What meanest thou by that? mend me, thou saucy fellow, tis shall be done and done it shall be! Actually, I've had a PM from sonar and it just so happens that he's recently started crackin on the conversion of the model. He pointed out a few mishaps and I'm on it. The point is that the project isn't dead, it has my fully undivided attention, but the people who get it going into the game need some greasing up to do upon thee.
What modle of the he111 are we going for exactly? Are we hoping for a late war and early war one like the ju88, or just one modle for now? Because I think the h2 is the one we should look into. It had good defence and a bombload of 8x250kg bombs.
That's something moderators will have to figure out. I'm only offering my skills to help them in making this possible. At any rate, having any model for a start would be a good beginning of future possibilities. All the thanks to all you gents who compliment me on this work- it keeps me going. Thanks again.
spindl, if you haven't read it in other thread, i will repeat: sonar says that he 111 has many non-planar polygons. every single polygon must be planar for wb. sonar will prepare more specific model requirements soon.
Exec, Thanks for recapping that. I already received an email from sonar and have sent him the next day a model that is exactly up to his specs, all planar, 3-6 point polys. Though it doesn't have any camo or decals. It is a base model that I gave to sonar of the same model so he can tell me if there are any further problems to it. As I've said before in my posts, I need accurate and precise specs as to what is required of the model. I only used a sample model of hurricane from which I derived my hypothetical specs. So far, we are learning everything as we're moving along, and hopefully by the end, we will reach pretty accurate requirements for what's needed to convert and model these planes into wb directly. I would gladly want to use the software to test this myself so I don't have to waste your precious time. BUt I don't think that would be possible at this stage?..