When I watch the line-up for outside the grocery store, I just shut-the-fuck-up and join the line and try not to hack and cough or to touch anyone, to stay 10 meters distance..... This has happened before. That does not make me feel good [Nya nyah not me! or bullshit like that. We are all in this together, take care or yourself and others too], not at all. TRY TO NOT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE. SMILE AND NOD. WASH THOSE HANDS, AS MANY TIME AS YOU ARE ABLE TO. DON'T MOUTH-BREATH STAY AT HOME AS MUCH AS YOU ARE ABLE TO. HANGING GARLIC AT THE DOOR PROBABLY WON'T HELP, AND THE AROMA MAKES PEOPLE GO MAD, IF THEY HAVE NOT EATEN FOR A WHILE or even if they have!!
Garlic, onion, or two days of binge drinking... all that should do the job. As far social distancing is considered - my wife drove to the local Lidl Mart today (we try really hard to avoid really big shops, so I go the local grocers, and to the bakery, but for diapers, and more serious stuff we had to go to a larger joint)... people are dumb, whole families are shopping, no precautions whatsoever. It pisses me off, big time. I try to be reasonable, I cut myself off the outside world (two doggy walks a day, plus shopping for bread and basic groceries once every two days - and that's it)... and there are dumbasses, idiots, idiots everywhere. Spoke with my sister today (she moved to Germany several years ago, now holds German citizenship) - same there. Playgrounds are closed, so the parents drive their children to parks, so that they can play football together. I guess idiocy is an international feature.
Here in Bavaria, a curfew has been in effect since 00:00 today. You can still leave the house for important stuff as groceries, taking care of old relatives and for exercise, but no hanging around with people and no crowding of any kind! Incredibly, the government of Bavaria is now being criticized by some federal politicians for going it alone rather than waiting for a country-wide policy. Yes, sure ... let's discuss this matter for another few weeks; why not. F****ING IDIOTS!
We're not buying bread anymore, nor anything that's been prepared by others if we expect they have come in contact with the food. It's OK if the food comes from the machines and we bake our own bread. We don't drink wine, that's why starting a cult involving machines, bread and wine is difficult for the moment. Jokes aside, we're scared as fuck. I'm the only one doing the shopping, weekly, both for my family and for my parents. Mask, googles, gloves. Disinfectant all over. The shops have sold all the disinfectants very fast, right from the start and their stocks were very low. I found a mix of ethilic and isopropilic alcohol being sold as a solvent at a hardware store (they're used as mild solvents for cleaning electronic parts, among other things). Nobody knew about them so they were still there. I bought 4 bottles and told other people in the store to check them out. The politicians here are idiots and jerks, of the worst kind. They've always been. They've decided to cut down on the transparency regarding the number of sick and we know they're hiding the first deaths! They're protecting themselves with a state of emergency they've declared a week ago, that keeps them unaccountable for all the abuses. Their message, at the start of the epidemy in Italy (where a lot of Romanians work) was "don't panic". Several public health managers, who are doctors, repeated the "don't panic" and "it's just a flu" messages for about two weeks. They've convinced most of the people with that. Me and my wife have been constantly reading about the virus since it started in Wuhan, so you can imagine our anger with that.
Welllllll......... let's not forget that it wasn't just the Nazis that helped destroy Warszawa... Remember what Brezhnev did.
Here in Silicon Valley it's been raining and overcast mostly the last two weeks. Most the techies started working at home already for a few weeks. Stores are mostly devoid of people and everyone is keeping their distance. At least the shelves are not crazy empty and deliveries are still regular. But it is eerie that the auto traffic is nearly 75% less.
The last time I was in Bavaria was to visit a very old relative (grandmother's sister). It was amazing to see the wonderful care she was receiving. A beautiful government facility (an old, big estate), with young, energetic and polite workers. It was a paradise compared to where my elderly relatives died in the USA. I cried when she she offered me her lunch -- she said she wasn't hungry, and that I should eat more because I was too skinny. And it was really good food (good quality wurst, cheese, bread and such)! Das Leben ist schwer! Vergiss das nie!
thank you for the video. never saw such destruction why Hitler so hated the Warsaw? or he hated all slavic?
