Should airaid be hanged in the streets for hacking?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Jochen, Jul 18, 2002.


Should airaid be hanged in the streets?

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  1. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Fourth of Nine

    Attached Files:

  2. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Fifth of Nine

    Attached Files:

  3. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Sixth of Nine

    Attached Files:

  4. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Seventh of Nine:

    Attached Files:

  5. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Eighth of Nine

    Attached Files:

  6. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Ninth of Nine.

    Attached Files:

  7. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    One final suggestion that just entered my mind.

    Again, it doesn't conclusively prove anything, but...

    Ronin...otherwise known as ptah, as he himself says in the 09 January conversation.

    Ptah...Osiris...deities of Ancient Egypt. The creator god and the king of the gods, respectively, depending on which period in history we're talking about.

    In the conversations from 18 July, Oziris asks how I can enjoy flying so high for 45 minutes.

    Just the other day, right after downing two enemies on the DECK in my Me-110G-2 south of F19, Ronin commented on me being the alt-monkey above him.

    Seems like an interesting pattern to me, although it doesn't prove anything.

  8. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Oh Boy, we have hackers, sniper otto's, Red Hmacks appearing at gold fields and vice versa, 50mm bullets (havn't seen this one yet, but i was surprised by Ronins comments, he's been around a while and should know that 2x20mm in the right place is enough to destroy any single part of a plane), Jet planes, etc etc.

    Added to which accusations are flying left right and centre in the arena.

    A note to the person who called me "urod" :D next time you take the time to follow someone with a feul leak and wait till they try and ditch try not to be surprised when a gold comes up on your 6 and blows you away :mafia:

    Makes you wonder why we play this game.

  9. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    well i must say that i do not know this oziris fellow. nor this god fellow. but i have heard in the past some people upset with a pilot named god. and yes it sounds like ronin was accusing some one in your squad. whether it is true or not, i don't know. i would say no imho. i know you jochen for quite awhile, and i do think you are on the up and up. i know you guys like to climb way up and boom and zoom alot. i have no problem with that. but i think ronin was upset at the time about something back then that was happening alot. thier was a time when some pilots were using a tweak to put more rounds into a con in a hurry(going from like 10 bullets a sec to 30, and it was much worse with cannons). and i believe i myself and many others have fell victim to this. and i do remember quite possibly around the time you took your screen shots, hmacks appearing on closed fields (invisiable ones also) for confirmation ledge/buzz will agree with me on a few pilots/nicks or pilots that were suspect. and thier was a posting made about these pilots if i remember correctly. and they were reported, and i believe recently some of those pilots have resurfaced as of late. i know presly was one we were suspect of, and i think lefty was one of the invisible hmacks and warping at will in aircraft. mikado as well. but these other fellas oziris is new to me, while this god fellow i have heard many pilots in the past complain about.

    i must say also that elite flys for the fun of dogfighting pretty much exclusively. with and occational bomber and li-2 run thrown in. and we would very much like to find out, and have any pilots that hack or spam etc thrown out of FH. i do know my friend ronin has had some types of attacks on his computer as well while flying. hell, i believe i have had them also. i recall trying to take off from f4 on the current map some t.o.d's back and all my aircraft would do is roll nose over completely around, over and over while on the runway. thier was another pilot at the opposite end of the field with the same problem, but this did not occur to every pilot that night. i did take some screens shots of that event, and if i didn't clean my computer out i may have them still. if i do. i will post them.
  10. Buzz-403

    Buzz-403 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Canada eh!
    To Jochen

    Hi Jochen, just wanted to comment on your chat buffer flood from player god.
    Several weeks ago same situation happened to me and I promptly notified rgreat about it.
    My situation was this:
    I saw a player come online who has not played for a long time :
    Snoopy. When Snoopy was here many months ago, he used to exploit any bug possible in the freehost.
    On Channel 100 I said: "John Mueller, I thought they banned you?"
    I promptly got a private message from snoopy: "Who are you??"
    *Please note that I did not direct the name John Mueller at Snoopy* :D

    I quickly squelched snoopy, because I know his old tricks and did not want to argue.

