Yeah, what doesn't fit into your agenda, like a Hero facing the Islamo-Fasicsts, don't broadcast! Must not show men who are ready to stand up against their enemies in the face of death, like that brave Italian.

    Anyway, is just that: I've experienced two great things in my life which were a result of American policy. First, that I was allowed to grow up in freedom. You know, I have a pretty old father. He was drawn into the Wehrmacht at the age of 15, into the "Volkssturm". He and his school class was meant to prevent the American tanks from intruding further into the Rhine-Land. But hey, instead, he helped two of his class-mates to flee by organizing and covering their absence. Not to flee from the evil Americans (whose inner-policy sloggan of this time was "Shut the fuck up you liberal pussies - We'll protect America!" - Greetings from Rumsfeld), but from the Wehrmacht officer commanding their school class. He himself stayed, and got captured by the evil Americans, who, two days later, told him: "Go home! War is over." And, surprise, surprise, while he has been a big SPD-follower (leftist) for his life until today, he does not join in the America-Bashing you see today by many others of the supporters of that party, who never knew what not living in freedom means.
    So, the freedom I and all of my country-men can live in today is a direct result of American "idealist" ("shut the fuck up...") policy.

    The other great experience I directly owe to evil American policy is that: When I served in the Bundeswehr, I was around one hell of a lot "Ossies" (formerely Eastern Germans). You know, it's part of the stupid idea in my state to "get rid of the wall within your heads" between West and former East Germany, so they take lots of former Eastern Germans into Bavaria for example and stick them together with Bavarians while serving. It's a stupid idea. Because my reasoning is that: Either those people, on both sides, break that wall right in their heads by themselves, or it will stay no matter what action the state takes. I, in my whole life time, never had that wall in my head. My best friend during my childhood was a polish immigrant. And further more, the girl I love grew up in former Eastern Germany. Huh? Don't I need my state to tell me to get rid of that wall in my head? Oh, sorry, didn't bother! Was thinking I can make up my own mind!
    Lately, within the company I'm working for, a funny e-mail made its round with anti-polish jokes (you know, basing on the perception that all Polish people ever do in their lives is stealing), between some anti-Rumanian jokes as well (lazy people etc). Now, I actually didn't mind them. It was funny indeed. But I just wondered - didn't I lately get the impression by our great German media that my people own the moral high-ground? So, I just asked some of my colleagues how much laughing would be there if I would send around Muslim jokes. I earned stupid faces for that question. Yeah, I forgot, we own the moral high-ground! Stupid me!

    So, anyway, to come back to that second great experience of myself I make no illusion to myself that I owe it directly to the evil Americans: I served together with those former Eastern Germans. I was sitting with them in the same room, we were laughing about the same jokes, were cursing out against the same "Drill Sergeants", were talking about girls, got drunken together, and were firing at the same targets at the gunnery range with the mighty German G3 (the G-36 is for gays, just listen to it's "sound", and its binocular gets dusted once you walk out into the cold during the winter...). We, at least I can tell from my point of view, did it with the idea in my backhead to defend FREE GERMANY. By which I mean THE WHOLE OF GERMANY, not just the West. You know, I was thinking, and also told my comrades so - some years back, we might have been trained to and been trying to kill each other! Many of my people nowadays say "rebuild the wall, damnit!" Yeah, I guess it's meant to be a joke. But it's no longer a joke when you hear them talking further. Financial hardships? Hell, fuck them! Damn, don't they know the alternative? The alternative would have been either a nuclear fall-out over all of Germany, or, "at best", East Germany still living in the slavery of Communism. I thought we own the moral high-ground, don't we??

    It was only because the evil and stupid Americans stood tall and faced the Soviet Union during the whole of the Cold War (also by placing nuclear weapons within German borders, what the stupid pacifists still don't like till today, and take the opportunity by bashing Bush now) and for brave Eastern German citizens who crossed the wall when it was the call of the day. It was not the God damned now Foreign Minister Fischer who was beating up German police-men who contributed to any of that!

    And now, I see you guys talking about American imperalism. First of all, even just by definition, American policy is not anywhere close to imperialism. But even if we considered it to be real, I wonder for example where the world would be today had the Roman empire not been dragged down, by either Barbarians or people who just like to bash those who are on the top, or did not like to get "assimilated" by the Roman empire, which was pretty tolerant to different cultures actually (part of which made it succeed for so long). We prolly would have gained a thousand years. My guess is, we would already travel space by "warp drives" and some illnesses, which are still deadly today, would no longer be of any worry. But noooo, we dragged it down and where did it take us? Right, to the Middle-Age, with burning witches and the Pest. Prolly just because some people demanded the "moral high-ground", whatever that is.

