TH wishlist

Discussion in 'TabaHost General Discussion' started by vasco, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    since during the past days the only arena available was TH, i guess more of us got accustomed with it's settings

    here's what i think that can be improved, and i think others have their own observations that can be posted here

    so here's some stuff i think should be changed:

    icon ranges - daytime icon ranges are huge, d40 or more
    - night time icon ranges are d24 for enemy planes, which is almost the equivalent of FH ranges (which are daytime, and huge themselves). it makes the nice night feature of TH almost usless tactically imo. i guess you can identify a plane only at several hundred meters on a very bright night, IRL

    buff formations - you can't break a formation, even when you are forcing it to take evasive maneuvers. i think it's difficult to code, but mb in the future.. :)

    buff formations ground attack - you can't make your wings to attack the same target as you in divebombing, roxing or with guns, even if you set the formation to line astern, because the drones will fire at the same momment you fire so they'll miss the target. A possible solution i can think of is delaying the fire for the drones, in line astern, function of the level speed of the plane so they'll aim at the same point the leader is aiming, given you are keeping the same flying course ( and adding a small random error for the wings would be nice, for realism; but not as big as the current can get in some cases)

    contrails during night time are visible at a great distance, greater than icon range (iirc)

    the ping from europe... nevermind ;)

    that's it for the momment, more will come, i hope

    oh, and was nice to fly there, good job etc ;)
  2. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    day enemy: d20
    day friendly: d30
    night enemy: d10
    night friendly: d15

    i'd like wingmen to have differential targeting:
    astern: attack the same target (in steep dive it is so, actually ;))
    vee: attack nearby target (must demand some ai, though, but it's phylosophical problem).

    phylosophical problem is "what % of online activity could be carried out by robots so that the game still remains attractive as human-to-human game?"
    mine ho is "limited only to really boring activity".

    with this position i'm almost satisfied with current wingmen logics and i'm against further ai development.

    as for formation breaking, it's a matter of speed of forming. heavier the plane, slower it must form up.

    but here's another problem: wingmen don't have flight model. they just repeat your evolutions with lag. and programming their flight math imho is "sheepskin is not worth processing"/russian proverb/

    mine wishlist is:
    *economics. binding bridges to small fields is not the thing i suggested to franz/vibora. i provided quite verbose economics project to vibora, but it is not programmed yet.

    *first: make time flow clear, second: make it acceptable for game. current time imho is too slow, and 1940-1945 will last 10 real months (as they announced 1:4 time scale and 05:00-19:00 day).

    *make hmack/tank vibrating while driving, that will make players to stop to fire ;)
  3. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

    Agree, since begin of the times, Im personally tottaly for low-to-0 icon range, means no icon at all, but nice arguings w/ mixer/redbull/maletin (cant recall exactly who) shows me the a reduced icons range can be usefull for formations flights, due lack of difference between planes skins. So Im for low icon range and reduced icon range at night.

    You can change drones formations on-the-fly, using anytime the command .wings # (#=1,2,3,4 or 0) to set new parameters, 0 for remove drones.
    Hint: .wings 4 better for active deffence althought I prefer wings 1. wings 3 hides your drones when in contrail zone.

    Indeed, to address this issue I use to make an "saturation" bombing, I mean: according to the target I set different formations (Vee or astern, mainly), and I aim in a certain point AHEAD the center of target, so, my drones will drop the jacas or on target or a little back of the center of target, so, besides we get no (maybe) direct impact, the combined firepower of a jacaX3 can handle most of targets.

    Rgr,... hmmm... Maybe could be a nice try to turn off contrails at night time... lets see if community stand opinions about this issue.. :)

    Well, we do our best, since we, at moment, have not an european server, at this time it is the best we can do. :)

    Tx, for fly there, for the interest in discuss TH issues, for the nice words and etc. ;)
  4. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    @ vibora: sorry, i meant forcing the enemy bombers to abort formation flying, to isolate one of the planes and shoot it down easily. i guess IRL this would happen for 2 reasons: when the buffs are taking some fast evasive maneuvers, because the pilot's can't coordinate, or when one of them is so badly hit that can't keep into formation
  5. mixer

    mixer Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2002

    day friendly: d30
    day enemy: d25
    day enemy type: d16

    night friendly: d15
    night enemy: d10
    night enemy type: d10

    AFAIK "increased" icon ranges were implemented at last scenario, where players could not able to find each other due to "reduced" settings :)
  6. mixer

    mixer Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2002
    PS: We should count "connection issue" on TH, it's possible someone will not see the con due connection if we have lower settings.
  7. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    enemy range = friendly range = plane type range
  8. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
    You wish, you get!

