Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги official totals will be here, soon (NOT 2 WEEKS!!! %)) please post your emotions, achievements and comments here I like Weekend Warriors now so much Постим все комментарии, замечания и пожелания - тут! Special TNX for Badger/Satori for co-design of this WW --- So, Draft totals by kills 1 FRAME Kill of cikome by newtry Kill of frwind by sakura from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of -gott- by misima from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of -opo-- by ihsrem from =Flying BARANS= Kill of scratc by odindu from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of lepper by futida from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of chri-w by tomick Kill of monstr by jamoto from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of golzac by cdtemp Kill of sebian by maleti from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of stefan by jamoto from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of newtry by manike from sejmeme vsechny 7:5 Zeke's wins 2 FRAME Kill of bah--- by misima from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of --bw-- by misima from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of scratc by mosche from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of airgem by maleti from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of -ada-- by golzac from IJN Kill of -bish- by newtry Kill of monstr by jamoto from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of golzac by ho-hun from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of andred by golzac from IJN Maneuver Kill of odindu by chri-w from IJN Kill of chri-w by -jeah- from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of misima by -jeah- from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of sakura by ho-hun from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 Kill of frwind by jamoto from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of -jeah- by satoru from 1. Kokusentaj Kill of cikome by ho-hun from LEGION CONDOR JG 69 8:8 Draw Draft win condition by kills: Zeke's WIN! Score and survivors will be next.
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги 1.Kokusentaj was created futida commander satori misima sakura second commander cikome jamoto 1 Frame we lost only 2 bailed pilots, killed 5 p38s 2 Frame, hvy losts, 3 Pilots wil never see thei wifes and play with samuras swords how many amies they killed, I cant remember my score / futida 1 Frame:1 kill - lepper, another p38 damaged, I landed 2 Frame: only 1 assist, I landed 1. Frame We made tacktic mistake, we have separeted on the 2 Groups, the first took the 5 km alt and Sakura's group flew in 3km, and by first contact Sakura's group was smashed, the fight over Vulkan N f15 was quick, we forced one Lightning's group to disengage and was attacked by atnother one after long fight I lost visually all my wingmans, and was happy to see jamoto killing several p38s, later i joined to the hardy&charge, and so ended my 1 Frame 2 Frame. We changed the tacktic, and flew to f12-f12 area in one group at the 6-7 km over f15 we saw first p38 group and attacked, about 3-4 p38 were killed in first minutes. But control over 1.Kokutaj was lost, and after order " Meeting over Vulkan N f15 5 km" and 4-7 minutes i saw all my wingmans, all 5, and i was happy. Next step was to discover area south of F15, at the 103 channel were informations about several enemy contacts so we flew and joined to fight versus 4-5 p38. and when we were at 2km we was attacked by other 3 p38's So we begun losing our pilots, misima and sakura we lost in this dogfight. I was forced to give the order "all rtb". but not all have listned my order, satori and cikome were staying in dogfight. and after passing f15 me and jamoto flew back in fight to support our camerads. At this moment cikome was gamaged and killed at the landing Satori was experiense pilots and he avoid last p38 patroul. 3 pilots of 1.Kokusentaj were rtb and safetly landed special tnx to jamoto/vojtas, If we'll make next Japs szenario, I would like invite you again in my team tnx for good support special thx satori misima sakura and cikome. special tnx to hardy and admins who did this szenario p.s. Sorry that we didnt co-operate with other Kokusentajs, I hope they killed some p38 too
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Yeah, it was quite a nice "Scenario" . I would like to thank "I Kokusentaj" squadron members , i had great fun flying with you guys. Altough 3 of us died in second frame , but still i think we RULED the skies . WTG! As for the WW itself , i have to admit second frame was less good organised than first one. I just thought every pilot wchich was shot down on enemy teritory , shouldn't been able to roll again in second frame , this way the whole WW would last forever Anyhow , i would like this kind of events to heppen more often WTG i had great fun! WTG I Kokusentaj ! vojtas / jamoto
