Why is U.S.A full of BS.

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Jacobe, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    in a bar

    But I don't remember the last time I've even heard, let alone read the Pledge of Allegiance. Of course we're isolationist! That's what America has traditionally been! Only a complete idiot would disagree with that, and one who is exceptionally stupid would claim antisemitic tendencies for saying we aren't allied with Israel. We're not allied with them, they're just our proxy for wars against Russia. Russia uses... well, everyone else in the region against the U.S. Do you know that the cold war is over? :D
  2. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    This is why I was home-schooled. My parents saw this way back in the late 70's and early 80's. Nothing new. We've known about this. Things little kids should NOT be shown or schooled on are things like research on mythological ideas about evolution, sexual subjects like homosexuality, handing out condoms, encouraging rebellious behaviour and various other satanic/masonic/mythical/occultic subjects. Now it's degraded worse into plane old dumbing down the coming generations. What jacobe and you don't seem to understand is that I'm not in that society of socialized education controlled by evil people in the government. Never was. I'm watching the country I respected fall to pieces. The main things I see going wrong with this country, moral wise are: Homosexual and other philia lifestyles being accepted/promoted, defenseless babies being murdered by the thousands, convicted murdurers/rapists/molesters being allowed to live, supported by our tax dollars, and increasing freedoms being removed. People think we don't recognize our Constitution, remember states, countries, history. And they are correct. That's the generation being raised right now. "WE THE PEOPLE" are not in control of this country and probably 90%+ of Americans of the United States don't care, don't want to know, and would never be able to know, thanks to our d-education system.

    The United States of America is circling the toilet, and I'm preparing/prepared for it. When the government falls, the people will notice, but not many will do the right thing. I am armed, and will defend myself with my resources. I'm not the only one.

    This is my secondary flag.
  3. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    in a bar
    We can't say you're stupid, because then we can't say that you're special. Well, I am the all singing, all dancing, shit of the universe, mother fucker. Stop bullshitting me. I remember back in grade school, complaining of how we covered the same subject material THREE SCHOOL YEARS in a row before advancing to other material. Also, I recently read a book published in 1929 about economics. If you ignore what happened during that time period and focus on the material covered in the book, it covered in 208 pages what took THREE SEMESTERS of college level courses. It's not about doing your job anymore. It's all about making the most money. If these idiots knew what they were doing with their greed, they would stop this mad dash for cash and let the value of things start to normalize again. Yes, it's going to suck at first, but in the end things will work out just fine.

    That's okay, though. We're all special and deserve to be billionaires, even if it means the value of that billion dollars has the purchasing power of one dollar back in 1929.

    Will we really notice the government's falling? They aren't really doing anything. :D I think it's because we've been "dumbed down" so much that we haven't descended into anarchy. What a day that will be. America free once again. Barbaric, but free.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  4. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2002

    Another violant redneck yank.Violence is the only solution for dumb & dumbed people.no wonder you are and have armed yourselves to the teeth.
  5. boa

    boa Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Hey Jacobe, I see Finland got very good deal with Greece...now that is interesting :cool:
  6. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    in a bar
    And what would you do for a Zombie Apocalypse? Give everyone a hug and chewing gum?
  7. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2002
    Seen those?

    How come?

    Why not a huggie and gum to chew?
  8. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA

    You are so ignorant and spineless it's pathetic. You have no clue. Calling me a "violent redneck yank"? That's a contradiction completely. You know nothing about the USA if you come up with an ignorant comment like that. For one, I'm not violent. You don't know me. I'm not a redneck; redneck is a term for farmers in the south or people who work outside all the time. It's a term used as an option for hill-billy southern folks who are generally very nice folks, friendlier than foreigners who will help you out and defend their livelihood. Redneck yank? That's like saying I'm a Southern Northerner. Huh? A yank or Yankee is someone from the North, a term from civil war days which is also the name of a baseball team in New York. Do some research before you think you know something about me or my country.

    So, when it comes to someone showing up at your door because they want what you have, I'm guessing you just belly-up and just stand there while someone attacks you and you die. Survival of the fittest. But, on the internet, you're tough aren't you.

    The fact we arm ourselves means we can defend ourselves.

    You'll just say: "Here you go, here is my home, my family, and all I own"...you can have it all. I won't fight because I don't care about those things and don't want to look violent" "I like being controlled by someone else because I can't think for myself".

    You want to see violence? Watch a hockey game or soccer (football) game on youtube.

    You should know that firearms provide protection.





    And to be fair.....
    United States:
  9. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    No, I think he'd drive them nuts by turning on one of his music pieces that has non-nonsensical repetition of instruments from some nut-house. And then offer them some licorice pipes.

    That would scare me off. No harm to the government there.
  10. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    Why fuel the fire guys, if you don't reply... the spew stops! or atleast slows down greatly. Some folks just live to argue. Simple, stop the rebuttal and the starter will go insane with no one to argue with or argue with real friends and risks losing real friendship or end up with a black eye.
  11. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Yeah, but, it's entertaining to read brain damaged foreigners ramble on in fury. Besides, they always start it. :)
  12. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    in a bar
    The international boards would be dead if we didn't reply to this stuff, then we would lose the boards!
  13. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Ok, I will try to explain: Yankee, Yankey, Yank is from the old days when the

    Dutch owned what was then called New Amsterdam. Look up Peter Stuyvesant, last Dutch governor. There was this little war going on with the British and finally the Brits kicked-out the Dutch rulers.

