Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by -frog-, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    The update here is as follows - there are 3 Ukrainians left in my daughter's class (there were 5 previously), so some of those living in the west of the country already decided to go back.
    The boy, who stayed is from Mariupol, the siblings (boy+girl) from Kherson Oblast.
    Their parents decided to stay here for good.

    In my son's preschool the situation is different.
    There were 3 pupils last year, there are 5 now.
    More women are starting their work here, so they can't stay home with the kids it seems.
  2. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    OK, OK understood. I take your point about relativism. I was trying to talk about the normal people, the so-called "masses" who experienced the War. They didn't know very much about relativism or dialectic stuff. We should all read/watch Doctor Zhivago this week.
  3. pakman

    pakman Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2002
    St.-Petersburg, Russia
    Польские силовики избили и вытеснили в Белоруссию пятерых мигрантов
  4. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Says who?
    Anyway - these must have been tourists on tourists' visas.
    Belarus should better watch their tourists - it's illegal for them to enter the border zone.
    As long as these tourists don't have Schengen area or Polish visas they are not allowed to cross the border.

    Anyway - why should they attempt to do so, in the first place?
    Belarusian state television broadcasts "news" about recession and unemployment in Germany, famine in Poland - I guess if they want to migrate (instead of touring), Belarus is evidently a far better place for them to live, than Germany or Poland - it has potatoes to feed everyone, and employment (with a minimum wage of BYN 626.00, that is almost EUR 180.00 a month)!
  5. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    "French police has beaten and kicked out to Spain five algerian immigrants"
    sounds better? truthly?
  6. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    What's "truthly"?
    I've been in Spain, I've been in France - not a huge difference, especially in the south of France (although Spain's cheaper than Poland now - save for overrated attractions like Madrid, or Barcelona, which isn't even Spanish if you ask me - I've been to Asturia lately and they don't consider Catalonia to be Spanish there).
    Go live in Poland, on a minimum wage (~1000 Euro), and compare that with living in Belarus, with their minimum wage of just 175 Euro.
    Still your propaganda states, that it's better to live in Belarus, than in Poland.
  7. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    pakman said:
    Польские силовики избили и вытеснили в Белоруссию пятерых мигрантов

    you replied:
    Anyway - these must have been tourists on tourists' visas.
    Belarus should better watch their tourists - it's illegal for them to enter the border zone.

    i'm replacing Poland to France, Belarus to Spain and Syrians to Algerians, thus we have:


    pakman said:
    French "police" has beaten and kicked out to Spain five algerian "tourists"

    you replied:
    Anyway - these must have been tourists on tourists' visas.
    (how many visas do you think african illegal migrants crossing EU borders have in their passport absence?)
    Belarus Spain should better watch their tourists - it's illegal for them to enter the border zone.
    (why your words weights NOTHING in case when italian/spain police deal with illegal african migrants?)
  8. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    That's Italy/Spain, Italian/Spanish/African - you can only write nations (nouns) or national descriptions (adjectives) in English with capitals (save maybe for russia - the fallen state).
    I'm not Spanish, nor am I Italian - I am Polish - living less than 120 kilometres from Belarusian border - so it gives me the right to ask - why are African tourists invited by Belarus killing Polish soldiers?
    There's no direct land link between Belarus and Africa - these guys fly to Minsk on tourist visas, and then attempt to cross the border between the "rich and affluent" Belarus, and the "corrupt, and starving" Poland. One of them just killed a Polish soldier. Shall we consider that an attack from Belarusian side?
  9. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    never read this before. how can unarmed man kill not-alone armed man? seems like you are pierdoling the brain.

    how many african/arabian tourists were killed by polish soldiers on the belarussian-poland border?

    those africans main goal - to intrude the EU.
    some of them choose very dangerous way - on the boat via mediterr.sea - many of them dies there.
    but those who travelled alive - they are NOT BEATEN by italian/spain police...
    another african/arabian people choosed more comfortable way to intrude EU - via Belarus (by tourist vise, because foreigner need the vise to walk on belarussian land). but they did not expect the fire from firearms from poland border-guards that resulted in africans/arabs deaths, even children...

    yeah! try to answer.... and you'be fucked not only by belarussians...

    and well... you've denied to answer that very simple question with replacing comparision.
    so that's how you're putting your language in your ass and keep silence on same presence/absence of some behaviour.
  10. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003

    AFAIK - none, still - many died trying to cross the border in harsh winter.

