A question for Russians/Ukrainians

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Mcloud, May 26, 2022.

  1. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Also heat pumps are a hoax.

    am's calculations - something out of Ilf & Petrov.
  2. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    All that I pay for my electricity is PLN 116, twice a year.
    That's the grid operator's charge for a two-way meter.
    I produce more electricity than I use, and my supply contract says that I am entitled to take back, free of charge, 80% of what my photovoltaic panels produce and send to the grid.

    And I use a lot - 5 - 5.5 MWh a year.
    But this includes light, appliances, AC, car (I've got a small EV - Fiat 500e) and also partially heating (DHW + AC in heating mode).

    I know that I'm loosing 8% a year on what I have, so I don't have any significant savings at the moment (maybe PLN 50k in total).

    I also earn quite decently, which kinda "makes up for that mess".
  3. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    To -am-, a lot of stuff that happens in other countries seems to be sci-fi.
    Such a lagging society, yet such arrogance.
    No wonder they want conflict - they don't understand a lot of the outside world.
  4. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    They simply don't get it.
    Heat pumps - my friend lives in northern Finland. Heating? Heat pump + fireplace with water jacket (in case it gets too cold) - but "no - that's against the 'laws' of Russian 'physics', better burn fossil fuels instead, so our kids and grandchildren will suffer from effects of global warming".
    Electric cars? "They don't work." (although I had that Fiat for 2 years now, and it still works (and it's MY 2014, as I bought it used, imported from the U.S.)). But no, they don't work.
    Photovoltaics? "Doesn't work" (although it works just fine for me - I wonder how many of our Russian friends have such a basic civilizational improvement as AC at their home?).

    I keep repeating it - Russia has a imperialistic mindset, which would most likely be great for it in the 19th century... yet it failed to notice we're living in the 21st already.
  5. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Man ‘facing £7,000 energy bill’ after heat pump switch

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    A man claims he is facing a £7,000 energy bill after replacing his heating system with a £25,000 Government-backed ‘green’ heat pump.

    Officials are currently providing grants for up to £5,000 to home owners who remove a gas central heating and hot water system and replace it with a heat pump.

    But the new system, backed by many in the green lobby, has apparently left many UK homeowners in the cold.

    Steve Mason, 58, spent thousands on the new system and says he has seen his bills rocket despite his thermostat being set at just 17 degrees.

    Based on the same technology as refrigerators, the air pump pulls heat out from outside air and into the house, and can be run on renewably generated electricity, making them carbon neutral.

    However with the highest electricity prices and the least insulated homes in Europe, early adopters are counting the cost of going green.

    Steve, a company director from Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, who started using the system in July said: “The equipment cost £17,000, then there was the installation so add another £10,000 at least.

    “We moved back into the house in July when the weather was warm. In the summer months our monthly bills are roughly £280 per month, spring and autumn will be about £500 per month and winter months about £850.

    “Then a yearly total will be about £6,000 to £7,000. My electric deal ends in March, so my tariff will increase.

    “We could therefore be paying, well I don’t really want to think about it.

    ‘’Only the stupendously wealthy can afford the figure in my head, and the joint incomes of me and my wife are nowhere near.

    When asked about the positive aspects of investing in the air pump, Steve added: “I could say we are using some green non-polluting energy and Greta Thunberg will be pleased.

    “However, as we have set the room temperatures to 17 degrees to save money and it’s minus three outside, we have a log burner chomping its way through a forest and sending smoke up the chimney - the irony should not be lost here.”

    Steve predicts that his electricity bill for this month alone could reach £1,000, while his annual bill would be roughly double the price of his previous set-up.

    He received £5,000 from the government as a grant for the pump, but still cannot see the economic viability of the switch.

    He says two other families in his village who also have a heat pump are facing similar issues, one of which is having to use two log burning stoves alongside their pump during colder days.

    “We thought that since the government are championing Air Source Heat Pumps as one of the ‘green’ ways forward then this is the avenue we would go down.

    “But my wife and I are struggling to see how the installation and running costs of the system makes economic and functional sense.”

    SWNS has contacted a government spokesperson for comment.
    rgreat likes this.
  6. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Такая вот она бля реальность для тупых рагуль. Срок окупаемости расходов на тепловой насос почти 40 лет. Срок службы металлических труб без изоляции в земле - 10 лет. За сорок лет придется поменять трубы четыре раза, что увеличит срок окупаемости до 60-70 лет. За дополнительные 20-30 лет еще раз поменять три раз трубы, что увеличит срок окупаемости до 100 лет. Добро пожаловать в реальный мир, где на тупых дебилах умные люди делают деньги, а дебилы платят пожизненно!

    Тупым и жадным восточноевропейским рагулям посвещается:

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
    rgreat and -Shai- like this.
  7. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Have you seen the famous "British housing"?
    Single layer, brick walls, without insulation.
    Single glazing (yes, there are still a lot of homes with just single-glazed windows).
    No roof insulation on most buildings either.

    I live in a ~45kWh/p.a./per sq. m. house.
    I remember a cold winter (2007/2008) in the UK - and I was living in a double-glazed studio of just 35 square metres (with a great view of the Irish Sea to compensate for the inconveniences) - my heating bill for just one month was 3600 kWh. It was cold, windy (seaside), the thermostat was set to +21.

