Latewar planes available with streack only

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Odisseo, Jun 1, 2003.

  1. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Hohun, why not just do one post instead of lots of little ones? On the previous page you've got 5 posts in a row, then a break (probably someone posted whilst you were writing) then another two posts.

    I keep telling you you can't win an argument by overwhelming posts.

    Onto the subject, someone a while ago came up with an idea where you needed a streak of 5 to fly a plane in it's first month. example, 109F2 gets released Apr 41 (in my dreams) and only those pilots with a streak 5 can fly it, once the arena comes to June then anyone can fly it.

    I thought this was one of the best solutions.

    I don't think putting high streaks is the answer because alot of pilots (myself included) wouldn't leave there own terrority in fear of losing a hard earned streak and the ability to fly the best planes.

  2. kangaa

    kangaa Well-Known Member

    First off let me say sorry to anybody i may offend....

    This is the single most stupid idea i have ever seen ... What? those of us who don't play for streaks don't get to fly the planes we want ?? It should be the other way around the ones with the highest streaks should not get the good planes its clear they don't need them....

    @hohun ... you were telling us that nobody has the right to tell you what planes you could fly... So why would you take that right away from others???

    What chance would the people without a streak have to get a streak if only the best piolts have the best planes??????

    No this sucks you lot have hit the bottom this time...
  3. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    There is not the question about the number of planes available, but the number of peaple wich fly those planes.
    In 1945 golds fly 109K4/190D9/KI84 only, and really few keep fling in some others.
    For reds, all are in La/F4U-4/Yak3 and some in P series.

    The streack limit will, increase the realism with much less kamikaze, increase the level of fights, increase the number of jabos/bombers, decrease the number of quaker, increase the feeling to learn how to stay alive and not how to kill only.

    Peaple wich dodn't build a streack are usually those wich die in the way more stupid. If you can't stop them by asking then the streack limit will force them.
    I'm the first one wich die often in jabo attack, covering jabos/Junkers and the idea to have less uberplanes and IMO less quaker on them will make the game more fun for all.
  4. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member turn.

    Two points against this suggestion:-

    1. What happens when somebody doesn't fly early war, or flies only buffs/transports early war? They are going to be made fly Spit IA against ME262 because they don't have a streak of 10?

    2 and probably most important overlooked question. People complain too much now about killstealers. Do you think this will improve that situation? I think not!! you can burn me :)

    regards, Oz

    Thought of another one too. How many ppl are gonna get killed in their chutes, so the pilot gets an extra kill?
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2003
  5. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    You'r a funny guy, really but "sorry I may offend".

    Since you play this game from short time it's obvious that you didn't saw much changes.

    If you don't play for Kill and stay alive for what are you spending your time? for TO kill bigger number of cons without care if you will not retourn to base?

    Better pilots don't fly/fight better, they just care about theyr lifes and maybe since they are passioned they read/know some tactics.
    Btw i haven't problems to build streacks over 20 kills, strange i did my best streack on KI43 and i'm used to fly 190A8 / G14 only.
    Maybe you should start to think that's not the speed + gun power wich give you kills.

    Nobody force you to choose a plane, on this way we only advise peaple to try to stay alive without behave as a quaker.

    1st. best pilots can be killed too
    2nd. build a low streack is possible with every planes!
    3th. if you can't, it's time to train a bit more and maybe start to cooper and wing more with your squad members.

    I posted an idea with enought evidences to support it.
    Your reply beyond to being offensive it's also useless being lacking in sense or examples that give it any confirmation
  6. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    1. If you would read the forum instead of the last post only... :rolleyes:
    We sayd that as soon the new wersion of a plane get available the previus get free (no streack limitation).
    2nd we are talking about low streacks from 3 to 10 max and a streack of 3 can be done in one sortie only.

    2. kill steal will allways be present, but, as it is now peaple feel free to fly in 5/6 low/slow against one smoking or damaged plane.
    But what could happend if with streack limitation a damaged con try ditch near his field? how many will go so low and slow with an hight possibility to get killed?