    Now, tell you a last point: The Bush policy might indeed not work out. Though not because it was wrong, but because there are too many asshats like you around, including within the US. And, to be honest to myself, if you can't get your idea over to the asshats, you have failed, so in the end you were just wrong. What a pitty, huh? Life's a bitch, but don't talk about stupid mankind anymore, cause that's you.

    Last edited: May 18, 2004
  12. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    herartc, go you and platy and get in the love island you both. You'll enjoy it, wise men :UU:
    1 person likes this.
  13. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    Heartc, i'm pretttty sure this was all about stuff between Palestine and Israel... i'm not saying you bring up valid points, it's just not the right time to bring it up. The "who are the US fighting" thread has passed.
  14. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
    I believe it has not.

    Good night,

  15. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states

    Learn when things are fucking appropriate or not. Being preached to when people are discussing OTHER topics it is A) Unnecessary B) Annoying and C) Fucking retarded.

    Bring back the other thread if you give that much of a fuck.
  16. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    I've discovered toasted bread with olive oil for breakfast ;)
  17. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    I'm referring to serious threads

    Dumb threads when people are just bitching about shit are open to off-topicness for me.... and i also didn't preach to you my politics in the breakfast posts...
  18. Kutya

    Kutya Banned

    Oct 30, 2001
    You suck, Afi. A) Wash your mouth sometimes B) Suck some more C) Porn-flakes is the best for breakfast.
  19. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    Where to start....

    Ive seen a few of them, just as fucking nutty as the Israelis. Your missing the point tho. Israel is a STATE. Do you need that part spelled out for you? There are international laws governing STATE terrorism, which Israel in no way adheres to. Why should they be above those laws (apart from the fact they are US allies)?

    Get your facts straight for a start :rolleyes:

    Al-Jazeera did not broadcast the beheading of Nick Berg. Other Arabic channels did, but not Al-Jazeera. If you like, I can point you to an almost entirely-populated by US people forum, showing them openly and brazenly asking for a link to that video. I suppose they are all Islamo-fascists as well..

    Thank God you werent, for example:

    Greek in 1949, when the US intervened in a civil war, taking the side of the neo-fascists against the Greek left (who, incidentally, had fought the nazis in WWII). The result being a brutal 15 year regime, for which the CIA created a suitably repressive internal security agency. Greece became a piece of prime real estate in the intervening period as far as the US was concerned.


    Iranian in 1953, when a joint UK-US involvement overthrew PM Mossadegh because he planned to nationalise the (UK owned) sole oil company operating there. Subsequently, the Shah was restored to power and there started a regime of oppression and torture. Incidentally, ownership of the oil industry was restored to foreign powers, with the UK and US getting a 40% slice of the cake each ;)


    Guatemalan in the 50s, when a CIA backed coup overthrew the democratically-elected Jacobo Arbenz, resulting in 40 years of torture and death squads. The justification was theat Guatemala had been on the verge of a Soviet takeover. In Central America....

    Instead, the real reason was that Arbenz had reclaimed some uncultivated land which was under the ownership of the United Fruit Company, whose major shareholders at that time were among Washington's elite.

    It would be slightly comical, if more than 200,000 people hadnt died in the intervening years.

    The alternative being a mixture of some of the examples above? Some choice! Communism, or....well, it depends on what side your on. But remember, it's only the US who gets to decide what side that is. If they happen to misinterpret your intentions, tough.

    I offer in response:

    Dare I say that, as far as your ideals go, im grateful to be an asshat.

    I offer no apologies for quoting other people's work above. I maintain that im not on any side in this, I would have been the happiest person if everything happening in the Middle East had all gone according to my plan. Im learning more and more tho, that my plan is not that of my Government, and especially not that of the US government.

    @ heartc: From what ive learned, we should both be extremely grateful that our leaders havent had their policies misunderstood over the last 60 years. Whilst Europe has always been, and will imo always be, too big for the US to directly confront, our democray ould easily have suffered if it didnt match the vision of US democracy.

    Btw instead of berating me and calling me an Islamo-fascist (not that I give a fuck what you call me) please at least try answering the points I have raised, as I have answered yours.

    1 person likes this.
  20. Perdomo

    Perdomo Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    What do you guys think of cola-cao? is there cola-cao for breakfast in other countries or only in spain? damn, here in france i can only get nesquik...