The issue with the Russian gas is - Germany has to buy it. We don't. No longer. Suckers So you'll either sell it cheaply, or have to search for other markets. Poland has its own resources (1/4 of demand covered), has Norwegian gas... and the new LNG terminal. And - better search for morons in your own family first, before calling someone one, you stupid cunt. Check the air traffic corridors before writing anything - Russia may be the world's biggest mass of land... but it has virtually no significance in ATC operations... most Asian flights pass it from the South.
Germany buy. So long? As so political wish? Or yes, Poland is a transit county, starting from the Warshaw pact (did you forget that all that you have is a USSR preference?). But the start point of transit is started in Russia and you are the only transit. Start transit of nothing. My family has many nationalities, and not you to point me what to do. My parents do not sell judas to the nazi. Let's fly around Russia. It's your problem, not mine. You can. But pay more than now. It's a market donkey!
I understand that you as typical European citizens like to kill childrens. But this is not my preference.
You cunt? Why not? He is the one, who started. What is "childrens"? As a matter of fact you already killed children in this war, still it would be an overstatement to call you "European". That's something you have to deserve first. I've heard there were protests against the invasion in St. Petersburg and Moscow... so not all of you are so blindly following Putler and his gang. Good for you. There's still hope for you. BTW - have you found any morons in your family yet? Or at least traced the international flight corridors?
Let's clarify what is inside your head. Imagine next: the ukrainian forces takes Donetsk. Answer the simlpe question: What will happen to the people living there?
«Мы оказали большую услугу Европе: со временем ее поймут и примут, как всегда принимают с жадностью нашу помощь во время крупных социальных кризисов; но нам никогда не будут благодарны, ибо благодарность перед Россией и ее государями стала тяжестью, которая обременяет всех. Нас лучше ненавидеть без причины, чем отплатить нам добром» Великий русский дипломат, канцлер, полвека управлявший блестящей дипломатией и разведкой Российской империи, Карл Васильевич Нессельроде (1840).
Did the Ukrainians invade Donetsk (which is still, at least officially, part of Ukraine), or were that Russians who invaded Ukraine? You will pay dearly for that, and there was no actual casus belli to invade Ukraine. It's Russia who's acting like the school bully, invading here and there (Georgia in 2008, Ukraine in 2014 and now in 2022). The sole thing you got "sorted" today is Finland, which kept its neutrality for over 70 years. Now it wants to join NATO, at least the Finnish PM did state that today (and she's from social democrats - that is the kind of party that traditionally sucked Russian cocks in EU - just to mention Germany's Schroeder).
We russians dont think in terms of casus belli. We think in terms that 8 years of killing people must be retriubuted.
I said IMAGINE. Wasnt this the aim of yor policy that The Ukraine takes Donetsk back? Please, imagine. What would happen to the people? This is very simple question. Answer this max in two sentences.
Said he, while Russian troops invaded a sovereign country. You have remarkably little self-awareness, haven't you? No, it violated nothing, because no such promises exist outside of your fantasy. It is very telling of what kind of persons you are that you can't even IMAGINE that a sovereign country would have the right to choose its own alliances.
We can. We can imagine a lot until the approaching time to Moskow becomes less than 10 minutes. It looks You are the ones who cant realize this becomes dangerous even for you. Desicion time decreazes that could laead to mistakes. Would you fill better in case it is our mistake? Let's say doing this now we save the whole world.
I imagine that this country had to embrace consequences. "I told you so" is clearly explains current situation. You, NATO, decide to ignore repeated warnings and red lines. Ukraine's leaders went so crazy that they promised to get nuclear weapons to use them against Russia. Now you get the results. What do you think? You position Russia as main enemy and expect Russia to sit idle and watch on this indefinitely? Nope. All things have consequences.
Ok, gotcha, the rights of sovereign countries mean absolutely nothing to you, and Russia will continue to bully its weaker neighbors as it sees fit. Rest assured, the world takes notice.