
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by -frog-, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    There are so many people that serve the people and get shit thrown on them. Or they are applauded when they deserve a kick on the ass. Often a elected official is not applauded until after they leave the house of government ... or die. I think that often, a elected leader enters a job as leader, as a decision-maker, not knowing that it can be a dreadful job.
    Yes, it is a good thing that she is being applauded.
    I think she should quit her post in government as soon as she can, because there are dogs about waiting for her to be seen having a smoke out back, or peeing behind a bush..... Of course she had not an idea of what was coming, but now she is in government and she is working really hard, hasn't been caught on camera peeing or something.
  2. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    It seems that Dr Henry has had some hard jobs.Not hard like digging a hole or dragging a fish net, but hard, the kind of hard that takes a thinking mind, careful,
    So, how ya been?????
  3. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I still have not had that steak, it has been 6+ months.
    I feel like shit.
    I just want to end quickly and I don't see that happening, there are ghouls on patrol, with their Wellness Checks and their terrible Shut-You-Up-Pills, Homeless people with NOWHERE TO GO picking fights at playgrounds, China is not saying..... The local town hall has taken this opportunity to remove ALL awnings and stairs from buildings, and made it the a law to padlock all trash cans.
    WTF is going on here?
  4. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Today, it was the second day of protests here, against protection measures related to the epidemic. A few hundred people, a lot of them being what most people would call "weirdos". Today they marched to the Russian embassy where they applauded and thanked. LOL
  5. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Applauded and thanked whom, about what? Do Russian People obey orders? For right or wrong, I usually do. It is a real drag to have to tolerate some people, or groups of people. I don't know what to do, so I usually shut my mouth in public, because The Thought Police is out and about, and it uses cameras and microphones even and sometimes, in some places at some times, rounds-up some people and puts them in Labour Camps. I am to much of a coward to resist THE BOSS.
    I am not saying that is right, I am saying I am too fat to fly. Some day there might be Labour Camps in MY land, there have been, and it was not very long ago. I [sometimes fail at] doing eveything I am told to do by THE BOSS, and even when I am told to do stuff by NOT THE BOSS.
    I have since about the age of 16, stopped attending events like Protests and 'movements' and in this land, you cannot put on a mask [a bandanna?] when outside [see below], THE BOSS wants to identify you or me. I would rather not have anything to do with trouble, whether it is right or wrong, good or bad.
    I am too fat to fight.
    I am too tired to struggle.
    I CAN WEAR A MASK in public now. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Not arguing and I am not advocating this or that stance. IF the shit flies, then perhaps I will fight. Maybe not. Probably not. Was it Vlad Lenin that said, "Every society is three meals away from chaos...." I eat okay, for now.
  6. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    in Russia, it is prohibited to use hidden cameras by citizens. :(
    Either law judges cannot (or do not want to) accept video-provements, or government afraids on corruption to be easily visualized.
    What laws are in USA on hidden camera usage?
  7. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    It's unclear, really. To the Russian state? I don't know. You must know the discussion about Putin's mingling in this sort of things, about supporting all sorts of nationalistic and racist movements in other countries lately. This is about that.
  8. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I think hezzey is Canadian.
    Police here, in Romania, tend to ignore car camera evidence from private persons, showing the breaking of traffic rules. That is because they are some lazy bastards and don't really want to have to work. Most of them are also incompetent.
    I think in Russia people use car cameras a lot, right?
  9. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Sorry Vasko, stupid me, Romania is your home. I assumed, and was wrong. I hope I didn’t wring any of your nationalist bells!
    I see some assuming I am from the United States that is pretty common. It’s OK I might be able to walk around in the United States for weeks or months without any yanks noticing!
    Could a person from Romania walk around in Russian state and pretend to be native and disguise, in mufti? There are lots of Canadians that walk around in the United States for years or decades and no Yankee notices it.
    Sometimes a Yank can walk around in parts of Canada and no one recognizes the creature as a Yank.
    Is Romanian language and mannerisms so different from people in the Russian state that a Romanian Could not go Mufti? .....similar to we Canadians and Yanks sometimes very similar in fashion choices language and entertainment preferences.
    I myself despise and fear concealed cameras and I understand that they are here in Canada I don’t know how widespread and I don’t know if courts recognize those things for evidence.
    Federal cops in Canada are some of the sneakiest most low down treacherous fuckers. Cities and towns in Canada are governed by low down and treacherous fuckers too.
  10. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Oh I read something that explains that in the state of Russia there is automobile insurance and that insurance cost different amounts of money depending on whether a car has a camera in it and I suppose the courts in the state of Russia embrace those cameras...... that may be in traffic court I don’t know about the fat-cat courts. I think it is quite hilarious when a fat-cat gets caught by camera but that can go too far....... there are certain fat-cats all over the world that if were filmed being evil or sneaky oh that would be funny and might even be entertaining to see some hangings and stuff....
    I think that everywhere on planet earth lawyers are fat greedy cocksuckers and half of them should be purged.....
    A historical Yankee journalist once wrote:
    The law is a ass
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  11. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    Right. But car cameras are not the hidden ones :)
    I talk about some small invisible cameras, hidden in pen, in clothes, in glasses... imho, they are very usefull for cases such as talk with corruptioneer, as dealing with street hooligans, etc - against those people who think they are uncatched thus they will to do something illegal.