    Well the Dutch had a word for the British. As it seemed that most Brits were named John, they call them "yanks" as short for "Johannes"...

    So as time goes by the word morphs into persons of English origins in New England... so Yankee met anyone from New England.

    Later in the Civil War it was the "Yanks" or Yankees for the Northerners and "Rebs" for the southerners. Funny that they also called them "Johnny Rebs".

    Yes, Americans fought the colonialists. They/we beat off the English Army. and the rule of the King for a democratic system.. well at least at an attempt of a Democratic system.

    How was it done. Many factors. However one interesting point was ARMS.

    Most guns and rifles of the day were special custom, hand built units requiring skill and time of dedicated craftsmen.

    Americans did not have time for that. They needed to fight and win quickly or all would hang. They needed arms and fast.

    So.... they created the first interchangeable parts firearms. ALL rifle barrels were the same, triggers stocks, flintlocks, etc... break something find a replacement part and change it , get back in the fight.

    Tactics. No marching in wide files with brightly colored uniforms. Hide behind tree, when enemy comes into view, shoot enemy, hide behind tree and reload, wait for next brightly dressed Brit or German mercenary to come marching by... repeat as necessary... etc, etc.

    This happened around 1776 and kind of inspired others later ... say about 1789 in France... etc.

    So yes, it started a long time ago and it was discovered; a very well armed free people will usually stay free.

    The best example these days is Switzerland. Most men between 19 and 70+ years of age are keeping automatic assault weapons and around 150 rounds of ammo in their house by law. They have been trained to use the weapon and know what to do...

    Famous discussion by some German gov. person to some Swiss gov. person in the early 1940s:

    The German said: "What would you do if I were to send an army of 300,000 into your country when all you have is an army of 150,000 ?

    The Swiss guy said : "Then we would only have to shoot twice."

    Message understood.

  14. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2002
    LMAO dork, typical yank...err 'human being' from USA.You see, you think that everyone is a foreigner exect you.You think that foreigner means people not from USA lol.Ever been abroad? ever noticed how USAers are treated abroad?
    Trampled? Treaded? ;)
    Try it.Bring yourself to europe or even Finland.You are welcomed warmly. :)

    You talk about brain damage...hmm...it's just might be more like your soul or mentality is damaged and you are too scared of loneliness to even try to fix it. :nono: Do you belive in god or love?

    I know it must be hard to live inside a flock or pathologic liars and with people who has sunk their coveteus heads in their arses and still try to approach truth and wisdom and love in your life.... :zzz:

    If you think that violence is a solution to your problems, you are wayy off.Isn't it weird that bad things happen to ones who just don't get it?

    Love? Respect?

    -take care of yourself and wake up to the real world. :UU:

    We had have a chewing gum labeled 'Jenkki' which means 'YANK'. since 70'ties... just to remind that USAer are greedy idiots.. :D


    BTW, 'xylitol' is sugar from birch tree.Finland discovered it and patented it but USA banned it, with an another excuse that it causes cancer. The fed rats with kilos (or pounds or whatever definition you use to weight stuff) of xylitol, and some of them got cancer. :) wtg. god bless united states of america, cause the REALLY NEED IT! :) Allthought when USaers say 'Oh my god!' they imho refer to Lucifer or Satan. :D

    Only words you hear in USA's so called 'documentaries' or other so called 'reality' programs are :



    Absolutely Great!




    Biggest in the world. (everything made in USA is biggest in the world, in fact USAers consider 'biggest in USA' and a synonym of 'biggest in the world')

    It's great , all is good, ain't it :D.

    When you finally realize the real relativity of things propotions, you might be very sick, but don't be afraid, it will pass... :)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  15. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2002
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  16. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2002
    'Johannes' is a finnish name. F.ex. you have 'Gospel of John' and we have 'Johanneksen Evankeliumi' (johanneksen is a genetive of johannes)

    @1939 when russia attacked finland, my ancestors had to shoot 10 times. :(

    ...casualties 39-45 Soviet Union vs. Finland appr. 10-1 :(
  17. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
  18. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    OK OK OK.... Jan, jon, john, johnie , johnny, jannies...

    I hope you get the point, the Dutch said "johnnies" the johns, etc and it morphed to

    Yankees- jon kees...

    Dutch and German seem too similar to me.... sorry.
  19. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Hahah.....forgot about that one. :cheers:
  20. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    . I've never been outside North America and have no desire to be. I prefer to save my investments and spend it in the USA. If you think I'm on here chatting because I'm lonely, you're wrong. This isn't making any sense to you so I'll have to just say you will never know what Americans are like until you live here a while. I don't make assumptions of what I know is wrong with you so, get over it. You keep rambling on about this god/love/respect and resemble none of it.

    Well, I won't drop to your level of insanity. Your random posts are more distracting/boring/confusing than anything else and really proves my point that you are in need of a head examination. Just listening to your "music" tells a lot about you. Same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune REPEAT, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune, same tune and no general point to be made other than totally RANDOM thoughts repeated over and over and over and over. Go strum the same chord for hours and enjoy yourself.

    On a more interesting neutral note (pun intended hahah) listen to this:

    Hennessey does an awesome job on engines.