    3. this solution is easy, we should just make pilot shutes unkillable.
  7. manoce

    manoce Well-Known Member

    srry dont have time to read whole discussion but.,.

    AGREE - but imho just for planes which never appeared in satisfactory numbers --- no need to limitate every plane

    so as you said - latewars
  8. big-jo

    big-jo Well-Known Member

    in my opinion u ( not onl u odi), all "good2 pilots want drone targets........ im solidary with the most of pilot, who can t hold streak

    and i remeber u this change would be good for me, because i ll see many vulchers at 6 km where me...... :mafia:
  9. kangaa

    kangaa Well-Known Member

    To win this game you have to cap fields .... And suprise , suprise i fly to cap fields not to furball.... but on the odd occasion i do furball i would like to think i could fly any plane i like....

    And after reading all the posts it seems that you are not interested in anybodys opinion but those who agree with you...

    @ Nobody force you to choose a plane, on this way we only advise peaple to try to stay alive without behave as a quaker.

    Your right nobody force you to choose a plane... you want to tell me i can't have a plane without a streak...6 to 1 half a dozen to the other...
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2003
  10. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member

    1. I did read the forum, and the way I understood it the suggestions were 10 streak for AC like LA7, and 20 streak for ME262.

    2. Don't see how this will change, as not all ppl fly for score/streak. Some of us fly to close/cap fields, and for us, this system will change nothing. If I am flying a fighter, I will still take a chance on killing that ditching plane. Let's face it, I don't give a $h!t if they are 1 kill off getting a uberplane. The streak system will, IMO, increase the killing of ditching planes especially when no other cons are around. A ditch is not a kill, so letting them ditch means you just wasted all that fuel/ammo and lengthened the time till you get your uberplane.

    3. I thought ppl wanted realism. Chutes could be killed IRL so they should be able to be killed in this game.

    Now for a couple of new ones, what happens when some newbie gets a lucky shot and kills a veteran who is 1 kill off getting their uberplane. There are going to be all sorts of accusations and mud slinging.

    And....kills which count toward the required streak should be restricted to fighters killed only. There are many threads which make suggestions to increase the number of buffs in the arena. Who the hell will fly a buff, if they know they are just going to increase another pilots' streak? Kiss the transports goodbye.....they have no defence now.

    While it may seem like I am against this suggestion, I am just trying to shed some light on some of the issues that I see coming out of its' implementation.

    regards, Oz
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2003
  11. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    Are you used to attack fields and to die in every sortie?

    I read carefully all posts, but as i can see, if it's not for someone, many are more scared than against this idea. The idea could increase the quality of the game solving some bad/stupid behavior we see everyday in arena.

    If you don't care to stay alive, to wing and cooper for bigger success with few looses what make you think that better planes would help?

    Thi is not a way to restrict planes! it's only a possible way to have more planes in flight and not only 3/4 of them, better behavior and more realism.
  12. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    theres no need to be unpolite guys...

    but i must say im tending to agree this isnt, after all, such a good idea; after reading all points of view im pretty sure about that, we should allow ppl to play like they want; if he want quake, he will fly kamikaze-sortie and nothing will change that; if he is so stupid then i shall be at least that good to not allow him to kill me, no matter what plane he is flying;
    i think only restriction should be made for a 262 to make it available earlier, and it should be a streak of fe 15 (couple _active_ pilots with such streak only); but for that last day of tod to make it avail for everyone;
  13. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    If you read well next it's writed (for example) :)

    In few words it could be exactly as it is today?
    About capping fields, as sayd admins ar going to move heavy fighters in bomber list/score.

    If we will see to realism 100% then shute killes should be a normal thing, everybody could feel free to kill shutes already now since it was "and IRL fact"

    Nothing different of the actual situation.

