Apache shoot Iraqian farmers with 30 mm

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Sturmbock, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. TS

    Sturmbock Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2002
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    Last edited: Jan 20, 2004
  2. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Weather they were doing their job correctly or or commiting murder we will never know. You can make up your mind one way or the other, but that doesnt make it true...damned 30mm dweebs
  3. -cbfs-

    -cbfs- Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2003
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    It was shocking footage... Especially where the Iraqi crawls on the ground after they waste the middle truck and the chopper strafes him - WITH 30MM SHELLS!

    War sucks... :(
  4. kangaa

    kangaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2002
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    put iraqi's in the chopper and the yanks on the ground and see how big the cry would have been...
  5. beryl

    beryl Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2002
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    that's fuckin terrorism...
  6. Prometeo

    Prometeo Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    If you're planning a vacation in Iraq, remember NOT to bring your fishing pole with you :nono:
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  7. tipiss

    tipiss Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2001
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    Will you guys just shut up about politics.. this is a fuck'n game forum. Don't expect flowers and butterflies in Iraq.. it's WAR, WAR, WAR and errors are part of it... you can have opinions about if yes or no the americans did the right thing, but godamn be logic about your opinions!!!!! American this, american that... a lot of people here live in countries that are much more fucked up then poor liberty of speech blblblblala america... It would be funny to see how much time it would take for moderators to delete the same topic if it would have been about russia.

    FH players are the most fuck'n sensitive people on this planet, get a grip, just play the game!!!!

    channel 100 -- stop shooting at smoking planes!!!!


    :turret: :turret: :turret: :turret:
  8. mosche

    mosche Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2002
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    i think tipiss, russian ppl here knows himself about what bullshit there militдr as example doing in tschetschenien, regards mosche :cool:
  9. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2001
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    can't watch the moovie with mplayer..
  10. Platy

    Platy Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2001
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    Clap Clap Clap tipiss, finally a post worth reading.

    Francly all this "america is evil" is to say the least, sickning. Get a grip of yourselfs, russians are no better then americans or any other country that became a superpower.

    Portugal in the ageof discoveries was guilty of starting the enslavement of africans and for the death of millions of africans and I don't see you complaining about it.

    Poor farmers bla bla bla, poor child that got a stray bomb bla bla bla, poor chechen wife that lost all sons bla bla, poor russian father that lost his son bla bla bla... Same old things.
  11. fuhrer

    fuhrer Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2001
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    You'll need the latest DivX to watch it Odisseo

  12. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
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    You are wrong.

    P.S. In fact personally i dont blame USAF for this video. This is terible, but this is a war. It meant to be terrible. I still dont like this invasion though.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  13. fuhrer

    fuhrer Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2001
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    It might be the same old thing to you but it's about time someone starts to do something to stop it. And the only way to do it is by the power of the masses, information.

    America is supposely the "land of the freedom" but I didn't see that footage on CNN or NBC. I show these videos to americans who are friends of mine and I don't think they like it nor are proud of it.

    So, if most americans don't agree with what they have been doing, who does? Who is supporting this war? In fact, not many but since most don't say anything about it, they just keep going. The same thing for you: If you don't fight against it, you agree with it.

    If you think we shouldn't talk about such things, to me that makes you as murderer as the moron who said "smoke them" in this video or the challenged ameba who said "he dropped a gun on the field". Like Prometeo said, it could have been a fishing pole.

    This video reminds me of the KC-130 attack in Afeghanistan where you clear see the gunner deliberately chasing people fleeding from the bombings. Aiming at a person! He even spent 5+ bombs/shells (I don't know what they use) just to make sure he killed one single unarmed person! I have it if any of you want to see what I'm talking about.

    You don't worry about it because you think it would never happen to you but Tipiss, be aware: for them your country is just a few footsteps away :p

    Anyway, I don't want to start another flaming war. My opinion is, if you don't like the thread refrain from reading it. No one forced neither of you guys in here.
  14. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
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    yes platy it's the same old show, and yes it's sickening to see the typical clichй of anti-americanism that seems to become a new trend... but, that doesn't mean that one should automatically counter all this... we can't change nothing about the US being in Iraq, we can better just help them in rebuilding and reorganising Iraq to avoid anarchy etc... but, it's absolutely over the top to say "same old show... " (as if that's the way it's supposed to be) when another cocky chopper pilot sees a farmer with an RPG-plough hybrid... (sarcasm) you say same old show when another genocide has been commited in Africa?

  15. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Oh, platy and tipiss are right. Let's simply shut up and let it be. Let's only be worried and protest the day they'll come for us. Since then, let's all be happy, cos we are lucky of live in a non-in-war country.

