We still believe that nuclear war is pointless for both sides. And if I'm wrong iodine pills will no matter.
I really appreciate Your faith in reliability and combat readiness of soviet era nuclear weaponry in the country well-known by drunkenness and theft. Do Russia plan to hit me by its wünderwaffe Kinzhal rockets or is it planning to use half a century old carriers? In that case I'm affraid I would rather need tetanus vaccine than iodine pills if the RF (accidentaly) hit me with nuclear weapon. I feel much safer in Czech republic as a target of nuclear retaliation than I would feel in Russia itself.
Yes, we do! There were a lot of candidates, you can vote for: 1. Actual president of RF 2. Vladimir Putin 3. V. Putin 4. The best ice hockey player of the RF Vladimir Putin 5. VLADIMIR PUTIN 6. Putin V. Could You at least offer the Putin in different colors and flavors?
Yeah, just like Ukraine coup and NATO expansion's. But you did it anyway. But you could take them while you take nuclear tan!
Yeah, Russian army is filled by drunks and have very little of old and rusty weapons, which does not work. Everybody knows that! That what you should keep telling yourself until you surrender to Russia. Again. I tell you more: you could even be killed by a century old bullet from even older Mosin-Nagant rifle! While taking your last breaths you should be proud about being a part of high and advanced civilization of High Elves! Maybe you could visit local nuclear plant and feel even safer there, while hugging a spent fuel cell? Though it's only a lowly artefact of backwards and barbaric Russian tribe, which built it for you some half of century ago. Lets start a war with Russia! Great plan! Nothing could go wrong!
Этот чурка действительно не понимает, что у Терана в принципе нет конкурентов или косит под дурачка? Фактически нынешние выборы - референдум о доверии президенту и в их результатах никто не сомневается. В качестве домашнего задания дайте ему почитать количество кандидатов на выборах в США с начала их истории.
Is there a real possibility when the Putin will say "Hey, 61% is pretty low result, fck it, I will retire."?
I guess that's the most topical issue in NATO countries from the White Sea, down to the Black Sea right now. Got the "A" category (suitable for all kinds of service), and land forces training, so I guess "in case of W" I will be mobilized to support my country. I would not mind it either.
banderloga's propaganda worked since 2014 and burnt your brains to the dust those 10y.o boys who watched Maidan in TV - now put their full-shitted with banderlog ideology heads in Avdeyevka/etc at 20 y.o
I guess it's better to be a 20 year old with ideals, than a brainwashed 50+ year old. But I also guess there are also differing opinions about that in this forum. No wonder that Russian hostilities started the moment Ukraine turned west. Until it was run by incompetent supporters of Russia, you were content with having your "poor neighbour and source of cheap labour" next to you. Once it turned to join the community of European nations, you could not allow for that. It's not a war of the "Banderlogs" against the "righteous Russia". It's a war of self-determining Ukrainian nation against the imperialist Russia, ready to commit war crimes and wage the war against civilian population. You will never win this war, even if you manage to conquer Ukraine. You did more for the national pride and identification of Ukrainians, than every other factor that could influence that. And you'll reap what you sow.