USA is full of BullShit

Тема в разделе "Off Topic International", создана пользователем Jacobe, 30 апр 2011.

  1. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    2 мар 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 25 окт 2011
  2. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    In Canada, it is common for our troops to dress in civis when they go out, as we are very hostile when we see troops walking about with no supervision, like off-the-leash dogs.
    They are, BTW, ORDERED to dress in civis when they go to shows. I don;t know if that is [was] always the doctrine, but it certainly was when I was a wantabe soldier.
    I can recall general standing orders at my towns barracks [yes, we have a militia barracks in every town - i bet many foreigners didn't know, Canada is armed and we have many millions of men who are in the Militia, which is a NATIONAL Militia, in every city, there is a regiment, regardless] Barracks [called 'armories'], in my town, of which i attend many hundreds of times [it was great underage drinking, see? In my country, anyone in dress can have a drink, age doesn't matter. That os among the reasons I fell in with those bloodthirsty young toughs from my town.
    They weren't grease-balls, they were clean looking, and behaved themselves, and I learned a lot of dirty close combat tricks from my comrades.
    If you do not fight, you are not welcome in the Canadian Armed forces or it's militia. ALL personnel in CAF are combat soldiers first, spade, rifle, pack and broken noses. ALL OF THEM.

    I had a ball untill I realized the fistfighting was just a precursor to join up for real and then having to burn babies.
    I quit at 18 [17?] I never go past LAC [ a rank sort of in between Private (or was it Lance Corporal??) and Corporal, but in the RCAF, not Army]

    If you join up in Canada, as a groundhog [BUT, not as a Pidgin (air) or Sodomite (navy) - just groundhog] you HAVE to already have a broken nose, and if you don't, they boys will give you one.
    I never liked fighting.

    Fuckin off topic, this is gonna get me banned.
    Where is jacobe?


    Think Canucks landing on their own beach on D Day was because they were tearing up the pubs in England? Nope, there was already a Canadian division fighting and dying in Italy after the Yankees trying to outfland the gustave line [or was it so they could approach Rome from the left? unfocussed mission, way to go, fuckup!] had lost interest, disheartened by Anzio salient rash stupidity no-brain typical yank janfu, OUR men had to deal with the fucking Paratroopers the Germans seeded the Gustav Line with. Later, our boys got sent into the fuckin Schelt Peninsula, which the British had lost interest in, the fuckin mouth of the fuckin Rhien, yep.
    Canada makes heroes when we go to war, and then when we go home, we try so hard to be NOT noticed, as if embarrassed about baby burning, and rightly so.
    Not a nation of loudmouthed, unworthy military men, we get the job done when no-one else can.
    Yankee boys in Normandy were given the toughest objective, on the right. They weren't sent there because they were tearing up pubs, they went there because Isenhaur wanted them blooded QUICKLY so they might be of use, which they hardly were in Tunisia, Sicily [sp?] and The Boot Of Italy. Okay their mass helped, their bogged down, out of initiative, demoralized Army... A whole army.
    When the Germans made their army look inept. I suppose it was that idiot who commanded, oh, whatsisname, the Yankee army CO
    Yankees [those are the USA people I approve of, recall] had lots of kit, but they were crybabies.
    Canucks had shitty British Kit [and after 1944, some decent USA made stuff] and fought like tigers.
    Последнее редактирование: 25 окт 2011
  3. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    1 дек 2001
    I always take the opportunity to toss a rock into the pond. Sometimes it's taken as though I've thrown a meteor into the pond.
  4. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    1 дек 2001

  5. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    The candle is burning. I am gonna go for a bender with a bunch of foreign devils from GodKnowsWhere, I need some bus fare.
  6. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010


    One flew east, one flew west......
    one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    11 янв 2006
    Yup, one of the great ones; Ken Kesey.....

    almost like a Jack Kerouac....
  8. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    2 мар 2005

    Kerouac was quite conservative in some ways. I've read variations of that story, but what shakes out is that Kerouac identified as an American, fundamentally, and that's that :)

    He was not Ginsberg. He was friends with him, but differed in fundamental outlook. Kerouac was an American kid, "gone fishin' on Saturday." Kerouac played football at Columbia, fer krissake.

    People forget that Burroughs, too, was a quintessentially American character. A "freak" living in flyover country, Kansas or something, firing guns at canvases, but American.

    I think Kerouac would object to this thread! I honestly believe that! Sure, I may be wrong, but this is something I've been thinking about since 1985.

    Ti Jean Kerouac

  9. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    2 мар 2005
    Tortured by sidewalks...

    Starved for sex and companionship!