    after read this thread, franz asked me to change (please, its not permanent, it is just a test... please no flames... lets try before punch!!!) the iconranges... the former config is:

    set zwindvelocity "-10"
    set ywindvelocity "0"
    set xwindvelocity "0"
    set timeout "360"
    set timemult "6"
    set tanksrange "6000"
    set structlim "3"
    set startalt "0"
    set sqlserver ""
    set server_speeds "0"
    set rps "60"
    set respawncvs "1"
    set rebuildtime "700"
    set radarrange4 "0"
    set radarrange3 "75000"
    set radarrange2 "0"
    set radarrange1 "100000"
    set radarrange0 "0"
    set radarheight "20000"
    set radaralt "600"
    set printkills "1"
    set printeject "0"
    set planerangelimitbomber "15000"
    set planerangelimit "15000"
    set planeatradar "0"
    set paratroopers "4"
    set overload "500"
    set ottooverrides "0"
    set ottoretarget "0.20"
    set ottorange "10"
    set ottoburstonmax "3.00"
    set ottoburston "1.00"
    set ottoburstoff "1.00"
    set ottoaccuracy "5"
    set mview "1"
    set mortars "20"
    set midairs "1"
    set maxpilotg "12"
    set mapname "wbmedrl2"
    set mapflagsenemy "0"
    set mapflagsown "1"
    set mapflagstwr "1"
    set mapflagsfly "0"
    set mapflags "1"
    set mapcycle "1"
    set killcvtoreset "1"
    set katyrange "8000"
    set logfile_active "1"
    set lethality "1"
    set landingcapture "0"
    set inityear "1939"
    set initmonth "9"
    set initday "1"
    set iff "1"
    set iconbombersoverride "0"
    set hostname "TabaHost - BIGMED"
    set hideadmin "1"
    set gwarning "0.5"
    set gunstats "0"
    set gunrad "0.1"
    set fueldiv "100"
    set friendlyfire "1"
    set friendlyidlimbomber "15000"
    set friendlyidlim "15000"
    set friendlydotstwr "1"
    set friendlydotsfly "1"
    set flypenalty "15"
    set flakmax "10000"
    set fields "44"
    set enemyplanes "1"
    set enemynames "0"
    set enemyidlimbomber "3000"
    set enemyidlim "15000"
    set enemydotstwr "1"
    set enemydotsfly "1"
    set endyear "1945"
    set endmonth "8"
    set endday "16"
    set enableottos "1"
    set emulatecollision "1"
    set easymode "0"
    set dirname "wbmedrl2"
    set dayhours "14"
    set cvspeed "50"
    set cvsalvo "9"
    set cvs "4"
    set cvrange "46340"
    set cvdelay "20"
    set cvcapture "1"
    set curryear "1941"
    set currmonth "9"
    set currday "3"
    set crcview "0"
    set countrytime "0"
    set countries "2"
    set contrail "10000"
    set cities "23"
    set canreset "1"
    set canreload "0"
    set bulletradius "0.1"
    set broadcast "1"
    set blackout "1"
    set arenalist "1"
    set ammomult "100"
    set altv "0"
    set allowtakeoff "1"
    set airshowsmoke "0"
    set maxentities "200"
    set maxclients "100"

    test settings (temporary) for iconranges at TH:

    -HOST-: "enemyidlim" changed to "4500" by vibora
    -HOST-: "friendlyidlim" changed to "4500" by vibora
    -HOST-: "planerangelimit" changed to "4500" by vibora
    -HOST-: "tanksrange" changed to "2000" by vibora
    d6 *

    * in order to address ganjab good point.