He did not. Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky did (by halting his advance on Warsaw in August 1944). One of his subordinates, general Zygmunt Berling, commander of the First Polish Army, after seeing his Soviet superiors are doing nothing to save the dying Warsaw, initiated a rescue operation on his own. After establishing two bridgeheads on the western bank of Vistula (in Powiśle and Czerniaków districts of Warsaw) he could not even count on Soviet air support, and after suffering heavy casualties from the counterattacking he withdrew. This attempt did cost him dearly. He was dismissed from command, never to command a military unit (not even a brigade) again. As far as German plans for Warsaw are considered - they already had plans of turning it into an exclusively German city in 1939. After the Warsaw Uprising broke out Hitler himself ordered Warsaw to be razed. They already had the necessary skills for that, having razed the entire Warsaw Ghetto earlier.
Yes cant find the files but as memory serves it was one of the political officers that later became premier.. so I. sure it was Brezhnev or maybe Khrushchev? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Uprising
that was yesterday, not ancient history, yet ya can't remember? So, in a thousand year, what ya think humans will teach each other? Myths and legends...... Know what A Great Yank called Vonnegut wrote about Yeasts.
As far as i know, USSR offered cooperation to "polish rebels" but they refused that offer. Also, after rush strike, our forces needed to wait for reserves and back-convoys - it is very recklessly to continue offense with tired army. Anyway - it is very wrong to say "USSR helped Nazies to destroy Warsaw", such thoughts are logical mistakes.
Here it's late reactions, worse than in Germany. Need to discuss in absurdum before making decisions. We got it with fancy ski-goers that was in Italy for sports holiday w09 or thereabouts. Our company has "work from home if you're at all sick, stay home extra days after recovery", also "quarantine if you been near the (older) hotspots". Still not yet had to lay anyone off, but the warning is out for a few people "in a month we won't have any work for you". I am not so concerned regarding the virus/sickness, but rather the aftermath in economy. When everything is shut down, it's not only to flick the switch to "On" when you have stopped coughing. AH well. TAKE CARE ALL AND STAY SAFE!
It is starting to look really weird around here. Yesterday I went for a walk in a town of 30,000 people. There is a stretch of busy road with shops and cafes and little monuments, places of interest. Yesterday, a Friday Afternoon, I could lay down in the middle of that street. There were few people out an about.The shops and cafes are erecting Plywood to cover up the windows. There is no place to have a sit-down meal, two pubs in this town are closed, there are only two pubs here. The little grocery store I go to only lets in ten people at a time, and a Big Hindu dressed like a security guard counts heads, lets ten in, then lets them all through, then ten more. I croaked, do you work twelve hours? he said yes. I croaked you poor fucker, you should join a union. Or go into the bush and cut wood.... The park with the baseball diamond and the tennis courts has yellow tape all around. This woman I know, she lives near smiles and said Stand Back. and put up her open palm. I thought WHAT THE.... And then, oh, okay, I stood back. She said HI. I croaked Hi. She said how are you?, I croaked I am fine, she said What did you say? I croaked I am fine! My voice doesn't work, that woman is a retard. I gave the sign to my lips that means, NO WORDS FROM HERE!!!! She gave me a look, from head to toe and she said, you know, Hezz, you really should shave! I croaked and you need to take a shower!!! and walked away.
Here the govt has decided that employees with kids under 12 years old can take payed leave to take care of their kids during the epidemy. Only one parent / family, with their salary cut to 75%, but not higher than 75% of the average income. Also, most companies, where this is possible , have their employees work from home. The companies that have to stop their activity can place their employees in a sort of unemployment where this 75% is payed by the state, during this epidemy. Of course I wonder where from the govt has all this money, I was sure they had stolen it already.
[Deleted] WTF?? https://photos.google.com/u/1/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipPUtYrBeGtgezSC7jLlYtnyIz0jc5IEJZI68XkI Good words above Best wishes to you - all of you here - and yours [NOT sarcasm].