Now before you guys think this thread is dissing hear me out. Ive only flown wb 1.65 for maybe 5-6 hours total. And I have to say, Im much more happy with it. Now, I can almost depend on a 109 outclimbing a spit to safety. I can bet that even though a zero does feel as sharp as a samurai sword, that with good planing, I can win a dog fight. the only thing Im still not quiet sure about is the DM, but late war will tell us that. As far as the ju88s, I think its bomb load is pathetic, but 1-2 of them would be god for very strategic bombing such as radars, and downing economy a few 250's at a time. Im liking it much better, thank you admins.
omg Allsop congratulating someone... the end of world must be near and he needs redemption or something?
Jesus Christ guys, do you not agree? I mean, I still think the a6m should feel more responsive and what not, and Im sure there are other planes that need help. But the a6m is no longer the brick that can outdive an f4f. A 109 can climb better than a spit now, and not by that little bit that makes admins feel like its still justified, you can actually feel a better rate of climb. i flew a6m off cv a few times. And it still eventually reaches good speed, but for the most part, stays high 200 low 300km/h where it turns well....I cant explain it, but now alot of things fell right here at wbfh.
cc 1.65 is step on good way. But imho spit V and 109F still have very similar climb rate, this different may be about 1-2m/s at low alts, but maybe it was IRL too.
I think the main difference, is the spitfire still manoovers well, while the 109f's are like lawn darts. They are good for snappy up and downs. I also beleive the spitfire still keeps with 190's and 109's in climbs a little to well. But its only 1.65, and I think its a very good change from 1.64.
Man, broz is really a dickhead...why does he always attack someone, even when it´s right? Sounds pathetic.
Well, after 2100 whining posts it is quite surprising (but nice) to see allsop giving some positive lines about FH...
And who are you Ararat, with your 4 posts, registered for 2 days now, sticking to someone else's sq, and telling people who broz REALLY is and what he ALWAYS does?
lol. Another ego? Btw, for once i didn't attack him. Just said i was impressed for him congratulating. You fuckhead
haha, I had to wonder too, personally, I thought arafat was broz or afi, just because making a terrorist nick seems right up their alley.
No, i have better taste. Anyway, i don't think Arafat was a terrorist. At least no more than Sharon or G.W. Bush are.