OK so who is -boar-?!...

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by By-Tor, Jun 17, 2002.

  1. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
    cc blue!

    CC Blue, and if U grant me, I can add: I saw (and can prove)
    that some pilots is flying with icons configuration to get the names of cons instead just a model of plane. these is important, coz the pilot who get that info can choose the enemy to engage,
    Let me show: I'm spot 4 cons, at D14 I can see: bullet, spinde, jjjjjj (besides a top models they are damnned good) and that scum of alemao...
    Gess who I will choose to engage???? So i can boost my scores just doing that chooses.

    Second: some pilots uses a dot command (I think) to get the position, heading and distance of any CV in the arena (very nice to boost scores)... I will love to tell to my squad mates alemao & vonpta that are CV-sunkers-addicts-buffers.

    I will be very disappointed if I know that some pilots have some unfair (IMHO) advantages over others... as exec and aike always says, all work at FHteam is to provide balance and equal chances to all players, so why some players get info like that and others no? Maybe exists two class of pilots... I would like to apply to be promoted to the another, coz I do not have such privileges.
  2. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    proofs ? here we go ! :(

    here we go guys - made this today on main arena. enjoy :(

    cheated cocpit front view (Spitfire V):

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  3. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    Bizerk remember being surprised by some pilots abilities to take impossible deflection shots - u have the answer before your eyes bro - look at all the space below the gunsight to take a nice deflection.

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  4. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    not to forget the classic back view ! ...ooops ..where's my back !?

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  5. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    and this is the prrof i made it today, and online, as this is how it looks from tower.

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  6. --stec

    --stec Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2000
    Poznan, Poland
    Wonder how will Boar explain the situation where he was attacked by Spit9 from alt advantage in his Ju87G and when spit zommed he pulled after him and started to gain on him in sustained climb up to the moment when he was able to open fire from those monstrous guns... ;)

    As I said many times before I'd prefer to have good cheat protection implemented to freehost rather than 100 new planes. (Good cheat protection = instantly and forever banning IP of all f***ers who can't play this game fair - including assholes using transparent cockpits, warps-on-call etc.)
  7. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
    I got this one... (but dunno how :D )

    Look these astonishing pictures...

    More... looking at 6...
  8. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    a few words of explenation. i have been owning this cockpit for a few month now. i have flown with it too, for some time. i did not post it's pictures because of many reasons. one of them was that all of my scores / results / skills might have been questioned, after having posting this. i can give You my word, that i could have been a total of mb 10 hours in flight with it (mostly when i was stoned and wanted just to have some fun). If u don't believe me...well it's gonna have to stay that way, as i said...im gone to AH. Anyway, during that time i found out, that this cocpit is a cheat that goes far beyond "oh, i can see u on my low six sucker !". An unexperinced pilot will suck with it anyway. But give it to someone who knows what his doing, and You'll get a killer as an outcome. Howcome ?

    Well, imagine chasing a fw190 in a spit 9. His diving to drop a bomb or a rocket, and you're trying to catch him. If you follow him down you'll never get him, however if u stay a biy higher he'll come back to u himself in most cases, pulling up after attack. But hey ! oi can;t see the guy my low 12. EEEEEE WRONG ! Yes u can !

    Deflection shot with bullet s going half the screen - no problemo - did that many time with this cocpit - it really can't be compared with the "touch" of blind shooting deflections of 2-3 cm of screen space. U can do "impossible shots" and they're quite easy too - hit % raises... oh yes it does - up to 25% in my case, from my avg 10-15%.

    breaking and avoiding being shot ? Voila ! u got all the info u need to break left, or right, pull up, push down, whatever u need to loose a con from your 6. Don't even have to look around to much. Nothing stands in the way of the view.

    As i said i found that out during some test flying with this bullshit cheat, and it's really just an innocent toy i got e-mailed to me from the guy who had those jet b24's , li2's and other shitty stuff.

    I'm sorry, but i could no longer read those cheater topics w/o reaction.

    I hope FH Crew will ban the fuckers and make a fair game play possible.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2002
  9. Prometeo

    Prometeo Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2002
    I don't flame with anybody behaving politely (unless he steals my kills :turret: )

    I never said that there are no cheaters in FH.
    I have no reason to defend cheaters since I'm not one of them.
    I'm saying that before accusing somebody to be a cheater you need good evidences, and we have none in this case.
    It is too easy whining about who killed you being a cheater (nobody ever said you were cheating, heartc ?), and it happens too often (i heard many times people telling me "how can your 109 turn better than my spit ? You're cheating !" LOL).
    For sure a cheater detection system would be very good to have (but a good cheater will override it, so it's a never ending issue anyway).
    Still I don't think that cheaters are such a big problem in FH: mostly I fight versus non cheating pilots (as long as I can see) and I have a lot of fun. I really don't care if a couple of pilots have better stats than mine because they are cheating: they are just small headed children and I really can't undertsand what kind of satisfaction they can get out of a kill.
    So I just have fun and laugh at them.

    Best regards

    JG13 Loki's Kinder - Hela Jasta
  10. Prometeo

    Prometeo Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2002
    Hi B,
    you can begin doing a good thing: tell us who is the asshole who flies those jets. Otherwise please shut up about this thread.
    You can't complain about cheaters then help them in hiding :nono:
    The same concept applies to vibora.
    An experienced pilot as you are should understand that cheating copkit is far from being an innocent toy. Maybe before using it for 10 hours.
    BTW Blue: were you using it when you did streak 100 ?

    Best regards

    JG13 Loki's Kinder - Hela Jasta
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2002
  11. --maty

    --maty Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2002
    Marseille, FRANCE
    ppedott_vibora and blue- thx for posts. Cheaters must die.
  12. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    i do not wish to be spoken to in such manner. i have the right to post my opinion in the time place and form i like, just as any other user of this board / member of FH community.

    i don't have to. i don't want to spoil the opinion on some decent pilots, friends of mine, that could be subjected to accusasions just because of knowing the guy, being in the same squadron. but i can inform You that i wrote a pretty long e-mail straight to rgreat and he doesn't need names, as cheated cockpit can be proved in server logs (that is what rgreat told me).

    believe what you want Promet. making a streak on a cheated plane would have been no good for me, as it is not fair and by the time i was doing my 100 korlic aka u--p- just did his 108, and im kind of a competitive guy, and wanted to check my ability to compete with that score, not beat it by any possible means.

    this is why i never posted these pictures / info before - not to be accused of abusing the cheat. if someone will ever take the trouble to view the logs of the time i was making the streak he should discover this - early stage of streak i was flying on i16 and yes, it had no cockpit. but by the time i got to 30 or 40 (can'recall well) i threw the cheat away, as i found that it's not gonna be anything to be proud of. By then yak 9d was out and i switched to that plane. made my last 60 kills flying on normal cockpit. it can be proved by server logs. btw - when i was making my 80 streak in LW planes (finished as active at the end ToD) i did not posses the cockpit yet, so if u want to question my skills, go ahead, but i'd be glad if you believed in what im saying, as i considered You one of my FH friends.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2002
  13. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    hmmmm, cheat cockpits etc... only makes me frown, nothing I can say about it really... just that I think it's lame, there's no skill in deflection shots then... except for that, I've heard heartc say "odi didn't do it like boar" well, I'm telling the same as promet, he can easily, maybe you weren't around at the moment, but this performance has resulted in some posts of people wondering if odi doesn't use a magical cheat...

    I never used any cheat of any kind and I never will... I don't have that much time to play WB these days, and will not play it for 2 weeks coz I'm on vacation... BUT, I've been away earlier already, and now I'm starting to fly again, I am opposed by this horrible map, the sudden racial slurs, the cheaters that everyone sees (Sjees what drug are you guys on?)

    greetz, Zembla
  14. Prometeo

    Prometeo Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2002

    You're right. I'm Sorry. :shuffle:

    We have a word in Italy for this kind of social reciprocal coverage for people damaging others: "mafia".

    Explaination: any mafia member has a relative who could be damaged by him being jailed. And he was a good guy, but those easy earnings by damaging others were too easy and fun not to exploit them.
    Quite the same you said.
    In my opinion your choice is neither honourable nor coherent.
    You're giving your own responsability to rgreat.
    As long as I know your friend is killing me all the time by cheating and you don't stop him, even if you can. At least you're leaking respect to all the not-cheating pilots, me included.

    It is very hard to me to belive that you needed to get 'till streak 30/40 to realize that you were cheating.
    I think that your competitivity pushed you a bit too far.

    I never ment to question your skill: you're one of the most skilled pilots in here, no doubt about that. Boar - cheater or not - is a very good pilot as well.
    I'm sure you can get a streak longer than 100 without cheating.
    This is not the point obviously: the point is fairness.
    I was just courious to know if your 100 streak was fair or cheated.
    Now I know it's cheated: your "real" streak in that occasion was 60/70.
    I belive you since you had no convenience in typing what you did, and I also appreciate it.
    I considered you one of my FH friends as well, and that's why your post disappoints me that much.
    As I previously posted, I don't care about cheaters. But I really did not expect that from you.

    Best regards

    JG13 Loki's Kinder - Hela Jasta
  15. ledada

    ledada Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2001
    comment as a reader

    i don't know much about software-programming.
    i have been angry about my inability to evade or aim and i often thought: can it be?
    i am pretty sure this game can be cheated and i am pretty sure, there is nothing to do - a cheater will be able to log in under a different nick for sure, no way to get him away...

    but i doubt that cheater's fun will be the same as gamer's joy. i used cheats in some shooters, i mostly play them for graphics or story. this simulation is different and even if i am proud of a streak of 7 or hi-score, i definitely don't play it for that numbers!
    i believe, most cheaters will leave after a while or reduce cheating... and when they started cheating less, either the real fun will get them or it will be more obvious when they use the cheat.

    these are my not very important thoughts about cheating

    i am always very angry, when i see strange things, luckily i forget soon about it.
    i surely agree, it is a shame to cheat and i hope it can be supressed.

    but the way some people get heated here is not kind of contribution that is helpful! it reflects an emotional reaction that makes the forum-reading a lot less joyful, informative or just interesting. the same can often be seen in arena, but there it is mostly the "moment after", and here it takes a time to write!

    it should really be possible and more helpful to search for facts instead of publishing personal"don't believes", which will more likely end in flaming.

    this is what i thought after reading the thread...

    i hope, any kind of cheating will pass by as a unique and rare event and also that we will find some practicable ways to make cheating highly riskful, near to impossible. together!
  16. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2001
    i never know anymore %)
    i told You, believe what You want. Im outta here anyway. And as for using that cockpit - we're just human, I coudn't resist, plain and simple, at least i have the guts to admit that, and i still think many of our fellow pilots did not, and will never do.

    it has always amazed me how obvious cheats are tolerated in FH and nothing is done about that. that's my last post, cause further discussion is pointless. as for me calling that cocpit an "innocent toy" i meant to say that cockpit is really nothing compared to the gun hacks and FM changes i have witnessed. How about an f6f with 6x37 mm cannons ? A jet b24 ? A yak with a Vulcan cannon alike hack ? I've seen them in the hands of my squaddie guys. You don't need names, to flame them, but admins know and do nothing, and thats strange. end of story. farewell FH. i only regret it had to end this way...but hey... this just proofes that virtual life is just as fucked as RL.
  17. Prometeo

    Prometeo Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2002
    This is getting way too sad
    I go to kill some cheaters in arena :D
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2002
  18. fuhrer

    fuhrer Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2001
    Curitiba, PR, BRASIL
    I'd really appreciate some admins hop in this thread and post something.

    Thank you -blue- for exposing this with real facts and real screenshots.

    You said rgreat told you that it's possible to identify cheats on logs... if it's possible to identify, why it's not stopped or made harder? Can someone from the FH team reply and lay out the whole situation as it stands now? Can we help? Can we do something to support you guys fighting these little f***ers ruining our fun? I believe that many people here would be glad to help and I'm one of them.

    If we don't do something or at least try, I think this whole thread is pointless and we all should go fly somewhere else, because I think if we don't stop them now, it will soon become a cancer that will kill the community.
  19. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    I agree with fuhrer, and I'm afraid he's right about the cancer spreading... :| look at us

    greetz, Zembla
  20. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    cc blue i remember our coversation. but in order to keep playing anf flying. i tended to forget about it. the cocpit view youshowed is amazing. and now i see how odi did it. i was astonished by his impeckable aiming in impossible angles. and then he stopped using the cockpit i presume. because he was normal decent flying after my acusations. i just want to say, odi i like you when you dont use the tweaked cockpit. and i am also glad you went back to regular cockpit. which was evident in your regular scores.

    blue i have deepest respect for you and your old sqd 302. could this be the reason ramzey left it as well?? you know i have been acused of cheating in the past, and all i can say is, guys in no way have i ever cheated in this game. i am totally legit, and use regular tactics that are on many websites. i am really quite a dweeb when it comes to computers, and adding tweeaked programs and such. heck i have a hard time even figuring out how and where to put terrains lol. i go call my wife. she is much more knowledgable then i.

    about odi again, at that time when he used that cockpit to make unbelievable shots. i started to wonder about all of the lokis squads. now not all of the pilots but some that were just good pilots all of a sudden became expert aimers. i will not name names either. now ofcoarse i seen boring do his impossible aiming and catching my spit from adive while he was level. maybe he will settle down and just try for regular game play like most of us here. i did manage to pk him in a 109 while i was in an f4f4. but my wing was hurting bad after that encounter. but i limped home. so maybe he will just fly regular from now on.

    now i know this is a free game and all, and i appreciate that. but i have seen alot of wierd things happen here at the fh since its inception. way back in the 2.76's days. i do believe FH team had to do alot of experimenting while we were having our battles, i even recall rgreat in a foo in regular arena, andhe stated he was in it. so we were all aware. while it was fun to see. i really didnt like seeing itin here. that iswhy im glad wehave theta so people can fly it thier.

    i must say, i have left this FH many times from people who choose to use cheats/hacks/tweaks etc. i only hope that they all reconsider useing these items. because thier is respect to be gained in honorable battles here. and besides, thier is always another plane waiting back at base :) blue thank you for exposing these cheats, and letting us all know about it. i really wish you to return and fly with my squad, and fly totally honorably. but if you choose to not fly any longer, well then all i ask is please post here from time to time. i still enjoy talking with you nara my friend.

    ok now that this is out of the bag forsure. lets all go to the main arena and fight some honorable fights my FH friends both red and gold :)
    cya up