
Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by bizerk, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    i think looseleaf has issues

    if he is as old as he says he is, he doesnt have much to show for it

    the only thing he knows about respect is that it was the name of a single and maybe that he "knows" someone who knew aretha franklin

    or that he fondly remembers buying the 45 in a music shop

    recalling it in an almost boastful way
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  2. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    It seems to fit (from here):

    "These individuals are highly competitive and self presentation is important. They have a need to put their finger prints on success and to disassociate themselves with failure. A prime concern for these individuals is establishing blame when failure occurs or establishing credit for group successes. In other words, is important not only that the group is successful, but that success is attributed to them. These individuals are status and power oriented with a strong need for external validation or social affirmation. When coupled with low self-control, these individual often react emotionally to perceptions of invalidation."

    Maybe looseleaf is Uncles. Although I have to say, looseleaf is a little bit more in your face and open with people in general. At least under his main nickname. Uncles is more sneaky, more suave.
    1 person likes this.
  3. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Very funny. Your quote sounds just like you:

    You link your own website showing-off your guitar skills to this forum.

    (I'm in no way a pro and I took only one guitar lesson, I bought a steel string Yamaha ET-21 in 1982 and it is still in its original box).

    Yes, I AM an "in your face kind of guy".

    So when you stuff your little hot-rod into the corner because "you know better than me" I will learn to play a few riffs of Jan and Dean's "Dead Man's Curve" in your honor.
  4. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    Probably your cock is bigger, too, little brother. At least from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.
  5. whodaphool

    whodaphool Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007


    You? Gandhi my poor little man.

    Let's have a critical analysis of all your posts,

    Let's see here, two polls you issued and twice the majority of votes , over 50% you were voted WOODPECKER by your peers.

    Let's see: most of your posts are flaming and sly cunning little back stabbing insults. Hardly the acts of "IN YOUR FACE" manly actions.
    What have you contributed other than you clowning around insults at others. You are an empty vessel resounding in your shallowness.
    You are truly pity full in you pseudo intellectual displays.

    You really think anyone here give a flaming fuck of your "analysis" or opinions?

    Some people here make note that a few of your cheap shots, stabs and jeers are sometimes quite witty and I agree sometimes , yes quite witty indeed.

    Yet, they are still cheap shots. The things of court jesters, smooth faced cabin boys and eunuchs.
    You are the stuff of little insignificant creatures that vie for attention, stooped over your keyboard at all hours of the day and night trying to get the best of anyone you can; a snide remark, a spelling error. You are the digital dung beetle of the IT set. You thrive on the excrement of others.
    Your whole world is a small ball of shit that you cure with the most meticulous attention.

    You are not worthy of my scorn, nor contempt.

    You are just pitiful and insignificant. Worthless.

    In my opinion I believe your recent and sudden jump in
    you reputation points is just like your sex life:

  6. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    @fuckie and looose: To be honest I don't know what you guys are arguing about. Since you both guys are using "racecar conditions" as you're example...

    @loose:"When you get a car "to the limit" going around a corner, front drive and rear drive, the laws of physics are the same and if the car's set up is oversteer or not, it will go into an understeering condition."

    Didn't quite get the point. You're saying that if car is driven fast enough into a corner, it will go straight? No matter if it's over/understeer model?
  7. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    I don't know either, air, I said my opinion that I supported with some - what I think - quality sites, then all I got is "no you are wrong" and then FUCK OFFs. That won't work. Neither Uncles' sneaky jealousy. These people have to learn where they are.
  8. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    i think there is something you dont understand

    i dont pretend that my posts are anything other than what you described

    i am a shit salesman selling the stuff in boxes labeled "shit"

    i dont know what label ur boxes have, but you are definitely passing it off as something else

    who is worse?

    that is to be decided by people who like to answer rhetorical questions in a computer game forum
  9. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    OK, OK:

    Pardon me that I have not been able to clearly express what I wanted to say:

    Yes, laws of physics dictate what you said.
    In the world of race cars, at least road racing cars when it comes to the topic of under-steer and over-steer:
    The winning car does not necessarily have one or the other nor will it necessarily be neutral steering.
    The most ideal condition in terms of handling and ease of driving and conservation of energy is a neutral steering set-up or with a slight under-steering tendency.

    My point is that any car no matter what the set-up can be driven to induce under steer effects and over-steer effects if the driver wishes it and knows how to do so.

    What I objected to was Fuckies's statement about "what wins races these days" in terms of under/over steering set-ups.

    That is simply just not true. If those website say that, they are wrong.