    Anyhow, shortly after, my chat buffer was attacked by several players (hackr , and god..and others..) causing me to disco.

    It's unfortunate that people like this thrive on ruining a fun game.
  11. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Hi Buzz,

    Agreed in full. This is the first time I have ever had my chat buffer filled.

    However, it's pretty obvious that it's not only such amateurish autoexecing which is the problem. I remind you of -afi--'s post here, and of my experiences the second time in WBFH last night. NO chat flooding...a simple port-scan and disconnect followed by a forced power-cut. There's a lot more going on here that I think FH should make their top priority.

  12. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Hi Bullet,


    But I also pointed out to Ronin in the 09 January conversations that it would be good for reds to know that we have the same problems on the gold side. If someone or some organization is attempting to hack someone else or someone else's organization, JG27 is NOT the one playing foul. Again, I point out my refusal to implicate Elite as a unit here, since I have no proof of that. But I would also like to let Ronin know a few things:

    If he is getting hack attempts, he can join the club. My firewalls stop a lot of attempts while I'm in WarBirds these days. I completely understand how frustrating attacks can be. Stopped hack attempts do not knock me off of WarBirds, but hey, when I can't even stay logged in for more than a few seconds because of some lurking port-scanner, I think I've got it pretty bad myself.
    And now, such attacks are happening to all JG27 pilots.

    Second: if he is getting hack attempts, whether they are detrimental or merely a nuisance, Jagdgeschwader 27 is NOT behind it. Nobody in our unit believes in or ever condones such actions. As fuhrer said, this is a battle which both sides and all sim pilots should join in. I'm not going to point fingers at reds, and I don't think he has a right to point fingers at golds.

    I particularly speak in defense of JG27 here, because I know all the pilots so well and for so long.

    Therefore, if Ronin IS behind the aforementioned, highly suspicious chain of events***, he's got no right to target us. We are NOT behind any hack attempts on anybody, including ronin, and including Elite as a unit.

    [*** 09 January threats, 18 July attacks.
    "My crew" vs JG27 on 09 January, "Defending Elite/Accusing JG27" on 18 July.
    Similar typing patterns and in-game handles on both days. ]

    I also agree on your comments with the jeep ack bug. I went through it just like you did, and when we had invisible jeep acks, I posted on the forum. But the focus of this thread is not an analysis of acknowledged in-game bugs which some people take advantage of. It's about a series of direct, personal attacks on myself, my squadron, and anyone else who's been victimized by this sort of foul play. That includes Red pilots.

    However, in the cases of myself and JG27 pilots being victimized, it seems quite possible that Ronin at least is behind it. He's directly threatened to, with some of his friends, turn FH into hell for the Golds.

    As for not knowing oziris, that's fine. I'll take you at your word if you say you don't know him. HOWEVER, I ask you to keep in mind that, given the ability to create any number of nicks, ANYbody could be ANYbody in that game. I could deceive my own squadron quite easily by completely changing my identity. My own pilots would have no idea that it was me, unless I gave enough information away for them to deduce that I had created another nick. Comparing the ronin/ptah and oziris conversations has not exactly proved that all three nicks are ronin, but it makes a lot of sense and is quite plausible.

  13. lucull

    lucull Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2001
    Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on here on this server?

    I'm not flying at FH anymore for some reasons, I can't see why I should come back even for a single flight.

    Sorry exec, but I don't think that this is enough anymore.

    Admins should clearly say what is going on and what they want to do about it. Solve the problem or the whole community will go down to hell.

    I am feeling very sad about this, even though I'm not flying anymore on FH.
  14. Jochen

    Jochen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    Usually at sea.
    Latest nickname to watch out for:


    Same behavior, immediate squelching when I log in.


  15. -ptah-

    -ptah- Guest

    Dear Jochen

    Hello Jochen

    I really don't know what is wrong with you man.
    And I will say only few things.

    1.) I never did any attack on FH server to make anybody's computer crash down or to take advantage to kill somebody during the fight,

    2.) I never did cheat, at FH to take advantage.

