Are you 100% sure? And you have 100% proof? Not that "proof" from UA propaganda, but the real proof, with photos of "thousands of women and children"? No? Then go fuck yourself.
Are you 100% insane? How the fuck can you doubt such a huge evidence in international independent media and believe what your mad dictator says? Putin made you doubt everything that contradicts his view and ideas. It's like passing by victims of a car crash in need for help thinking they're faking it. It's quite comfortable, you're absolved of any moral responsibility, eh?
And there's this sick disinformation that you practice in exaggerating the count, in order to discredit it. You are doing Putin's propaganda here. The news didn't say "thousands of woman and children" were victims or even inside the mall. The first moment estimate of the number of people inside was 1000. The current numbers are 20 dead, 59 injured, 40 missing. Others got out physically unhurt.
Unfortunately, its collateral damage caused domestic rulers didn't close the shopping mall near the military target (fabric near the mall). They even said, "we are still open during air attack alert". There was no direct hit to the shopping mall. It was not a target. The shopping mall was damaged by the ammo detonated in the fabric. They are war criminals. And yes, they will try to fake everything if it helps them to get more money and weapons. If they can't fake, they will kill real peoples. Almost every civilian losses followed by reporters and photographers was mysteriously before some world meeting of heads, or UN event. Don't tell me about moral responsibility. Where was the world press about the massive shelling of civilians in Donetsk a couple of days ago? Where were the UN, reporters, and photographers?
V zásadě nemám výhrady k jeho textu. Bohužel, je to tak. Jak jednou on sám řekl "Polovina voličů má podprůměrnou inteligenci, každý pátý je dementní." V lidské společnosti vždy existují idioti. Ale nejhorší jsou takoví idioti, kteří věří, že mají IQ 130 a drží se v politice jak hovno košile od roku 1989 To je náš současný prezident. Soud ho při výkonu jeho úřadu pravomocně odsoudil za lež. Několikrát vážně čelil možnosti zbavení pravomocí, protože si své ústavní pravomoci vykládal po svém. Jednou to vypadalo na obžalování pro velezdradu, informace, které mu podávala naše tajná služba, často končily u ruské tajné služby. Je to prostě idiot s neuvěřitelným egem
Yes, seems to me like colateral damage, Ch-22 simply missed the factory (the second one hits). Mall wasn't destroyed by factory explosion (it is more or less 400m apart), but it wasn't the primary target. Ch-22 isn't simply the most precise weapon. Even the newest variant was introduced in 70s, inertial navigation has an error magnified by distance from the release point. It is made for nuke warhead against naval targets.
Oh, so it was just an honest mistake then, wtf? Really, how can you say that? The russian govt itself says there were weapons inside, that they did it on purpose. Of course they usually throw out multiple contradictory explanations and the russians accept all of them equally. But keep in mind that they're constantly bombing residential areas, not because the lack of precision, but to instill fear. It's exactly what I was saying: you've been conditioned to look the other way. You're blaming the victims and calling them war criminals. It's not like the factory was a legitimate target. There is no legitimate target in Ukraine, even if your thick mind thinks otherwise. There's a genocide against Ukrainians and you're trying to tell us that your country is right in doing it. Fuck off.
Well, Russian government is a band of liars and criminals, no doubt about it. But the mall was hit by accident. The other thing is using Ch-22 rocket with accuracy +- 500m for hitting targets in urban area. Another story is bombing Mariupol theatre, it seems with high propability as a purposely made war crime.
Yes. Started in 2014 by the Ukraine government. Odessa, Donbass... But don't worry, Russia will fix it.
According to many witnesses, there was no aircraft sound nor incoming rocket sound. The main version is explosive inside the theatre. The investigation is in progress...
If your country has power - you have all rights. No power - no right. Weak countries are vassals of a strong country. USA has power - USA doing all they want, despite any laws and international agreements. War is the only way to prove your power, even in the 21st century. Your country has lost that war many years ago. So just take a seat, relax, get popcorn and enjoy the show.
My na našeho hrdí nejsme :/ Putin i Zeman mají mnoho společného, Putin je tak trošku víc vrah a Zeman zase tak trochu větší idiot