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Hi Hardy, As already discussed online, I'd like to claim one unrecorded manoeuvre kill in the first frame S of F15 when 3 LC69 P-38s (ho-hun, odindu, maleti) attacked an A6M which evaded by diving and breaking its wings. If you like, I can provide the TRK. Other comments: It was great fun! The fighting was very different from the arena, with the Golds flying good ACM. Especially during the first frame, our P-38s couldn't get at the Zeros which very skillfully kept their advantage. The P-38 is a good ship, but it needs wingman tactics (and preferably voice comms) to hold its own against a well-flown A6M. The LC69 used both wingman tactics and voice comms and did quite well according to my personal, preliminary count. Congratulations Legionaries! The Golds put up a good fight, breaking up our elements repeatedly, and hitting almost all our P-38s, though mostly with 7.7 mm. LC69 flew 8 sorties, losing one P-38 to compression (manoeuvre kill recorded for Gold) and another one shot down by a Zero. Salute Golds! Regards, Henning (HoHun)
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги of course, BIG UGLY Scenario Supreme Court wait for your arguments and track, too
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги 2 hohun, cc confirm that our 1.Kokusentaj pilot Sakura bailed after 1 p38's attack, but no message wasnt in chat
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Hi Hardy, >of course, BIG UGLY Scenario Supreme Court wait for your arguments and track, too After viewing the gun camera film with our squadron's intelligence officer, I'd like to claim the kill for myself as no one else fired at that A6M (even though I missed Gun camera film: http://www.x-plane.org/users/hohun/divekill_hohun.zip Salute to the IJN for confirming the incident, too! That's true Samurai honour, and I'm glad to hear that Sakura could bail out of his broken plane unharmed. Regards, Henning (HoHun)
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Я летал под ником misima. Для историчности решили идти тройками. Я предлагал взлетать с авианосца, но меня побили Первый фрейм: Тройка сакуры шла ниже и впереди нас, на 3.5 км, и попала под удар лайтингов раньше, чем мы успели подойти, так как мы еще набирали свои 6 км. Когда наша тройка подошла, тройка сакуры уже была рассеяна и оборонялась от наседающих американцев, мы с ходу атаковали, лийтингов было примерно 4 или 6. Я сразу удачно сбил gotta, и увернувшись пару раз от нескольких наседающих лайтингов (получил 5х12, без дырок), я попробовал в пикировании достать уходящий p38, но на дистанции д4 от него мое крыло сказало мне прощай, но я благополучно приземлился на парашюте. Килл за меня никому не дали. Второй фрейм: Проанализировав ошибки, пошли максимально большой толпой (наша 6-ка плюс еще несколько зек) на высоте 8 км, над ф15 мы заметили 6-ку лайтингов, идущих нам навстречу на высоте ~6 км, и соколиным ударом, сверху, атаковали их, я удачно отстрелялся по bah-у, сделал петлю и зашел на bw, удачно 2-мя снарядами сделал ему пк. Сделал еще одну петлю, вместе с другой зекой (jamoto) атаковал monstra, но он пошел в дайв, а меня жестоко компрессило, не мог прицелится, помня об оторванном крыле, пришлось прибрать газ и я попал по уходяшему только 1х20. Jamoto выбил ему фуел, но monstr ушел, прикрытый вторым лайтингом. Я потерял свою группу, и высоту, и в процессе боя ушел давольно далеко к югу. Присоеденился к паравозу, состоящему из сакуры, гнавшей убегавший лайтинг, и вторго п38, преследовавшего сакуру, но P38 были раскачегарены и сбежали. Тут пришел приказ futid'ы о сборе, наша 6-ка собралась над вулканом, и нам сообщили, что лайтинги возвращаются, мы набрали 6 км и пошли навстречу им. Со стороны ф5 ниже нас пришло 3 р38, мы атаковали, ученый лайтинги уже не пытались крутиться , а сразу дайвили, погнавшись за одним, раскачегарив свою птичку до 670TAS, опять же на д4 от него, я получил оторванный элеватор. Сообщил ртб, стал уходить к северу, но меня заметил пришедший jeah и начал настигать, он открыл огонь с д6 и поливал до д3, я маневрировал, но без элеватора это тяжело В итоге на д3 после 31х12, я получил пк. 1 фрейм: 1 kill (gott), g-over, bailed 2 фрейм: 2 kills (bah, bw), 1 в группе (monstr), killed Если честно, я полетел на зеке, готовый к тому, что нас будут жестоко бумзумить и мы будем с тркдом выживать, но преимущество в высоте дало нам возможность догонять лайтинги, а нормальная ганнери позволила сбивать лайтинг 10х20. Ну и плюс то что лайтинг пытались крутится, для меня оказалось сюрпризом. Спасибо Харди за организованный сценарий, было супер!