  12. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Hi Mcgru. In my town there is a little place that sells concealed spy cameras This is not the USA, I understand. The widespread use of spy cameras will, I think, make everyone so careful about what they say and do. Here, in Canada, there are lawyers waiting to get paid lots of money to put on their gowns on and wear funny looking wigs. Many Canadian hate those people. Ido not know if those things are legal or illegal. I do know, that many MANY Canadians are hostile toward anyone even holding a 'smart' phone. Those things have camera and microphones and a lot of Canadian get in fist fights when a 'smart' phone is being held. I think there are a LOT of Canadian who don't want to be witnessed when being illegal OR immoral. HERE, it is allowed and legal to have and use a 'smart' phone, but there are a LOT OF FISTFIGHTS just because someone walks near a crime and criminals can see, there is a 'smart' phone in a hand.
    I do not know if that is good or bad. IF I am peeing somewhere I do NOT want to be filmed, so I understand the fear and loathing about concealed cameras. I have ran for my life because I was seen holding a 'smart' phone and there were evil people doing bad stuff, and I think, some NOT BAD stuff too. I am getting sick and tired of that. There are cameras everywhere around here and The City Hall installs those things and puts HUGE POWERFUL LIGHTS right under them, some of those lights are weaponized, like Anti-Riot lights. the flicker and wiggle and make people dizzy. Some bastard at city hall got a contract from a relative that makes those lights. There are said FOR YOUR SAFETY. I suspect there are Fat-Cats that are keeping poor people away. The same reason park benches are removed from parks, there are NO public Washrooms, but lots of camera and lights. FAT-CATS, GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Nowhere to pee, Property is now called NOT PUBLIC, it is owned by the crown, or city [meaning private] The Layers are waiting in line to argue about it, for LOTS OF MONEY. I predict that withing ten years there will be Labour Camps in Canada and Soldiers kicking down doors, that has happened before, FOR OUR SAFETY, they say.
    I want to pee sometimes and in MY LAND there is no place to go pee, and there never was, need to find some place where there are NO COPS, no spotlights and no cameras, and ALL of the land here is no longer Public, little of it is. We are told lies. THE BOSSES, install bright lights, and camera, FOR OUR PROTECTION. The Shysters are in court, redefining for us, what is PUBLIC and what is not. COPS need to do something for pay or else they go brigand. The Fat Owners demand protection, and the RCMP and army does at it is told, buy The Bosses.
    To pick the nose while walking and get fined or jailed for it. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! It happens here.
    My Mum calls this place USA Junior. I think in the USA and some other lands camera are everywhere.
    I want to pee sometimes, and I want to have a crap in the forest sometimes too, and I feel really angry that I am watched all the time.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  13. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I need some beer!!!!!!
  14. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    In China they call that [I do not speak Mandarin] Social Credit.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  15. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    No worries, nationalists here ring their own bells.
    Romanian is a Romance language. The guys here have always called themselves Romans, even in the Middle Ages (the Roman Empire, the Eastern one, disintegrated in 1453). Romanian is similar to Italian and French. Russian is a Slavic language. There are slavic imports in Romanian, due mainly to the church (masses in the orthodox church were in Old Slavonic). But the Romanian comes from Latin. We understand Italian and Spanish without much effort, but not Russian or Bulgarian. Sometimes a familiar word pops pout, when listening to them, but that's all.
    Then the cultures and the experiences themselves are quite different. The histories of Romania and Russia are very different too, although connected through sometimes unfortunate politics.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  16. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    ll that said, I am delighted to be surrounded by HUGE FORESTS, and Tundra, eldless-seeming prairies [like Stepps]. I am delighted to shoot at deer and moose, I love to get drunk in the forest and shit there even.......Still, have to watch for The Cops.........
  17. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I understand.
    But do they allow it when you film something with a phone which is not hidden? Because, many times, in a difficult situation, like a conflict, people are focused on what is happening there and don't notice someone filming the scene with a phone.
  18. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I think English is derived from Latin, and Norse and some others. The weird form of Christianity the Yanks use has crossed over into [the left side] of Canada. I think Quebec is a nation and it's religion is Predictable Catholicism, and their speech is a sort of Creole.....
    Food is plentiful, many people visiting say it is too boring, it does not have enough strength, like pepper and garlic and those crazy things from Asia that taste to gooood. I heard that in the USA the restaurant meals are HUGE. I never noticed, so I suppose Canada's Restaurant Cooking is served huge..... I fell in love with Hindu Cooing a long time ago.
    There is food called Poutine, it is from Quebec and is GODS FOOD. Is the tastiest food in the world, I think.SO, if walking about town ans ya feel like something to eat, POUTINE is always the best thing to have.
    Caution, when eating Poutine, NEVER ask for some ketchup [tomato chutney??]and vinegar, someone will hear or see that and then THINGS WILL TURN TERRIBLE!!!!!!
    Sorry, it is much better this close to bed-time to think about food instead of ... what were we talking about???????
    I do not know if Poutine is served anywhere else. I may be wrong.
  19. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    Who live in Romania? Romanians?
    then who are the Romes? are they the same as Romanians?
  20. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Poutine in picture above is said to be Quebec's National Dish!!!!!! I think it is better than sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My Granddad always said it was Haggis and a dram or Ouiskki ... That is a Canadian Food he used to scream, and drink some more of that fire-water. It is not Canadian Food, and I don't think there is such a thing, we eat recipes that came from all over much of the world. Haggis IS NOT worth a shit, it is guts and brains from a sheep and is disgusting, and Scotland IS a shit-hole [Ha, please hear a Scottish Accdent when repeating those words.....Mockery] I could NOT ever get up at 6 in the moring, drink a glass of booze and eat a fucking Haggis, I think Scottish people invented that so they could laugh at everyone who tried....
    [Haggis is that brown crap ] I think there are turnips and parsnips on the plate, and bottle of wisky [Ouiski]

    At 7:00 AM?????? Oh fuck Have some of that...... I don't know what the white stuff in the bowl is.....
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020