    I posted an idea about a "joining bomber cover" isntead of the "joining gunner" on Tonnage thread, idea feel good to me but nobody replied.
    Buff need cover to survive that's a fact, but if peaple will risc to loose theyr dear plane getting killed by otto or by cover we will see more winging planes and imo peaple using some tactics isntead of the usual straight flight on buff 6.

    suggestions are allways welcome, after this discussion we could finally take all considerations and make an accurate tabel and suggest it to admins.
  14. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    My suggestion isn't for force anybody to fly any plane, is for stop the feeling to see evrybody take the same plane as soon it get avaiable and for have less quakers and some more flight/fight realism.
    Ofcourse not everybody will change there will be allways who like dive on a big field with all acks up to vulch and maybe make some turns (as example), but the number will imho decrease.
  15. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Odi, Ozmale has a very good point:

    The mainstay A2G and A2A plane of the golds is bugged, everybody knows it and it's been bugged for over a year. What bug, the 190 Cfeul bug.

    Until this bug is fixed I'm strongly against the whole idea of streak restrictions because no matter how good you are theres always a time when you have to take some damage in order to either escape a con, kill a con or attack a field. And with the 190 bugged as it is the odds of dying are just to heavily stacked against you.

  16. -kopi-

    -kopi- Well-Known Member

    Odis idea is very good for realism. Score formula makes more skilled pilots to fly older planes to achiev more points ,its a thing that never happened in WW II and when setting a streak 3 - 10 for a new plane in rps will really make the game look closer to RL.
    So im for.
  17. -mart-

    -mart- Well-Known Member

    a weteran will get a good plane and a newbie (or somebody who flies one-three times in weekend) will get a old plane

  18. chrisw

    chrisw Well-Known Member

    at first i wanna say that i personally would prefer a low streak based rating system for the latest planes. IMO streaks of 3 to 5 are easily built up if people are willing to fly carefully.

    But ... at first, there seems to be no majority for this proposal. Some people seem to think, less good pilots would be punished. I'd say, more carefull pilots would be rewarded :)

    The other point is, that people would no longer attack in fighter-bombers. I myself do a lot of fighter-bombing this time and i'm killed very often by acks or on 2nd run :), but i wouldn't risk my precious streak, if latest planes were restricted in such a way.

    So i have two different proposals:

    1. If a plane with bombs or rox is flown, this sortie is not counted for streak. This would encourage people to fly a2g-missions. And, if people dont want their sortie to be counted, they simply select some a2g equipment and drop it after takeoff. Now they can t&b and furball, just as they want. This solution seems the easiest to implement in warbirds.


    2. Latest planes are restricted by some point system. A pilot may earn points by killing cons or successfull ground-attacks and a successfull rtb. If a pilot is killed in one mission, not all points may be lost. Lets say, he looses only half of his points. But i would say, if a pilot doesn't bring his precious, point-restricted plane home, he looses all of his points.

    To give less good pilots a chance to reach the point-limit, points for kills could be given in dependency of pilot-stats: each pilot could have a personal rating, lets say, kill/death-ratio * kills * max-streak, or something similar. Then a kill gives you points of the killed pilots rating divided by your own rating. Or better exponential: point = 2 power (killed-rating/killer-rating) or something. This way, better pilots would need much more kills than worse pilots to get the same amount of points. And, imagine the host msg:
    HOST: you receive XXX points for killing an ace
    That sounds nice :) But, of course, this proposal would need lot of work to be done by FH-staff.

  19. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    Hmmmm, the streak limit of 15 or 20 is something I wouldn't be able attain for one these days I think... but nonetheless the idea is good... granted that the planes become available further on in the RPS...


  20. Buzz-403

    Buzz-403 Well-Known Member

    No offense to anyone, but how does it feel to dictact how others should fly? If I want to furball, I shouldn't be penalized for that. And it is not fair for any of you to judge me or how I should fly.
    Streak limits are unfair to this game. If you want to fly 'smart' you have that option. If you want to fly 'stupid' you have that option also. For those of us that generally fly 'smart' it is rare to come on contact with those who fly 'stupid'. And if you happen to come in contact with one, there is a 90% chance you will be the victor. That's because you are a 'smart' pilot and use your plane to it's utmost advantage. That's the beauty of warbirds. A game that can mean different things to different people. For those of you that feel it should mean the same thing to everyone...I feel sorry for you.... :mad: