TabaHost European Edition Hi! In a whole new world TabaHost now is running at an european server. It means a try to lower the ping values for the most of TH users. So, we invite you and your friends to test this new arena and mainly report ping values here in forum. We will promote fast rotation of terrains in order to check its reliability. Franz did a huge work to improve the routines and he believe that the bugs probabilities are greatly reduced. This test period will be done from today 14/sep untill 18/sept - only 04 days! Please give some time to fly there... at least to get some new -or get someone down. The new IP is: (or ping: see/kill you there! (Im that one that will get YOU donw) [[[ ]]]´s <-+-vibora GdJ Kommodore Kommandeur I./KG200 Kommando Nebula ps. soon link for ALL terrains.
OK, some time ago i was in TH with four other pilots trying new features, unfortunatelly european server was dwn. There are some points: -bug with "plane not avaible". One pilot has problem join field f12 and it wrote plane not avaible and didnt pass him to f12. -some katyusha has problem with calculating angle and we lost connection. After relog, there wasn't this katyusha. -AA akcs are really deadly imho little less accuracy could be good, pilots who were attacking field said something about laser guided 40mm - pilot -opl-- has TK status and he didn't fly anything else than buff. He has this status from long time ago, it is any possibility to remove this status? Imho 3 weeks after last friendly kill could be good. Btw it could be removed this status from -opl--? -jeeps has visible fire, it is good. -imho 7mm and 20mm hits didn't count to tank and 7mm (and maybe 20mm, i didn't try it) didn't count to jeeps -tanks are quite vulnerable by bomb blast like in MA but these defend manuevers were cool.
i remember the same error at ancient times, but katyusha did not crashed the server. could not connect to european, so i went to brazil and flown 109 f-4/b with 4x50kg to small field. i killed 3 acks without much problems (left 13mm as less dangerous), though, i let to hit me to the last 20mm. it caused oil leak. what i want to say is that i killed 40mm in two passes (first 50kg missed) without being hit by 40mm. i begun diving from 800-1000m i knew that this experiment would return very few fun and much troubles. i'd suggest to ignore friendly fire. A)hmacks? B)escorting jeeps? C)both? afair i did tank immune from projectiles with AP points below 100pts (internal parts under armour have 5-20pts. i mean that tank can be damaged by weapon from 23mm and more powerful. hmack has 5pts immunity meaning it could be effectively hit with 8mm from distances closer than D7 manoeuvres are not effective enough? or it did some troubles hitting tanks?
Escort jeeps has visible fire, it is 20mm or 25mm gun? Tracers looks like low rate of fire, but maybe it isn't. I didn't testet accuracy only one pilot saying that he was hit 2 times by 40mm, maybe unlucky boy Cc as i said, jeeps were enough duriable to take 7mm hit, i will try it again Tanks have good defend manuevers which looks better than lagging hmacks in MA. Beautiful easy turns as i saw, but when 3xju87D drops in summary 12x50kg bomb tank hasn't any chance alive, I¨m still thinking that 50kg bomb isn't enough for kill tank, at least without direct hit.
Drones goes at same time that user (that launch it) goes... i mean if you set columns and for any reason you disconnect all drones you have launched also vanishes. Only Admins (-DEUS- -MARS- -ODIN- -GOTT- -TUPA- -AMON- and others) can launch drones, leave arena and the drones remain untill be destroyed. AFAIK there is none routine like laser guided 40mm or any trick like this at TH as soon I get home Ill remove TK status of -opl-- (if he still in this status) -exec- is right. tanks can be destroyed only by 23mm+ ammo I cant recall about bombs... wild gess: 50k direct hit does the job... must check if a close impact also do that.
We are work on it... believe... As soon as I can I want to announce the new D sorry) Midway event at European Server ( 07/october)