Red Allied Coop Events - lets join!

Discussion in 'Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions' started by RedBull, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    :deal: 312. (Czechoslovak) Sq. RAF offer to all reds - squads or single pilots - participation on 312th coop events in MA, what are periodically at each:

    Friday 20GMT
    Saturday 18GMT

    On these events we fly common missions aimed for advanced tactic teamplay and standart voice radio procedures. With squadrons, who would be interesting in, we can arrange about common command procedures and tactical plans. Single walkons can be joined in our actual flights and jobs.

    For these coop events we open our TeamSpeak server. Pilots concerned in can get account on our server. They will can use TS with us on these special events.

    You can apply here or contact us on
    We would be glad for your replies, comments and ideas.