    Jack Kerouac -- you troglodytes go look him up, lol
  10. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    those guard tower things are a joke. just throw a rope with some sort of metal hook on it and pull the thing over with yer pick up. (put cardboard on yer license place first alw). Or just stuff a 4 by 4 piece of wood in the thing and jam it so it can't come down. When the mason inside has to take a leak, he will likely open the door and pee out onto the ground from 25 feet up. take a pic, and then you can bust him for public indecency, citizens arrest.:rolleyes:

    Последнее редактирование: 27 окт 2011
  11. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    12 янв 2007
    Not to be off topic or anything, but I've been watching this TV series called The Walking Dead. For those that don't know it's a show about the zombie apocalypse. When I watch this show, in my mind, I'm drawing parallels between the walkers (zombies) and the mainstream culture of bullshit here in America once the riots begin. If you're having trouble, look up some pictures of holocaust victims and realize hunger drives a person mad. Kinda like a zombie, right? Now, think of what most Americans will be like once they are forced to fend for themselves. If you have trouble thinking about that, think about Katrina, only on a larger scale and far more wild. See where I'm going with this? Aim for the cranium if they try to break into your house. For them, second chances are a luxury I can't afford to give them. :dark:

    On the other hand... if they're nice enough, I might teach them a few things so they can survive on their own, and give what I can... until they fuck it up by getting greedy. Then I'll have to figure out how you butcher a human for meat. Gotta feed the dogs somehow, right? Another plus, tools made from bone. Sinue for string. Make a bit of a backpack from their hide. Make a totem from their cranium. Use the entire kill to the best extent possible. There's some survival knowledge for ya right there, free of charge. :mafia:

    Also, there might be a new form of capitalism after the riots (or whatever mode of change occurs). You would actually have to work for what you get! No more of these trust fund bitches, or bankers charging obscene interest rates, investment brokers, all that bullshit goes out the window. Ever wonder why the Templars went out of style? Stay tuned and find out. :D

    P.S. this dude makes some sense. He'd make more if he would have talked about the fact that these corporations are run by idiots.
    Последнее редактирование: 27 окт 2011
  12. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    No need for zombies, there is nothing to be learned from that fantasy, Except maybe we could learn to cremate our dead, instead of tossin em in the water.
    There is plenty of non-fiction and entertaining sci fi, yep, that explains to us what can happen when the walls come tumbling down. Really, Those books are provocative great for inspiration, History is technical, because we might LEARN ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND FROM THAT, EVADE OR DIPLCATE.. [What the fuck am I rambling about? Well, I just smoked a roach I found while cleaning house, YEAH!]
    Just open yer eyes.
    Walls? What walls?
    People fences.
    Have you spent any time among Injuns? Did you know most of the Injuns in Canada have spent time outdoors, long periods of time, I mean, they know winter. ANd have ate things they caught and dug up? For moths or years at a time? Did you know there are people who cannot wait til winter, so ther lake freeses yup and they can go do their year's work?
    Did you know a large minority, if not majority [I am not sure of the numbers, I have only observed with mine eyes] can and do shoot a gun for their table? And not for fun. Did you know there are a LOT of men who do not like shooting animals? They feel bad that they had to take an animal's life? And they eat. Oh, and they buy and sell and dance and sing, and build and tear down and ...
    Uh, yeah, camping life, where the camp is where you live at the time.
    I have. I have stalked animals and didn't want to kill em either, I don't like the horror. Injun don't like causing horoor on animals either. Did you know you should, when you catch a salmon, break his neck? What for the Injuns who are around you when you are fishin with them. If you are seen torturing fish, you loose coup. You should be ashamed. Sometimes an Injun will tell you. Sometimes you will never learn and other Injuns can watch as you disgrace yourself and maybe not even aware your are a joke among your fellows, who aren't your fellows, that why no-one told you.
    It's important. Especially for an Injun
    Nevermind. Fuck that roach was good.
    I have been stalked a lot more times than I know about while out in the bush on my way to a secure place to read my book, smoke a joint and have a crap or..
    I once played a game of 'Turnabout Is Fair play" with a Catlin [I didn't know! What does Catlin look like when out for the day? What a fuckin sneak] who had been stalking me I don't know how many times. Perhaps he wanted me to be noticed, he wasn't as stealthy as he could have been, or was he?
    See if a Ijun is stalkin you and breaks a twig, it means one of two things, he is hunting you or he likes you, one is bad the other is fun. Coup.
    It is best to not be silhouetted while stalking. I got him cornered during my [our] walk [stalked], the sneak, and he came out, he had to, smiling. Fucker.
    He laughed at me when I showed anger [shame] at his stalking [I didn't know SO MUCH! Potlach, Catching dinner and hating it [ever ate squirrel? FUCK OFF, don't tell me squirrel is fit food, it is starvation fair] counting coup was STILL DONE! And twig snappin ALWAYS means something, what remains to discover or flush out].
    I asked him what he knew about me and did he like having learned?
    And instead of answering me with a straight answer, he said, "Can I move my tent next to yours?"
    So, he had benevolent motives to stalk me. But there were other Warriors who were counting coups, and learning my gate, examining my scat, sniffing through my stake.... knowing me by my scratch, for later. 'Just in case I need to kill you, White Man." With a smile. I think some Catlin aren't easily spotted, just like Butch are hard to spot in White Mans world, they only come out at night [to those pubs by the waterfront, you should see how they change after 7 PM......
    Every man of the crowd of Injuns I knew knew how to stalk an animal or a man and kill and strip the meat from his bones. In my country, those men are waiting for their chance. There are a couple million Injuns and Metis [who are embraced by our Injuns, more or less, as worthy men, Metis men are cool, and worthy] of them and the Catholic Church has taught them the dictum, "revanche du burceau."
    When the fat middle class unworthy White Man is rendered desperate because some Jews in New York and London flick a switch, the Injuns won't starve and drop like flies, by the millions. Some will, but they are great for rendering, oil is oils, see? So is hide. The White man will starve in large numbers and plague will take down a lot of em too, because they will be drinking their own waste water.
    A white man's fat is as good as any in the cooking pot, eh? An SUV with enough gas to get a 'survivalist' into his 'survival' camp, won't last any longer than his Lecturing, know-nothing, Mormon Preacher [Fit for cooking oil and hide], and his rifle is negated by all the INVISIBLE RIFLES aimed at him and his little group of half-brains, with their rifles. Injuns this time around are not gonna suffer the same as they did because they were caught by surprise last time, they had no technology [which is IN BOOKS, and ANYONE can read them, and make their own stuff, their own tricks. And let me tell you, a Pentium 5 is no use to drag around where there is no electricity, no cables, no internet. NO SAFEWAY STORE OR WALLMART.
    Dogs and slaves are happy to eat fat, ANY FAT, and they don't ask a lot of questions if the find a human tooth in their stew.
    Every man woman and child on these two continents the Yanks forget about, thinking they own us, is waiting for the chance to fall on the White Man. I have been called a 'White Injun,' but I have no birth certificate or passport that wouldn't grant me pass chit to freedom and life. I will probably be bum fucked, skinned alive and the ate too.
    I don't know if the abused 'African Americans' and Mayans and Incas will tolerate the other brown people the White Man brought in ships. a hundred years ago, those Injuns who remained in their skin, had sympathy for the Brown White Men. But now, Brown White Men are no more worthy of respect [and fair treatment] than the White Men.
    I know how to fish and hunt, but that won't safe me, I will have to move my tent next to Johnny Jon's tent and keep myself clean so he doesn't scalp me when my asshole is not properly prepared for Johnny.
    And you will too, but it won't be Johnny, it will be his cousin, from Tijuana or Tegucigalpa.
    Learn to enjoy being a slave, laugh!, because that will help you count some coups while you are being skinned and you might be allowed live to serve food with the Squaws.
    Keep your asses clean white men, ther are hundreds of thousands of Catlin out there, millions, I know.
    There is lots for White man to be wary of, but there is also some ways some white men will readily embrace, as long as they don't mind cooking meals and racking fish, sowing rice, being sacrificed when a lodge is erected....

