OT: Russians first on Mars?

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем Ziomek, 12 апр 2004.

  1. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    3 апр 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    thx, mal! great site!

    a picture of past glory and present misery. :(
    you can buy parts from the soviet shuttle on internet auctions...
  2. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    14 июн 2001

    I'm surprised at you Odi, I don;t know if it's escaped your notice but people keep having babies, oil will become expensive by 2015, coal already is difficult to mine, we have to dig deeper and deeper to get hold of metals and stuff and theres already talk about the fact that natural water (stuff that falls from the skies) is becoming scare in parts of the world and we'll have to start reclaiming it from the sae using distillation plants.

    Space is the way forward, theres an abundance of natural resources in our solar system from asteriods for ores and gas giants for well gas.

    Only by sending people into space will we learn what we need in terms of technology in order to survive out there and make use of this resource.

  3. cloud--

    cloud-- Well-Known Member

    8 сен 2003

    Thank You!!! Finally someone said it. :)
  4. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    21 мар 2003
    i wouldn't mind being in a tree in the tropics eating fresh fruit & sleeping all day...almost all space exploration research is thinly disgued militarty subsidies
  5. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland

    All those problems came from what i sayd already on my first post. Problem aren't our planet resources, but humanity attitude.
    Sice that resources like water, petrol, electricity (and much more) became an easy resource (wich mean you can have them in all the quantity you wish).
    Peaple vaste liters and liters of water every day, same for all other resources.
    Everybody complain about world pollution but no one stop to drive theyr cars just to get a drink with some friends..others don't even get the problem of the pollution of airplanes.
    Instead to spend our energy to find new tecnology wich could live together to our world life, we still search the easyer one.
    Switzerland is already equipped with the first Idrogen cars, the idrogen distributors are completely automatic and produce idrogen with the solar energy (free energy and the pollution is 0!). Another example is the (alreadz projected and produced) Swiss metro, a train wich can run till mac 1.5 (pollution 0!)
    Those are only some examples of the things we could do instead tyo search more pollutive substances in the space polluting the whole world!

    Sorry, have relly short time since i'm at scool, will reply better this evening.
  6. thomba

    thomba Well-Known Member

    1 авг 2001
  7. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland
    I'm an architect, still finishing now my 8th year of Academy of arts (to pay my studies i did military career) and in my spare time i'm a music teacher (trumpet, trombon and bass).
    I'm absolutely not against sciences, i'm used to ask myself how something work or why somehing else happens and i search the reply on science books. But this don't change my point of view on useless space missions. (i'm not against those only).
    What i'm talking about is the continue and blind confidence humanity has on sciences. The humanity occupies the 0,001% of the world life, the 0,001% who puts on risk the remaining 99,99%!
    In the priority list there are much other matters than launch missiles on space.
    Humanity walked on moon (maybe..), we know that Venus is invivibile and on mars there was water...and? we still breathing air wich is more polluted every day, the pollution of seas and lakes will make water more precius than gold in few decades, the nuclear energy still used only for his economical advantages and in the other hand tons of radioactive slags are accumulated, the eccess of carbon dioxide is making the world overheat, the poles are being melted...I could full this thread with thousand of URGENT problems...but peaple just don't care, they wait in an economic and easy solution.

    And btw space missions will have a short end if someone don't start to clean the trash released by all missiles launched wich orbit around the world.
    ...140 tons of kerosen burned in some minutes, millions of dollars spent to know that on mars was water and to examine some little stones...yuppiii my childs will live in a better world now...

    p.s. I equipped my home with solar energy pannels, and i warm the water with solar heat (I buy the remaining energy from a hidric company), i still have a damn fuel car but i'm already checking to buy an Hidrogen vehicle, when it's possible i never buy feeds packs in allumineum and I do a total partition of the trash for the recicle and much other things..
    I know it's not much, for the world healt but it's a begin. My only hope is that humanity will start to love the world as I do.
  8. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland
    sorry for my bad english, i would exprim myself in other way and with others words but that's the best i can do.
  9. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    4 фев 2004
    sure they walk on it :)
    space crafts don't fly with petrol.
    i don't anderstand u love rc models and hate rc robot million kilometers far.both come from same research

    for me i realy hope assist at the human walk on mars.

    for the trip one year long, for the technical chalenge, for the adventure.
  10. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland
    not space craft, but missiles needed to transport them out of the atmosfere yes.