    My current house is over 3 times that size, yet I have not seen a heating bill exceeding 3000 kWh... for the coldest 2 months, and not a single month. The thermostat setting is the same.
  8. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    тупаватый рагуль попался. Т.е. к тепловому насосу оказывается должен прилагаться новый дом. Старый то бесполезен, однако темпы продаж тепловых насосов в Старой Европе со старым жилым фондом все растут. Покупателям забывают сказать, что им тепловой насос одни расходы несет, а не доходы

    То ли еще будет когда рагули осилят прочитать про simple payback period
  9. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
    Какая разница какая изоляция у дома, если тепловые насосы по факту менее экономичны чем обычное отопление?
  10. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Тут не это важно. Рагуль же кичился какие они умные в Европах - мол и экономят деньги и экономят выбросы в атмосферу. А по факту - экономия только если у тебя дом-термос и никакой экономии выбросов нет, потому что весь тепловой насос нужно произвести на высокотехнологичном производстве с гигантскими выбросами СО2, да еще если солнечная панель стоит, то выбросов СО2 при ее производстве столько, что они никогда не окупит за срок своей службы эти выбросы. По факту кто использует солнечные панели - убивает природу больше, чем те кто дрова жгёт.
    rgreat likes this.
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Anything to prove that bullshit?
    Got PV panels, when I was installing them two years ago the ROI was to be in 7 years.
    With all the rises recently it will actually take just 4.5 years.
    The performance warranty for the panels is 25 years. There's also 10 years warranty for the inverter.
    Got gas central heating, but I did not use it much this year. I drive less than last year, so I am using the AC in heating mode instead of the gas boiler.

    I can agree with one thing - fitting a heat pump into an old building is like fitting a Porsche engine into a Zhiguli.
    You can do that, but it's pointless.
    But that's not my concern. My house was completed and inspected in November 2020, finished in March 2021 - triple glazing, insulated like a vacuum flask.

    Just noticed something curious - you also call vacuum flasks "thermos" (or "termos" in Polish)... strange how many words have their sources in proper names (or trade names) from other countries.
    Apart from the termos-thermos for vacuum flask, we Poles have the "rower" (bicycle) borrowed from the British Rover company, which was the largest supplier of bicycles to Poland at the end of the 19th century. Some of these names were phased-out, for example my grandma used to call the vacuum cleaner "elektrolux", because in pre-war times Electrolux was the sole brand selling vacuum cleaners in Poland.
  12. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Тупой рагуля не смог осилить страницу текста с формулами? Не удивлен. Но там для особо умственно одаренных есть график простой окупаемости теплового насоса - без учета стоимости ремонта и неизменных ценах на сырье и электроэнергию - окупается за 40 лет. А срок службы трубы без теплоизоляции в земле - 10 лет. Потом она сгниет и ее надо доставать, менять и снова укладывать. Половина стоимости вашей игрушки.
    -Shai- and Flk like this.
  13. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    тупой рагуль должен сдохнуть без денег
    пусть пиздует за теплонасосом и ебется пока не разорится.
    не надо им ничего пояснять. флаг в руки, перо в жопу, барабан на шею и поезд сами-знаете-куда
    sharky likes this.
  14. sharky

    sharky Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2000
    Prague, Czech Republic (Ex Mosсow, Ex Omsk, Russia
    Образование - москальскя лженаука. Главное верить.
  15. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Die in poverty you stupid cunt (you most likely will - your reserves are running out).
    Who said a word about a ground-source heat pump here?

    Got AC unit with air-source heat pump...

    40 years... LMAO.

    I will most likely break even in 3 years from now :) 4 years tops (including the AC unit).
  16. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    хуй тебе пидор)
    сдохнешь раньше всех русских
    конем ебись, придурок, ты по ходу даже арифметику не умеешь, не то что алгебру.
    скорее всего?:)
    то есть ты, тупой урод, не в состоянии даже посчитать что и как)
  17. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Воздушные тепловые насосы так же используются для поддержания температурно-влажностного режима внутри помещений и работают по тем же термодинамическим циклам. При работе в режиме обогрева наружный блок, включающий в себя теплообменник, подвергается обморожению. Слой льда и инея, возникающий на рабочих поверхностях, снижает теплопередающую способность испарителя.

    Существующие методы борьбы с этим нежелательным явлением в конечном счете сводятся к прогреву испарителя до положительных температур (примерно +4 °С), кроме того, чтобы осуществить прогрев испарителя требуется остановка работы теплового насоса. В этот период времени отопление помещений прекращается. Прогрев испарителя требует затрат электроэнергии не только на оттаивание испарителя, но и на дальнейшую утилизацию конденсата, включая поддон наружного блока, и конденсатоотводящих патрубков. Расходы в совокупности доходят до 1500 Вт за один час работы теплового насоса, что заметно снижает экономическую эффективность применения воздушных тепловых насосов и их конкурентоспособность перед более дорогими и не экологичными геотермальными теплонасосами
    т.е. при минусовых температурах воздушный тепловой насос обмерзает и его нужно прогревать выше температуры таяния льда. Фактически в этот момент обогревается не дом, а улица. И если нет электричества по какой-то причине, то дом вымерзает.
  18. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Indeed British housing sucks in term of energy efficiency.
    Mine, for example, has triple glazed windows and 92mm thick frames. 50cm thick hollow brick walls - a great isolation. Also, the entire the concrete structure is isolated with bricks.

    Heat pumps are especially efficient with underfloor heating, for they only need a lower temperature of operation.
    Fitting underfloor heating in an already built house can be tricky. Add to this strict rules like the ones in Britain - and you've got a problem.

    Anyway, the ruSSians started all this energy discussion only to comfort themselves. They're trying to think of themselves as victors, which they're not.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2023
  19. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I'll probably get the solar panels this spring, with a govt grant scheme. They fund about 3kw, but I'll probably buy more to reach at least 5kw.
    The surplus can be sold on the network, at the same price you're paying for it.

    The guys selling the panels say the power/ sq meter has increased dramatically during the last years.

    Somehow I think am's calculations are made by the Soviet technological level in the 80's. Not that I expect them to differ much from the current russian standards.
  20. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Конечно же! Утешить. Рагули так и не вкурили в чем смысл картинки: