Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Benjamin8, Mar 20, 2003.


Is USA's attack to Irak ok?

  1. yes

    23 vote(s)
  2. no

    105 vote(s)
  3. who cares

    9 vote(s)
  1. Cicero

    Cicero FH Designer

    Glas, if U compare: At the beginning of WW2 there was no bombing on cities, then later there was bombing on industrial and military targets in cities, and at the end.... there where made no more differences! I bet, if Germany hadn't capitulized, there was one A-bomb for Berlin ready too. :(

    Wait till the end of this war!

    BTW: American propaganda today comes very close to Nazi-propaganda in WW2.

    You (we) just shouldn't compare...
  2. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    @ Lt. AK: Thanks, that one on the right is very apt.

    @ Rgreat: Those first 3 pics are hard to stomach. Dont you think they sort of look fake tho? I know nothing medical, but there is no sign of blood around and there are no other apparent injuries close to his head (his face, for example, looks untouched). The injuiries he has suffered, if they are real, look more likely to have been caused by close combat with a sharp object.

    The rest, incidentally, are all men of fighting age and most are wearing uniforms. Unfortunate, but casualties of a war their evil regime could so easily have avoided.

  3. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Do you really beleave in 3 ppl losses? :eek:
    You think White House count them from space?!...

    btw, other side claim 77 civilians dead from bombs only in Basra.
    And Basra is the city the 'coalition' decided not to attack directly.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2003
  4. Lt.AK

    Lt.AK Well-Known Member

    Roman, in this world if you are not ready to accept civilian casualties to protect your way of life then you already lost because there will be always somebody who is ready to do that.

    And those pictures (from the link you posted) look very much the same as the pics of civilians in Chechnya.
  5. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Protect the way of life?
    I did not seen Iraq attacks on USA.

    I will explain that matter. I think i never do that before here.
    History of Chechen conflict.

    First Chechen war was a result of mistake made by corruped govenment who first decided to support criminal leaders of chechen republic.
    This ends in err... harrasment of Russian population in Cechnia.
    More then 250000 non-chechens was forced to leave the respublic. And around 800000 lost theyr job.
    Social care stopped there.
    Federal funds just go to the arming of leader and his buddies personal armyes.
    Kidnappings and slave trade was normal there!
    BTW, do you know about permenent slave maket in Grozny?

    Second mistake was then goverment (inspired by one dumb general) decide to replace chechen leaders in 'armored column at streets' way. Even without any support or preparations.
    That was second big mistake.

    First Chechen war start.
    That was about 10 year ago.
    War ended after peace agreements was signed.
    We try to use dipomacy, and give them much of independence.

    This not helped also. Year later Chechen bandits (or rebels as you may like to name them) with approval of they 'president' invaded other Russian respublic - Dagestan in big numbers. I dont understand how they can be so impudent.

    So the 2nd war started.

    This time we did not stop halfway and bandits was crushed.
    Except these ones who decide to surrender and was amnestied.
    Today elections just ends in Chechnya.
    And international inspectors agree on legality and honesty of them.
    Situation stabilised.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2003
  6. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    @ Rgreat: That report came from the mouth of an Iraqi official, as seen on TV. (it was actually reported as an indignant 'those bastards have killed 3 already') Possibly yours was from a different source.

    Also, again your media may have been playing things down a little. Everything we have had reported over hear was saying Basra was the key and it would be a bloody battle to grab it. Even the groegraphy of the country supports that fact. The Allies are attacking from the South, Basra is the main city in the South. It is also important for the fact the Allies are planning to land relief and hospital ships at the port at Umm Qasr, just S of Basra. And it is also worth remembering that the original Allied casualties in the Sea Knight transporter were killed in the Al Faw peninsula. We wouldnt have Allied troops anywhere near that area if we had no intention of attacking Basra.

    I would be interested to know where you heard that Rgreat, it flies completely in the face of the information we are getting.

  7. Lt.AK

    Lt.AK Well-Known Member

    Roman, I didn't discuss the reasons for military action in Chechnya, that's not the point. I was referring to the end result of that action - dead children, women, elders, or, in military lingo, noncombatants.


    you really believe it's over?
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2003
  8. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    As i can compare CNN with other world mass media your news a now more censored then they was in USSR in 1980-x.

    Sad, but true.
  9. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    That was deadly and bloody conflict.
    War always bad. And you can only chose it if you do not have other choice.

    That was not the case in Iraq.
  10. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    More or less. Yes.
    There is not much public interest in Chechen conflict anymore here.
    Even from these people who permanently fight for human rights.

    Personally i think there still will be some terrorist acts from time to time, but not at scale it used to be before.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2003
  11. Lt.AK

    Lt.AK Well-Known Member

    In your opinion.

    I don't have all the information but Colin Powell does, he is the guy I trust the most in the current administration, if he wouldn't think that's the only way to go he would resign and easily win the next presidential elections.
  12. spaceb

    spaceb Well-Known Member

    "The first thing that dies in a war is the truth"

    don't believe the media, we all know it's controled by the american government
  13. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Yes, in mine and UN Sequrity Concil.
    But for Bush UN opinion is not counted now. He know better ofcouse. Even without the facts.

    Weapons of mass destruction? Where are they? Not a single sign f them. I only see bombs falls on towns and 400+ Iraq people died already (with more then 1500 wounded) while defending they homeland.
    Or army people is not a people humans anymore?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2003
  14. Lt.AK

    Lt.AK Well-Known Member

    As far as I remember it was 2 to 2 among the permanent members of UN's Security Council with China's pretty much staying quiet.
  15. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sorry Rgreat, but what about the Scuds being fired at the Allies. 400 miles+ range i believe?

    Also, 400+ people have not died 'protecting their homeland'. They died protecting an oppresive, evil, sadisctic regime that murdered their own countrymen. If that is what they believed in, then they are as guilty as Saddam himself.

  16. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2003
  17. spaceb

    spaceb Well-Known Member

    Like Osama, Saddam is an invention of the US policy.

    Many of you say that he is a mofo genocide because he used chemical weapons against the kurdish civilians and i agree with you... but where did those weapons come from??? America
  18. Lt.AK

    Lt.AK Well-Known Member

    Roman, ok, 3 to 2, all I meant was that UN's Security Council was in deadlock on that issue, considering everyone of them has veto power, so, technically, that structure had no opinion.
  19. Lt.AK

    Lt.AK Well-Known Member

    so, US made a mistake and should go to Iraq and get it back...
  20. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    I read report says about no SCUD missles was fired in the conflict.
    But, IF the was fired how the hell they can be named 'weapons of mass distruction' if they use conventional warheads?
    You really think that Iraq can attack USA with them?

    E.g. their homeland.
    'oppresive, evil, sadisctic regime'
    Why there is NO iraq rebels present we know about?
    Btw, how much murdered by that regime?
    Also, how can that justify USA agression?
    And this IS agreassion, as that war breaks the international laws.

    Check how its change...
    It was 'save iraq people from evil regime'.
    Now it 'kill the bastards'.
    I even alread read USA citisens appeals to use WMD by USA to 'minimise losses to our brave army people'. That was a blast.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2003