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Я читер, однозначно Поставьте такую ганнери на МА, плиз. И fueldiv 0.9
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Конишуа! Много писать не буду, все в принципе уже написано. Про какой фрейм говорит Хохун? В первом я крылошко потеряла от перегрузки, когда одна напоролась на группу из 4ех Лайтингов ф15-ф1. Не выдержала моя зека скорость 700 км\ч и осторожного вывода ихз дайва. Итог первого фрейма 1 килл (фреевинд), южнее ф15, перегрузка, парашют. Во-втором фрейме организованость была на высоте, действия более сплоченной гуппой дали свои результаты. Лайтинги мы встретили на юге ф15, ко-альт. Разогнали, они побегли назад. Ниже у ф15 увидела бой, спустилась, одной молнии нанесла повреждения 6х20мм, 6Х7,62 мм. Молния потом упала, получила асисит. Потом командующий дал приказ собраться над вулканом на севере ф15, 5 км. Рядом был мисима, стали грабить альт. Позже прибыл командующий, и остальные пилоты. Не хватало только cikome, пока его ждали, получили инфо о том, что к ф15 приближается новая группа лайтингов. Получив предупреждение, что бы в бой лезли не все, осталась на высоте, продолжая полет на юг. Увлеклась, и у побережья ф1 обнаружила 2 молнии лоу, при попытки сесть на хвост, из-за перегрузок на большой скорость отвалился левый элерон. С одной молнией сошлась в лобовой и была сбита. Выбросилась на парашюте. Итог второго фрейма: 1 поврежденный, сбита, парашют. Спасибо всем за сценарий, спешиал тфенкс всему составу "1.Kokusentaj" Треки мои здесь. ТХТ=Rar WWSakura
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги OK. Then i'll too attempt to describe what i expirienced during that battle. 1st Frame: We took off from F20 and went to F15 climbing in 2 groups of 3 planes each, 3rd group of the rest zekes were not far from us, when we heard that our first group see enemy near F15. We immedeatly went to F15 at 6 km alt and to my horror found there group of co-alt P-38. Next thing i remember - i was turning to evade P-38 which were practically everywhere - north, south, east, west, up and down, they were coming after me one after another and i guessed that i'll be going down pretty soon when i woun't notice another P-38 in time to evade her fire But minute after minute passed - i still was in one piece and flying, so i decided things must be a bit better then i thought - so i started to search for some P-38 to hunt. After a minute or so, my attempts to follow some P-38s give me one which was turninig a lot and was slow enough for me to catch it - so i fired a couple short bursts from D2, hitting P-38(monstr) with one 20 mm shell into rfus(didn't use MGs), after that P-38 rolled and dived away, i didn't followed, fully aware of Zero mediocre dive characteristic Next i evade a pair of another passes of P-38 on me, when finally one P-38 (bah) was able to hit me, when i was almost totally sure i maneured fast enough to be safe. At first i didn't played much attention to being hit, it wasn't much, but after a few second i found out that i'm trailing white smoke. It was fuel leak in my left wing fuel tank. This was serios so i turned and wnet to F12 in a shallow dive, a P-38 tried to follow, to pick me up, i watch it closing all the way to F10, and already prepared to fight my way to F12, but luckily for me jamoto saw this and went after P-38. American pilot, realising he was vulnerable too now, broke his pass on me abd zoomed back to furball, i escaped and landed at F12 with a dozen of liters of fuel left in me fueltanks. It was found that wing of my plane was hit with six 0,50 inch round. So i waited for the rest of IJN pilots to return. 