    Why are the Belarusian authorities issuing tourist visas to migrants?
    If they know they are potential asylum seekers, all international conventions say, they should seek refugee in the FIRST SAFE STATE they arrive in (i.e. UAE if they fly via Dubai, or Belarus, if they fly directly.
    Belarus is attempting to de-stabilize EU, by forcing migrants through its borders with Poland and Lithuania.

    BTW - there was a gigantic fire in Warsaw, with a huge shopping centre going ablaze in just 11 minutes.
    Guess who were the arsonists arrested in this case?
    3 Belarusians, all of them former members of Belarusian militia.

    Nice wording there (belaruSSians), kinda fits the case.
  11. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia

    seems like soldiers provoked migrants.

    when you do not want truth - you just close eyes.... it's so usual in western world.
    tenths! hit by weaponry and died then.
    According to NGOs, there have been at least 50 confirmed deaths on the Poland-Belarus border since the start of the border crisis in the northern hemisphere summer of 2021.

    why not? visa is a kind of commercial product.

    why you dont blame Algeria of Tunis for they let migrants go to north into EU ?

    much, much more migrants go to EU from south!
    why you are not worried about that?
    ah, they are not allowed to cross Poland border... :D

    hard proofs?
    thus you accuse belorussian's authorities in that fire?

    hahahahahah! "highly-likely"! :D
    eat this shit alone.

    that's how you prepare for war with Belarus?
    wanna get burned by NW?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
  12. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
  13. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Any credible sources for that?

    What's a visa?
    As a citizen of nation that has the world's 6th strongest passport, with 189 countries that do not require visa from me (equal to USA, Canada, Czechia and Hungary) I don't remember applying for a visa after 1989.
    A visa is a tool for migration and tourism policy, not a product to make money on Arab criminals.
    All these migrants trying to get to Poland from Belarus could easily get a Polish long-term visa.
    All that is required (at this moment) is a certificate of no criminal record (police clearance certificate), and a proof they want to work or study in Poland.
    That's really it!
    Our labour market is like a dry sponge (our unemployment rate is the second lowest in the entire EU), it needs as many hands "on", as possible.
    If you order a Bolt or Uber cab in my home city, the driver will most likely be from Zimbabwe or Ukrainian (there are some Georgians and Nigerians too, but the former two nations dominate the "App-cab" business). Construction sites? Poles are something of a rarity on some large projects. Indians, Ukrainians, Nepalese, Filipinos - you name it, we've got them.
    Waiters in bars? Ukrainian or black.
    Production and warehouse operatives? At least 20% foreign.
    As long as you are willing to work or study here* - you're welcome.
    *Does not apply to citizens of terrorist states - Iranians, Northern Koreans, and Russians.

    To tell you the truth Belarus has been waging a hybrid war with us for years now.
    I guess it's just the patience of our authorities that prevented some "accidents" at the Pührerbunker
  14. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    you named us as terrorists long before 2022.
    without any reason. and even long before 2013.
    you're insane.
    you allowed african/arab criminals flow in EU free (lots of knife attacks from them all over the EU), even without documents, but you forbidded russian citizen even visit EU as tourists (without visa).

    also, that UA bandera-govno-ment, that is supported by you(!) - with absolutely no reason named LDNR people as terrrorists and began ATO on them, that lead to 14000 deaths.

    so continue eat the shit.
  15. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    IIRC the last attack by immigrants that terrified Europe was a Pole, high as the sky, attacking the Danish PM.

    And we don't let in Russian savages for a reason.
    Prior to February 22 you were allowed in, don't you remember?
    That's why I went to Asturia for holiday in 2019 - too many loud, uncivilized primates on Costa Brava (and in the entire Mediterranean part of Spain) the previous year - most of them British and Russian.

    And there's a reason we support Ukraine.
    The whole democratic world does.

    We hope they're able to stop the spread of your Mongolic hordes, before they reach us.

    If you were Ukrainian, and not Russian, you would be able to come to Poland without a visa. What's more - you would get the same rights (including social benefits and medical insurance) the moment you've stepped on our soil. We accept people, but not war criminals.
    If you were African you'd still require a visa, but this would be granted without any further efforts (apart from a certificate of no criminal record), if you planned to work or study here (plus a 3-year temporary residence permit). We consider Africans to be far more civilized than you, butchers.
  16. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    with visas (to Shengen) only.
    but probably russians might visit Poland without visa in 2020? sounds errorneous.

    democracy = the power of (US) democrats.
    fuck that shit.

    hordes of cockroaches are in your head.
    Russia was VERY CALM and HAPPY and INTERESTING in trading with EU - BEFORE SHIT began to ejaculate from democrats and other insanes in US - until 2022.
    dont you remember?