    You gonna maybe thing, oh what a nice song!

    Not laughing from merth, not dancing for joy, there will always be a sun

    I will laugh no more forever

    Dahlgren. Samuel R Delany.
    Or Farnham's Freehold. Robert A Heinlein.
    Memoirs Found in a Bathtub. Lem
    or The Outline Of History. H G Wells.
    Bury My heart At Wounded Knee. Dee Brown.
    Mayan Calender. I Jest
    Последнее редактирование: 28 окт 2011
  13. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    11 янв 2006

    "unborn living- living dead" ......

    WE are turning into those zombies... go ahead... keep eating McDonalds, and all that GM produce... keep eating that corporate "people chow"... Kraft mach frieday.... Ho ho Nabisco !!!! Monsanto !!!

    It's OVER BABY..... :@drunk:

    "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us" Walt Kelley Pogo

    How far are we from this, really?

    Some day I fear that Beavis and Butthead will be the norm....
  14. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    12 янв 2007
    Watch a political debate sometime. Seriously.
  15. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    11 янв 2006
    Последнее редактирование: 29 окт 2011
  16. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    12 янв 2007
    Oh well. I always wanted to start a farm. Nothing big, just subsistence farming is all I want and can handle. I wanted to do it as retirement, but it looks like I might be starting soon. Hopefully the country gets it's shit together where I can go get rich somehow before I get farming, but we'll see what happens.
  17. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    12 янв 2007
  18. TS

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002
    'humans' did visit the moon! Yeah! + more Yeah!

    Wonder are those USAers just do fking stupid they have to lie all the time?

    Sad they have ran out of money since then and not been able to pay the costs to visit the moon after 1972...


  19. TS

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002
    Just repeat these words like those blind soulles brainwashed stupid farts do all the time.









    Greatest in the World.

    -repeating those words daily keeps you in your **************.
  20. TS

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002