    I gess it is automatic to cut in a half to night operations, but I asked franz- to check it...
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2006
  9. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
  10. ganjab

    ganjab Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    SW Germany

    :znaika: the actual iconrange (d3) is to low :dura:

    please rise it .imo its nearly impossible to defend a field under tank attack :(

  11. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
    dammned, you've got a very good point... let me think... maybe reducing range of tanks... let me check!
  12. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    I like long icon ranges.
    I watched someone the other night pulling off some bullshit.
    He was not out of icon range. He was a long way off. A very long way.
    And then he flew like a ufo across about 90 degrees. And I would not have been able to see that massive horrible laggy bullshit stunt he pulled off in FH.
  13. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    I would like rox that have HESH. Or something like it. I can't knock bridges out with em.
    Also I would like the formations the bombers can assume to be variable in distance between elements. They seem a little close. Also, more formations enabled. I don't recall all of the formations available. There was box and line and echelon and vics and staggered echelons etc etc.
    And is it just me, or is it impossible to get a snoopy plane to slow down below 200 KPH in a landing approach? I have a hell of a time doing it. It is my favorite plane in any flavour of wb and knifing through the air without seeming to lose e, WHEN I WANT IT TO is hard, so hard.

    Not bitchin. I love th.
  14. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    hesh? hashish? %)
    bridges are too strong, and immune to weapon below 250kg/500lb.

    pls notice upward thermic wind all around the arena, 10fps.
    i don't know who set it. it's funny to climb though, quick and comfortable, and very pleasant especially for buffs, but imho it is a bit too fast. just look at my 109f with 40m/s vertical climb.

    upward wind must be lowered or removed (or separated, left only to buffs ;)) many formations could be with 3(three) planes? :shuffle:
  15. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
    Actual setting says:
    100 pilots
    200 drones (commandos, tanks, wingmen, V1s, etc.)
    but it can be changed, according processor power, AIU
    (as I understood)

    I did thermals... it helps the climbing and also helps handling of planes, pushing a little bit the stall limit... but it has an disadvantage: dangerous higher Gforces can be achieved toooo fast... ;)

    about distance between wingmen it was setted by franz- and I do no know details;

    .wings 1 = Vic (vee) formation (I use for area bombing - cities eg.)
    .wings 2 = Line abreast formation (didnt use it)
    .wings 3 = Line astern formation (I use for path bombing - CVs, Bridges, radio/hang, eg.)
    .wings 4 = echelon formation (I use for defense formation)
    .wings 0 = remove wingmen (even in flight)

    Indeed, landing in summer (w/thermals) is a quite tricky, but after a dozen times Ive got the way... :)
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  16. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    It needs to be improved. Some new formation commands:
    1. .wingshdist dx (x = 2 to 6) - param sets horizontal distance between planes in formation
      note: current distance between planes are too close imho. its useless for building advanced formations. irl rarely been so close.
    2. .wingsvdist dx (x = 0 to 4) - param sets vertical distance between wingmen in formation
      note: actually leader and wingmen stay on same vertical level. would be good to follow real formation when from leader wingmen holds stepwise-down (ladder). Vertical distances between planes irl are not so high - just so large to see other planes in formation ahead from cockpit.
    3. .wingsnum x (x = 1 to 3) - param sets number of wingmen in flight
      note: current fixed number of two wingmen doesnt allow creating formation types by leaders needs. Its needs to be possibility to choose only one wingman for creating basic element (section) of two planes. Three wingmen allows create basic platform for building advanced formations. With three wingmen you can create "diamond" (box) or "fingertip". Several leaders using combination of above mentioned commands could build advanced formations like a "combat box" required for simulation of mass hvy raids.
    4. .wings 5 - diamond/box
    5. .wings 6 - fingertip left
    6. .wings 7 - fingertip right
    Note: .wings 5-7 allowed only when .wingnum value=3

    Batch for setting bomber flight example:

    .winghsdist d3
    .wingvsdist d1
    .wingsnum 3
    .wings 6

    all of it it could be also substituted with complex command like a

    .wings t n h v
    when t=formatin type, n= number of wingmen, h= hdistance, v=vdistance
    than formation would be set like a

    .wings 6 3 3 1
  17. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    And another thing...
    When I am shooting at that wingman on, for instance, the left rear of a vee:
    I come whizzin in at an oblique angle and spiral as I am shooting. At the [some word like apogee] of my evasive pass, I pause for a second or two once my guns are targetted and get a burst in on the guy on the rear left. Often, the leader is right there, in my LOF and taking hits
    also and I am wondering....
    When my shots hit a wingman, do those hits count as hit against THAT particular ship? And also, if I hit the leader, do the shots NOT count? or do those that hit, apply to one of the wingmen?
    I agree with the game mechanic that the leader [the PLAYER] is the last to go down.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2006
  18. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    halve it, pls.

    recently it was not possible

    touching runway at the beginning my fiter bounces until the end, where i'm obliged to raise undercarriage to stop my plane ever. length = 1320ft? what about cv's strip, 600ft long?
  19. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2001
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

    hmmmm. will notify franz-


    DZIVDZAN Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2004
    Leskovac, Serbia
    I like a concept of TH but he need a work to be better then FH and have more players. I would like to say about some changes i would like to see in TH.

    About score page:

    General page is OK but personal have too meny tabs and my opinion is that all information can be puted in one tab. There is enough space to put grafical and tabelar data for scoring. I like strip medals but maybe it should look like this:

    View attachment Medals.bmp

    When you ponit to the strip with mouse pointer you should get information about date and for what is that medal given E.G. :

    15 kills in a TOD

    and when you point with mous poiter in picture of medal you should get information about medal name or medal neme should be written below medal.

    About some dot commands:

    When you typ .REMDRON all drons are removed, if you had Comm, Collum or Wing Buffers all are removed at the same time. Maybe .REMDRON can only removed Comm and .REMTANKS to removed Collums and .WINGS 0 alredy remove Wing Buffers drones all this commands should be avalible in the ground or air. Or just you can have one drone per time and then you need only one command .REMDRON
    .SHANGHAI why not old ones .ATTACH
    .THANKS should be automaticly executed when someone hit plains who attack buffs and not available only for 3 defenders of buff but for all deffenders ( max 30% of buff score or more), also thanks for rescue of dicht pilot at enemy territory (max 30% ) or just give some amount of points for this stuffs, if rescued buff or pilot doesn't score enything, or both 30% of score because you rescue his score and points because you save his ass .HOST should inform player about action when buff lend safely.
    In my opinion this .SAVE xxxx command should be automaticly executed too, (as it was write in the help file you must be at some distance Dx and have speed xxx km/h) and HOST should informe you about that action.
    If buff pilot dicht at the enemy terrytory pilot who rescued him should have advantage in thanks by all 30% of buff scoring or some amount of points.

    Other stuffs

    Radar Radar circle should be gray not red (gold) or just remove circles. Only when you in TWR you should see circles and which dar is dead. I like FH setings to see golds and reds in dar when you are in TWR and if they are in dar radius.

    Commandos He is too powerful in my opinion, he shutdown acks for 3000+ s and hangar for about 800+ (not shure). With one or max 2 commandos u can close small field depend on his aiming precision. I think that comm should shutdown acks for about 1000 s and hang about 100-200s and his first target should be radio then dar, aa and last target is hangart. You should have only 3 comm (1 by time), but u can change them endless (if they executed mission or you remove them) until all 3 comms were killed by enemy. Longer distance to launch comm but shooting distance maybe a little bit larger. Commandos should executed his mission only when he enter TWR after capturing field or when he is out of ammo. Commandos is too precise when he shoot at the target some AA only with one granate, his precision should be in deppendance off shooting distance (larger distance = less precise).

    Radio When is radio destroyed at some field you shouldn't be able to send (recive) message from the TWR (you need to destroy hut or mast to disable radio for sending (reciving) message from TWR), but pilot in the plain can comunicated with other players.

    Wing buffer Unable this option when is more then 40 players in the arena , and only 1 wing buffer (the main reason is that some pilots can close medium fild alone but when u have organised buff atack for exsample 3 or more buffs and you unable this option with 2 wings buffers you will have 6 or more plains raid with small numbers of players in arena you can easely close big filds and no one can stop you). Idon't know is there scoring for kill wing buffers?

    Column Unable it for 30 or more players in the arena remove jeep from column and you can only attack big fields. I saw katjusha efect on small field, if you didn't closed field with column plains can't take off from the field (maybe katjusha should have more devastating efect on runway because you can't aim precise with it at trgets).

    Paras to cap field I think that 4 paras is to small number to capture field but 6 is good because there is 18 troopers in plain (you will have enough paras for captured 3 fields with one plain). Also I think that paras from wing buffers should be counted. You kan calculated how meny fields you can cap if you have wings bufers.

    Night It will be more interesting if is night period longer. Also it will be interesting if it is possible to add ground lights near fields or linked targets (maybe only linked cityes and factories) which will be light the sky over the field in search for plains who attacking field (linked targets) and in that way make possible AA to shoot more precise to plains.

    At the end I'm sorry for misunderstanding in this post because my english is not very good.

    I saw bugg maybe it isn't bugg but column is amphibious?

    DZIVDZAN = VRABAC :fly2: :fly2:
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006