    3.) Cheaters have wrong picture about their pilot skills, they think they are supper pilots with high points at scorepages because they are Aces but what they do is they lie them selves, and they never going to find how really good they are.

    4.) Regarding on all that conversation between you and me Jochen back in January I was bluffing you thinking you or your squadies will stop to cheat, ( on that time I had some proofs about some of your pilots - even thinking about you as a cheater ). To tell the true later I figured out you are not cheater (still guessing...), you are just one scared gold pilot flying high alt and killing novices reds from time to time. Imho I and most of Elite pilots do not see how someone can enjoy in that but if you like it just go ahead I do not mind.

    5.) Speaking about cheaters again, yes Jochen there are plenty of them and if I could only be able to cut em of from FH-a huh, but now, all is up to those that created this game. Cheating... hmm... Jochen I am getting rebooted on regular basis out of my will, how, I do not know somebody somehow doing that so well come to a club JOchen.... How come on HTH me in 37mm Yak can be killed several times by few pings from109-er which was impossible to happen in last few tods, hey Jochen I am not in this game from only yesterday.
    And all those deflection shots including pilots that can see you are coming in to his 6 though they would not be able do that by any means so transparent cockpits...and so on and so on. I am experiencing allot of that in this tod and some of pilots doing that are your squadies so I would not put honor on plate if I were you.

    6.) And the last word. Because of all these happenings I am out of this game, ( I am sick of it ) where we have lack of honorable pilots. Maybe I am going to go to Aces High if my puter allows me that, just like blue
    ***( that was really honorable man )***

    So, no more ronin or ptah there Jochen... for how long ;) well you never know...

    ronin puff....

    long live beer
  16. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    jochen, i must say that it isn't ronin behind this. you are absolutely correct about using different nicks/names to enter and do dirty work with. but ronin isn't that kind of person. quite possibly it could be a misinterpitation. he lives in canada, but is from yugoslavia originally. when he originally stated that he and elite would make things a living hell for FH i would think he meant for the individuals behind hacks/tweaks/cheats spamming etc. if your not a natural english speaking person, it is easy to spell and say thing incorrectly. even for me a true blue american mut :) i seem to recall jochen correcting my thier, to they're in the arena last night. plus im lazy with using capitals. so it is possible to mess up the spelling and or meaning of the exact words that want to be said.

    i do hope, and i know ronin will agree as well as all elite, that these down right dirty bastages are noted and severly punished perhaps by exploding on the runway every time they try to take off. i would think that individuals that use these things are upset that they can not attain a decent degree of pilot skill to deal with some FH aces and regular pilots. i liken it to a person in a game of chess that has a hopelessly lost game. and does a spite check in hopes it throws his opponent off gaurd, but to no avail. thier is a german word for this tactic in chess and it quite possibly could be used here as well. i wish all FH pilots good hunting and hope that these individuals try to play/fly in the best way they can with out enhanced things and with a little bit of respect for thier opponents.
  17. gahis

    gahis FH Sound Developer

    Jan 4, 2002
    Timmins, Ontario, Canada

    hmm, aircop seems to be a noobi, I came in, and he was asking quiet easy comments
  18. madjak