2nd Frame: This time we flew from F14 to F15 and were at about 7 km, when group of P-38 was sighted, this time below us. We immedeatly attacked, but i failed to do firing pass, as P-38 went different directions diving and zero couldn't follow P-38 in dive. So i went in horisontal flight and tried to find myself a P-38. I flew a large circle at F15, tring to find enemies and my squadmates, a few times seeing P-38 far away and once helping another zeke to attack 2 P-38, but then resuming search for my group. For some time i saw planes above me, which i guessed was second group of P-38, this time high-alt, but they didn't attack me and slowly fight went down, S of F15. I was on my way there, when order come to rejoin my group at F15 vulcano, os i went there to find that only jamoto were there. I decided to look what going on S, while rest of my group arrive, but as soon as i headed S all the dots disappeared suddenly. I circled F15 a few times, wondering if i should try go go S or wait for the rest of the group, then i heard that my group already rejoned and went to vulcano, there i found my group, except cikome, which still was climbing. After that we saw low dots S, which we were sure were P-38s, returning for another attack. We went S and after long chase i found myself in the midst of another furball, again being separated from my flight, next i saw a pair of P-38 heading for the pair of zeros, one of which was under attack, it turned, and i assumed it's gonna be OK, but P-38 struck another Zero, which were shot down immedatly. Only after that i realised it was misima's plane, which lost his elevator in dive, shortly before, and so didn't have a chance to evade attack... P-38 disappeared as fast as they came, but another pair appeared and headed for me, i turned and evade, Then i heard sakura was shot down too and that we have to retreat immedeatly. So i went N, while returning i saw a pair of P-38 dogfight a lonely zero low over the water. I dived, watching my speed closely, and was able to position myself on P-38 tail at D2. P-38, which just finished another pass on zero and now trying to run away from me, but didn't have enough speed to so i fired 20-mm bursts, one after another, watching in disbeliefe as sturdy american plane soaks up dozens of 20-mm shells, without visiable damage. So i fired and fired again, until P-38 pluged into the sea, still seemingly undamaged. I guessed her pilot was killed by one of the bursts. I spent half of my 20-mm cannons ammo in this attack. The other P-38 extened, and we (me i jamoto who was other zeke) continue to retreat N. Shortly after that another pair of P-38 arrived and went into attack at us. As we still were just above the water, i made a tight turn to the right, evading nearest of the P-38(lepper), being almost sure i break hard enough to make hits on me impossable and ... BANG!!! - i felt my plane was hit, this time it was serious, 20-mm hits certanly, somewhere behind cockpit. For a second or two i was sure it was over, that rear fuselage of my plane destroyed, that i'm going down, but than i noticed my plane still flyes. I leveled and carefully at first flew home, then slowly becoming more and more sure my plane will hold on and i make it home At F15 we rejoined with what left of our group and started returning to F12, but some more P-38 apeeared low, and cikome, pursuing running P-38, allowed himself to be dragged into low level into fight with 4 of them. I positioned myself above the fight, hoping cikome will have the chance to run, then i will be able to help his escape, by attacking cons he will drag on his 6, while i have E advantage, then running myslef. But when futida i jamoto returned to help us, cikome fate was already sealed, he's got fuel leak, ditched near F15 and was killed in cocpit of his plane by strafing attack of P-38s, so we, sad and tired, returned to F12 and landed. It was a big (0,1 meter) hole in my rear fuselage, my plane was hit by 3 0,50 inch bullets and one 20 mm shell.
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги Везет некоторым Я вот 21х20 всадил, пока ПК не привалило При чем повреждений на нем не видно было особых, видать не "туда" попадал.
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги гыгыгы (это я так, по-доброму ) 1-м снарядом ты был сразу убит и поэтому уже никак не мог увидеть второй, который чуть позже прилетел в левый крыльевой бак. Тебе это было уже глубоко безразлично, увы... 2All: я получил логи, идет анализ. i'm just get WW logs and analize it now, guys.
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги это да, но ганстат успел написать о трех снарядах А убийце моему сервер успер обработать 2 снаряда
Re: Weekend Warrior Summary / Итоги со временем обязательно. имхо сейчас не момент педалировать игрища.