Some jacko jokos What's the difference between Micheal Jackson and a bin liner? Nothing! they're both black, plastic and dangerous to kids!! What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Santa? Nothing, they both leave children's bedrooms with empty sacks! What do Michael Jackson and your parents have in common? They both know how to rear a child. Did you hear that Michael Jackson was taken to the Emergency Room? He was choking on a small bone! What's small and brown and sometimes found in a nappy? Michael Jackson's hand! Why was Michael Jackson kicked out of the Boy Scouts? He was up to two packs a day. What do Michael Jackson and Rum have in common? They both come in small tots. How do we know Michael is guilty? Several children have fingered him. What makes Michael Jackson so unique? It's the little boy inside him. Why did Michael Jackson Check into the Betty Ford clinic? To get over his 11 year old crack habit. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and acne? Acne doesn't come on your face until you're about fifteen. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Casper? One is pale and scares kids and the other is a friendly ghost. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and greyhound racing? The greyhounds wait for the hares to come out. What is the difference between Michael Jackson and the PLO? The PLO pulled out of Jordan. Why's Michael cutting down on public appearances? He wants to spend more time with the kids. Why did Pepsi sign up Michael Jackson for their ads? Because he likes the taste of a new generation.
WTG Lec! I hate that motherfucker. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WORLD: On behalf of all Americans, we apologize for the pain and suffering Michael Jackson has caused. He's not really one of us.
chris de burg, axel rose and michael jackson are in a plane with a school class, one moment captein say, mayday mayday, we will go dwn but srry passengers we have not enough para chutes, chris de burg say, ohhhh let us give our chutes the kids, they are young they must allive, we have had our live, axel rose say what? the kidsґs not me? f***ck of the kids, michael jackson heard it and ask: what know???????? regards mosche
u cant be serious afi... what pain he actually caused..? imho in these accusations is more bullshit than true, but i didnt follow all facts - just my point of view; mb he is strange in some aspects, but what we can know about him and his life besides that, what press and media feed us with?
bulshit sebbo propably i dislike pop music same as you, but even if we just don't want it, he's still king of pop