    Flowers, flowers and happiness to those touched by the staff of the gnome of imaginary happiness.....
  16. Airway

    Airway Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2002
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    i wonder how the poster of this topic found out that americans were shooting, that it were farmers that are hit and that this scenes played in iraq.

    i listen to radio in the clip and got no evidence for that.

    and just consider that they didnґt it for fun - itґs a mission - and in my opinion they removed a security "risk"

    there died people - i know. iґm not a blunted mad guy. i realise that there are people dying - and itґs sad. but war hasnґt been funny - nowhere.

    but remember that soldiers have choosen that job and now they have to execute orders that their government has given them. maybe they just donґt think about what they are doing and maybe they have real problems doing that - donґt make every american a "g.w. bush"

    yours peace loving pacifist - airway

    stop prejudice
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  17. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
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    These guys are ought to protect iraquis?

    Shooting at eachother, POWs and civilians.
    Either their training or leadership is REALLY REALLY sub standard.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  18. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
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    No they are meant to protect iraquis and bring democary. (by their presidents own words)

    There are many things between peacekeeping and total war (which would be unlimited nuclear conflict). Saying war is war is definetely oversimplifying. And in no way resembles any glimpse of thruth.

    In peacekeeping your task is to protect civilians. In this task you can't shoot but only under certain threat, often that is, you're being shot at. Otherwise your actions will undermine your task and put in question the whole operation.
    It will remove the trust between you and the ones you are protecting. Which will, very propably, cause much more casualties later on.

    This kind of forces must be readyu to make sacrifices and to die for civilians they are tasked to protect. In any case not to kill them.

    I don't know if russian army such trigger happiness as in flick is allowed and I assure you, that in most armies such guys would be courtmartialed pretty fast. Because such rookies or idiots make success of whole operation trivial.

    That goes also on other video where soldiers were executing wounded iraqui POW.
  19. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
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    Where did you pull that "evilness of america" from?

    You are the first one to mention that stupid phrase under this thread.
    It seems like youre the only one who, only recently, has understood that people really aren't much different anywhere you go. It's quite clear to most of us, thank you. It's kind of obivious.

    And you wonder why? I give you a little tip.
    The tip is, as you pointed out: WAS

    However it's very important to educate everyone of such moments, so these aren't repeated all over again. Like is happening NOW.

    As we have/had a greater influence on things that happened just recently or are about to happen it's pretty obious we are more concerned about TODAY and TOMORROW.

    I hope you don't have a clue of what youre talking about.
    Does it need to be your mothers head ripped of with 30mm blast before you're concerned? Or maybe not even then? Where goes the line for you? Subject is sickening thats true. It should be. Im glad it is. Thats the reason enough why people should see it. It's better to be sickening. So atleast us, the watchers, do not make it happen again.

    Did you know, the ignorant (like you?), just make it happen.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
    1 person likes this.
  20. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
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    I never said that this war is about 'peacekeeping'.
    Its about power and resources.
    IMHO it was a wrong decision to invade Iraq. But its already done.

    And we there have a war now, and once you start a war, you cant keep it cute and civil.
    You kill the enemy, or enemy kills you.
    And you try to kill enemy in most flawless way (for your side of couse) possible.
    There are no such common thing in war as 'kinghts in shining armor' or 'fair fight', even 'compassion' have little rights on the battlefield, after few of your friends die.
    If you think overwise you are quite naive or hypocryte.
    Being on war change peoples view on several things.

    Also about do we have a war there or not.
    1. Then one country attack another with armyes its called a war. Right?
    2. Then every day people get shot each over to the death, its called a war.

    Peacekeeping can be only applicable then third uninvolved side stand betwing two conflicting others. AND without much battle action.
    This is definitly NOT a apply here.
    Well, not that simple, but thats enough.

    Also, about court martial. This is kinda slippery question...
    Personally i recognize that involved sides are kinda err... "preconvinced" then it comes to it. IF it comes to it.
    No matter the country or the time.
    Remeber: WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Somali, Chechnya, Iraq, e.t.c. ? It all stays the same. Only uninvolved ones can allow themeself to be neutral or abstractly defend civil rights.

    I repeat: war ALWAYS have a disgusting face.

    And again, i do not find this movie as something unexpected.
    That behavior must be condemned in attempt to keep things of becaming worse.
    Its sick, disturbing, but still, i expected such movies.
    And from this point of view i cant really blame these 'brave hotshots'.
    But this is still suck. Blah. :(
    I dont want to be there. On either side.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004