A question for Russians/Ukrainians

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Mcloud, May 26, 2022.

  1. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2002
    That's what I am talking about. You decided that you are gods, and everything you talk is absolutely true. Aureole does not press your head?
    We have a lot of proofs of war crimes of Ukrainian military, their falsity and cowardiness. But you just call it "propaganda" and don't listen. Because you "know" that you a gods, have right to judge unknown people and only you know the true. And things that you "know" is not a propaganda.

    Alas, we do not think that you are gods, and see only people fooled by Ukrainian propaganda...
    Best you can reach is getting our mood slightly better, looking how funny you swears and getting hysterical...
  2. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Yeah, ruSSia is land of truth. All listen.
  3. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2002
    Romania is a land of truth? Ukraine? USA is a land of truth? Antarctica is a land of truth?

    Please understand, world is not black and white.
  4. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Of course we know that.
    But there are grades and extremes.
    And sometimes comparisons are dangerous: for example, compared to ruSSia, Romania is a paradise of honesty. But such a label would make us blind to our own govt's abuses.

    Anyway, nothing of this justifies your abominable aggression against Ukraine.
  5. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2002
    God mode on )))
    Not listening again ...
  6. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I see this a lot in ruSSians.
    They seem to think that if the others would just "listen", they would "understand" that the attack on Ukraine is "good" and "legitimate".
    Brainwashed fucks.
  7. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    There are no other reasons for this war but the 2014 turn in Ukrainian politics.
    Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 to support a pro-Russian dictator, who was overthrown, and in 2022 waged a full-scale war.

    Ukraine decided to leave your "sphere of influence".
    It had the right to do so.

    YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO INTERVENE (neither in 2014 nor in 2022).
    You granted Ukraine its lands in return for your atomic weapons Ukraine once handed back to you.

    You broke every single provision of that treaty.
    And you are going to pay for that. You're going to suck Chinese dicks from now on. Better improve your dental hygiene.

    This war marks the end of Russia, at least in its current form.
    looseleaf likes this.
  8. Crimso

    Crimso Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2002
    This is a completely wrong view of the events, but I will not describe our version because you will not listen anyway.
  9. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    C'mon, we were just joking, Go on.
  10. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Yesterday we had a little party with our neighbors, the three Ukrainian kids. The older one speaks some English and Romanian. The younger ones some Romanian. Me - rudiments of Russian. A lot of mimic is involved - like "No more food, thanks. I would like more cake, please". Still, communication is not easy - but it's fun.

    Then we played music together. Drums, recorders, voice. That was great. No more language barrier.
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Romanians have it harder in relations with Ukrainians.
    My daughter has 4 Ukrainian kids in her class (used to be 7, but 2 returned to Ukraine, 1 migrated to Canada), they all speak Polish by now.
    Their parents find it harder, but they already mastered the "everyday basics".

    But it also depends on the region (and also on individual language skills of the person).
    Those who spoke Ukrainian and not Russian at home also find it a lot easier to learn Polish.
    I've got a friend, and she's from Luhansk. She left Ukraine back in 2014, and still has issues speaking Polish (although she uses it on everyday basis now - her work requires her to do so). She's 30 today, so a young person, who should find it easy to learn a new lingo, still her Polish is worse than that of the kids from my daughter's class.
    Her father was half Polish, half Russian, but they only spoke Russian at home (still her ancestry enabled her to use the "fast-track" to Polish citizenship).
    looseleaf and vasco like this.
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Very cool.

    Check out this song and tell me where would you think the singer is from, by her accent?

    I kinda nailed it.
  13. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    mcgru- likes this.
  14. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    This is so wrong mate!
    So fucking wrong!
    According to your propaganda we were the ones to freeze our asses off this winter!
  15. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    вы опыт перенимайте. Пригодится.
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    --am-- 's excuse for having a small willy.
  17. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Какие проблемы с польским языком? и так все понятно.