    He does not have to believe me, in fact he shouldn't.
    He could go out and research it all he can.
    He should go out and experiment for himself and find out for himself.
    Just like I did.
  10. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001

    Oki. Don't get me wrong. I did try to read it several times, but couldn't catch the point. My bad. :)

    Then again, isn't that a question of grip instead of steering? I mean, it doesn't matter if it's over/understeer, if one doesn't have any grip on wheels.
    (tried that with both "setups" in snowy conditions....my cars all have a serious lack of power. Sue me. :D )

    (btw, even rock will go straight out of corner if it's going fast enough :D )
  11. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    was about to write this mesefl

    @gandhi: don't worry d00d, I like your boxes way better than his...
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    was about to lose my driving licence today, but got away with only 2 bad rep driving points, which will be cleared in 6 months
    the police guy insisted those pedestrians did wanna cross the street, i said they didn't, coz they knew i wasn't gonna stop :D
  13. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Here is what you said:

    Neutral is not the quickest way around the track. Here's a nice article: the key is "slip angle"

    Here is where you quoted me:
    Originally Posted by looseleaf
    Even road racing front wheel drive cars taken at the extreme will go to under steering effects.

    Here is what you said:

    You got it plain wrong, front wheel drive cars ARE THE ones that naturally understeer whenever you touch the throttle, so the suspension of racing FWDs are set up the way to have oversteer off the throttle, to compensate some of that natural understeer.

    I said again that this was not so. I did not make it personal.

    At least that was not my intention.
  14. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Oh Come ON Fuckie, you disappoint me.

    If you want to take this to a lower level, you shouldn't set yourself up so well with such a straight line.

    You don't want me to respond to that line. You left yourself way too open!
  15. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Bon Appétit
  16. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    he's going for 4 in a row


    alas, it is not to be
  17. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    don't get into this, I wasn't talkin' to you :>

    I'd give him rep and write that, but Borat said I couldn't so here it went, you can go back to your little car argument now :)
  18. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    No problem.

    Yes, the tire 'grip" that is before the point of just sliding off the road is measured or rather one of the measurements is:
    "slip angle".
    That is the torsional movement between the contact patch and the body of the tire.
    The car points in one direction and the slip angle makes the car go in a different direction even so slightly.
    Just like the rudder slip in an airplane without the screeching.
    Even a sliding tire will have a slip angle.

    Entering a corner a driver can set-up the car with a combination of steering inputs, brake and power to effectively induce an under-steering or over-steering result.
    How easy it is and to what advantage there would be for the resulting exit and next corner/straight depends onthe nature of the car and its suspension settings and other conditions.
    Neutral steering cars are the easiest to get to do what you want. There could be conditions where the easiest is not the best for that particular driver/track/car combination.

    A classic example is the Benetton F1 that Schumacher drove.
    His set-up was impossible for any other driver. He drove hard and banged every berm on every corner. It was near go-kart suspension...and it worked very well for him.
    It was a virtual drag race out of every corner and he always had it pointed in the right direction, well almost always.

    That's what I objected to Fuckie's response. No website is going to come close in telling you with some blanket statement what kind or steering characteristics wins races.

    I can just imagine someone reading that, then dialing his car up with the "winning combination" and then killing himself or worse someone else.
  19. whodaphool

    whodaphool Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Re: A rose by any other name.......

    HA ! Yes, I do understand.

    You are are admitting NOW that all you do is throw shit.

    Oh NOW you say that you never have denied that all you do is flame.
    Your shit is all dainty and wrapped and so pretty and all lace and gold foil.

    It's still SHIT- S.H.I.T.

    You are under the illusion that by attacking the person you gain some sort of victory, some form of honor, the praise of your "peers" here at this online game forum...????

    You are more fucked-up than I thought.

    You are online mental masturbating. Just another form of cheating.

    You are mistaken that anyone here is 'selling" anything.

    Sharing opinions and facts. No one should feel that they should not express their opinions or discuss the facts presented in a certain way otherwise they get flamed and bombarded by negative rep. remarks.
    No one should be subjected to that constant bombardment that is uniquely your style here.That passive/aggressive snide remarks and then all the negative rep flaming.

    Not even that Rolland Garros goes to your extremes.
    Unless that's another one of your "multicity" alter egos.

    Watch your back big boy,you may piss-off the wrong person some day. Someone who just might be a little bit more sick than you.
    You may find out that you are not as safe as you think behind that keyboard and monitor.
    Then again some people don't believe in Karma. until it's too late.

    Good thing for you with your every post you prove how truly miserable you really are.
  20. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Re: A rose by any other name.......