    In my opinion modellism is a good way to spend the freetime, the difference is that if I sell one of my models i can pay a pizza and a beer to some friends, if I sell a "rc robot million kilometers far" i can pay a pizza and a beer to entire populations.
  11. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    4 фев 2004
    we live for eat or eat for live?

    french question ;)

    so for u humanity must wait for sun explosure on his little planet?

    i'm sure ur not totaly against space conquest but military space colonisation.
  12. manoce

    manoce Well-Known Member

    9 май 2002
    Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech republic
    @ odi .. oh yes

    the science is not bad.. can't be.. science is not person; but using science can be good or bad.. because ppl, and not science itself, are using it

    launching missiles into space seems to be rather silly thing to do
  13. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland
    a little example, the second industrial revolution 1870-1940 gad to the humanity new tecnologies incrementation of the vapour engines for industries, the petrol refining, the fuel engines ect. the evolution of the mecanical and the chemical industry without behavior gad us the actual world life (i'm talking about pollution btw).
    Now take the time of the planet life, make it as a line long 1 meter, the apparition of the first "human" take some little mm on the planet life; now think how long is the time of the apparition of the modern industry...
    On that really short time the humanity ruined nearly everithing (use without behavior of new trecnologie without think to the consequences).
    Do you really think humanity will live till solar explosion? 5'000'000'000 of years? :)
    If we keep abusing world resources on the actual way life will be impossible on the next 100 years.
    Just an example, the actual abuse of water (+ it's pollution) will make it enought for 1 on 3 ppl in the 2015. That's one of the many consequences we are going to pay in the next decades.

    But, hey, who cares, Ferrari keep to win, footbal is cool and till some nice girls shake theyr tist on TV peaple is happy.
  14. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland

    I'm absolutely not against sciences, but i hate the worst use of it when consequences are well known.
    If in the WWII all those scientists had worked (for example) on solar pannesl with the same fury they did for the nuclear bomb now we wouldn't have nuclear centrals.
    It's an example a little bit stupid, but it show exactly what do i mean; a huge capacity, used on the worse way.
  15. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    18 май 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    Yes, but nuclear fission can lead us to nuclear fussion. That would be great. A cheap resource (using sea's water), not pollutive, very very profitable (produces muuuch more energy than nuclear fission), etc...
    So, the problem, IMHO, as tigrou pointed, is the use humankind makes of the researches. If we should have used the nuclear energy for good instead of killing...
  16. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    4 фев 2004
    for me humanity couldn't live with the idea of the end, like a single people can't live day by day with this.
    500 1000 5 milion years is the same for me.
    we can't think, "one day, it will be the end"only imagine and working to this not appear.

    sorry for my basic english :rolleyes:
  17. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland
    A project already begun, the tehory studied to the Politecnicum of Zurich is now a real international project, but the budget they have isn't enought and the first experiments will begin in the 2020 or later :(
  18. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    18 май 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    Well, it's a start. Maybe the sons of our sons will see it working. That's the only thing that gives me hope about science well used
  19. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    4 апр 2001
    Lugano Switzerland
    Humanity just ignore this problem, most just think "i will be already dead when it will happend" but remember we still a biologic creature not much different from a dog or a bird, and as all creatures before us, we have to adapt ourself to the actual ambient circumstances.
    Since we are totally ruining the ambient needed to our survival...

    p.s. if you think that we will survive to the solar sistem dead...do you think something will survive to the next BigBang? :)
    concept of magnetic field, all masses are attracted between them. Actually our galaxy is decreasing his expansion speed (from his center), same is happening in all galaxies + the speed of removal from a galaxy to another is decreasing, wich it mean gravitational effect is winning the expansion due to the big-bang explosion => the end :)
  20. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    4 фев 2004
    i'm building my spaceship to escape with my girl friend