  18. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    МВФ ожидает, что в 2023 году инфляция в Польше достигнет 14,3%, что ставит ее на 17-е место в рейтинге. Это самый высокий показатель среди всех европейских стран.
    Ниже Польши в списке расположились Малави (16,5%), Йемен (17,1%), Нигерия (17,3%), Пакистан (19,9%). Польша занимает худшие позиции, чем Белоруссия (13,1%) и Россия (5%). МВФ считает, что в Германии инфляция составит 7,2%, во Франции 4,6%, а в США 3,5%.
    Согласно последним данным, опубликованным Главным статистическим управлением, инфляция в декабре 2022 года составила в Польше 16,6%. Данные за январь 2023 года будут опубликованы на днях. По мнению экономистов, январская инфляция составит 17,6%.
  19. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    We already have the data for January - 17.2%
    But it's not gas or oil. It's our government that is printing money like stupid. They've started that during the pandemic, and they won't finish until this year's elections in fall.

    You mention Yemen, Nigeria or Pakistan, but fail to mention your trojan horse in the UE, Hungary.
    Orban's minions managed to reach a whopping 24.5% at the end of December :)

    If someone was clever enough and noticed what's going on, they've won, as I did.
    I noticed they're issuing money like stupid already in mid 2020.
    So I searched and bought a house in November 2020.
    Had PLN 400k of my own, borrowed the remaining 350k from a bank.

    House, all the finishing works (including PV and AC installations) did cost me 800k (I managed to earn another 50 before we finished).
    In March 2021 we were able to move in, so I've rented the old house (the rent pays my mortgage and all other bills).
    I've got almost no savings today, still the interest rate on savings does not exceed 7% or so.
    The mortgage had a variable APR, so in February 2022 I annexed the contract switching to fixed interest rate of just 5.9%.
    Before I did I managed to overpay another 50k.

    My situation today is as follows:
    2.5 years ago I had 400k savings and half a house. If I left it like that today I'd be left with maybe 500k savings, still worth not much more than the 400k were 2.5 years ago.
    Now I have half a house, another house and 250k debt (I overpaid 100k in total over the last 2 years).
    I've stopped overpaying the mortgage - my savings account "earns" a percent more than the mortgage.
    I've got a house worth 1.1-1.2M (the prices rose sharply throughout 2021 and much of 2022).
    So my 400k from November 2020 is now worth 850-950k.

    Inflation is something you can live with, and even "win" in economic terms.
    As long as you understand economy and what is happening in it.
  20. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    стоимость дома это виртуальная цена. Чтобы она стала реальной - нужно найти дурка-покупателя, который купит за миллион, то что два года назад стоило 400 тысяч. А пока такого дурака не найдете - ваш миллион это сплошной убыток. Стоимость содержания дома выросла в два раза. Стоимость электроэнергии в Польше выросла за два года вдвое. Налог на землю вырос на 20%, топливо подорожало. И чтобы дурачки не бегали и не кричали от боли - польским дурачкам внушают, что у дурачков стоимость недвижимости тоже выросла. Вот только дурачкам не рассказали, что чем выше стоимость недвижимости, тем меньше покупателей. А еще - ну даже если продашь кому-то, деньги то куда вкладывать? В банк? Банк не дает 20% годовых. Банк максимум 5% даст, значит за год твои деньги похудеют на 15%. А потом еще на 15% и через три года вся твоя "прибыль" от продажи дома исчезает. Поэтому и будешь ты польский дурачок сидеть со своим виртуальным миллионом и с расходами в два-три раза выше. А потом у тебя сломается твой насос - и ты внезапно выяснишь, что стоимость замены выросла в три-четыре раза. А потом панель солнечная из-за деградации выйдет из строя и ее тоже надо будет менять. И вдруг окажется, что в кармане у тебя виртуальный миллион, а за замену твоих игрушек надо заплатить реальный миллион, а взять его неоткуда. Ну разве что в банке под 25% годовых взять. И платить-платить-платить. А потом тебя мобилизуют на войну.
    -Shai- likes this.