    madjak Member

    Aug 15, 2001
    PA, USA
    More blah blah

    I heard about this post and finally found it. When I read this something came to mind I just what to note. Last night in the test arena we were having a shootem up free for all which on occasion we do for fun. After reading this post I am a bit confused cause I don't really get into all the nut's and bolts of this game as much as some do. What was strange was I got lock up's three times while playing. Had to reboot to get back together. Mind you in 3 years I have never had one. The thing about this is there were only three other pilots there that were not Elite. Two are mentioned in this post and the third I have never seen before. I don't have the time to do all this investigation to what was going on but I find it very strange the accused and the innocent ended up all together in the arena for a fun night of anything goes. I guess some didn't like it and used there toy's. Or just my machine decided to get funky for the first time. I let this stuff go by cause at one time or another someone will experiment with all the cool ways you can cheat in a game. The problem occurs when they do it as a hobby or to harass others in a game. I also know it is very easy to find out who these people are but very difficult to expel them from using the game. So I will live with it but not tolerate it and also I will not tolerate accusing anyone unless you can prove it! Elite has no reason to cheat at all. We are not a fine tuned squad. We have no structure and our theory of being here is to have fun. Most that are in the squad are there cause they just want to fly without orders or having to be somewhere at a given time or at meetings blah blah. Consider it organized confusion LOL. One thing I am sure of is if we have any cheaters they will be removed from our squad. Big deal though as they just come back as another name and cause us grief along with all the others that are hear to play. ( And yes we have had some try to attack us in more than just play here at FH!) The screen shots are nice but when I look at them I see someone that is mad is all. Anyone can see that with the statement of others will remove FH from hard drives. Come on we are hooked on this game and if someone wants me to remove it they better have another place the same to go to. I wouldn't worry about that which it appears you didn't.
    Summary: I think will need attorneys soon to play this game LOL.
    Their will be cheaters no matter what so I guess if it bugs ya to much than go play chess.
    It cant be stopped so don't spend so much time over it.
    If your sure someone is cheating and you have nothing better to do document it so we can all get some licks on the guy. Of course we will have to find out who they are the next day under there new name LOL.
    #1 thing you can do is become a very good C+ programer so you can write great programs to help FH stop all this!!! :cheers:
  19. fuhrer

    fuhrer Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2001
    Curitiba, PR, BRASIL
    Have you guys check the Turing Game? Georgia Tech's website:

    It will definitely help you figure out this type of "identities crisis" :D

    That aside, I wonder why no developer/admin jumps in this type of conversation to give us some feedback. Ever. Perhaps they enjoy and estimulate this sort of behavior. Or perhaps I'm just another flaming bastard :rolleyes:
  20. cobraj

    cobraj Member

    May 1, 2001
    Pa, USA
    HI all,

    I am the CO of Elite. Most of you should know who I am. I have been flying in FH for a number of years. I started the squad with honorable pilots that were invited to join this squad. The same thing is done today. You can only be invited to this squad and hold a high standard of respect in this squad. I have personaly thrown out a couple of poeple in Elite because of there actions in the Arena. Not one person in Elite is doing any sort of cheating that I know of and this will stay that way.

    Jochen, I see you have flown many sorties this TOD. Your score really is not of a cheater, if there is such a thing.

    I flew 1 vs 1 with you in the practice arena and you are a good pilot. I personaly think that your kills are do to BnZ tactics like you have told me. You are good at BnZ, and if you are happy with that then that's cool with me. Too each his own. I can still take you guys out :)

    I think Ron-in was just getting a bit irritated with being shot down. Hell I do too :) There are great pilots in FH, many have been doing this for years and years. The quality of pilots has increased and it should. It is getting harder and harder to survive sorties. At that time of the post there were more gold then red which then increases the chance of a red being killed.

    I have also been killed by 1 20mm round. It depends on alot of factors which many of FH players seem to ignore. Your speed is a factor, and were the round hits is a factor. If you get hit with a round and your at a high rate of speed the Over G fator is going to play a big part of the damage you take. If hit in the wing the whole wing may fly off.

    You guys look at scores and reflect on a persons skills in FH. For example -Boar-. I have watch this pilot fly many times. He is just a great pilot. He is very cautious, fires on when target is in scope, evades being out numbered, trys to allways have Alt advantage, evadsion tacktics are great, just like a real life pilot would. The person is just a great pilot. Anyone that flys like that. and has developed skills should be at the top. Do you fly like that? I know I don't :) If I was making sure every bullet hit and thinking on engaging a target I could have a great score too. But I could care less what a score says. I'll dive right in a pile of 5 golds, but i'll take 2 with me :) That's just how I fly. Too each his own.

    Bottom line is no one is cheating I haven't seen anyone in FH that is a great threat. Some players have bad connects and warp. The connect in FH isn't that great lately but hey it's free :)

    Hey if your good and you want to see how good ring me up :turret: We can go to Test arena and duke it out. :super:

    See ya all!