    Do you remember the SHIT the polish gaz company MADE in Stockholm Court ?
    after that EU forced Gazprom pay N billions dollars for PREVIOUS FINISHED TRADES ...
    Do you mean that is honest decision?

    Dp you remember that shit from Parashenko and Zelen mouths about "Nord-Streams are very dangerous for EU economy! they should de-mounted! (exploded later)" ?
    Do you remember the year they began to shit?
    Do you still believe in that shit?

    haha, and now - to be forced back to Ukraine to be mobilized ... :D :D :D
    democracy! all banderlog dreams became real!
  17. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Russia was happy and "very calm"?
    So why tha fuck did you invade a sovereign country?

    Let me tell you how it looks "from my perspective".
    Russia is backward, ruled by an autocratic regime that needs some "success" to justify its presence.
    First there was Chechnya, the invasion that built the foundations of Putler's regime.
    Then Georgia.
    Now (since 2014) Ukraine.
    You waged these wars not because Russia, the largest country on earth needed them, but because your leadership needed them to justify its presence.
    You say a lot about American or Israeli imperialism, failing to notice, that it's your imperialism, that is the most expansive and aggressive nowadays.
    It seems to me, that Putin wants to re-create the Russian empire, at the height of its weak dominance in the 19th century.
    The problem is - you no longer have the resources to do so.
    You're a raw material exporter, downgraded to this role in just 40 years.
    Even the "new Russian cars" that are "manufactured" in stolen Stellantis plants, are assembled from parts that come in crates from China.
    You import most of your electronics, instead of manufacturing it.
    You import almost everything, apart from simplest products, cause your industry cant' manufacture them.
    There's the high-tech arms industry (highly dependent on Chinese supplies), the now abandoned space industry, and the energy industry (with only the nuclear sector thereof still operating - mining needs Western/Chinese supplies to function), but apart from that your economy is an eggshell, preserved only by lack of foreign competitors. Once China forces you to lift the trading barriers it will be gone/taken over.

    I've already stated that two years ago, and now it's not becoming ever more apparent - you're going to end as a Chinese feudum, if you fail to notice it.
  18. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    Yes. in 2013 Russia had a growing economics, selling oil and gaz to EU - that was making Russia really calm and selffullfilling of a kind.
    because that country (banderlogs in the Rada) claimed Russia as enemy (since 2014) and promise to destroy Russia.

    Wanna ask why banderlogs claimed Russia as an enemy? :)
  19. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    lol! :D

    "First there was LDNR, the invasion of VSU and SBU that built the foundations of banderlog Parashenko's regime."
    - same meaning.

    Georgia first attacked MP forces. so shut the fuck up about Georgia.
    better say - where are russian forces in Georgia now? even in 2009? except South Ossetiya, ofcourse...

    you're like a child.... stop me laughing on you.

    Ukraine thought - they are rich in 1991 and declined Union with Russia.
    10-20 years later they wanted cheap oil and gas from Russia or their economy fail... it failed later in 2014...

    So - compare what was Russia in 1913 and what is Russia now (even without Crimea, lets say in 2013).
    Now - we have multi-trillion dollar assets in gas, oil, metals, energy......
    If you want say the Empire about us - we ALREADY IS AN EMPIRE since 2000th...

    Putin do not WANT, he ALREADY made an Empire long before 2014.

    you're fool.
    we have almost all resources.
    we're only lack on microelectronics - but China helps us in that.

    you're a fool.
    check balance on raw and goods products in export of Russia. compare 2000 and 2020 years.

    on "stolen" - Stellantis stopped production, making starving workers. so shut up and fuck that Stellantis.
    Poland with Sweden stolen N billions from Russia for products that was sold 10 years ago.

    good boy. here you're right.

    We COOPERATE with China, Turkye, Iran, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other.
    it is POLAND that is IMPORTING almost everything... lets talk about that?

    "high-end arms" - on FPV-drones you're right.
    but on Kinzhal, Poseidon, Bulava - you're a fool.

    here you're almost right. but space industry is not abandoned, but paused/suspended.

    :D :D :D
    i've seen a lot of such "predictors" :D
    all they are fools :) you're the one of them :)
  20. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    how the fuck did you get mcgru to write in english? :D