Re: Pure lameness what happen to you, afi?, it seems you have any kind of hurt in ass...and when you sit down in front of pc .....get angry
Re: Pure lameness his mother left the joystick in the chair while cleaning the room and... once he tried, he can't stop!!
Re: Pure lameness Damn fukin right we will. but hey, look on the bright side, since we givin free alcohol out, ull be too pissed to care but, on the down side, continue to post in this thread after we have sent out our jumping rats, we will follow up by sending out our army of cloned steve erwins...... then ur all fuked... lol
Re: Pure lameness hollllly shit Broz that is a classic, you just made me laugh aloud, literally. You just got fucking quoted, bitch!
Re: Pure lameness @Helrza - well, if u're gonna give free alcohol out (but not fosters for God sake), i can tolerate rats, but...i'm afraid even one Steve Erwin would be too much... PS. all i know about Australian girls is that they are damn nice (cause there are many Polish girls that least in Perth)
Re: Pure lameness ARGH! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! NOT STEVE "LOOK MATE, AIN'T SHE A BEAUT?" ERWIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Pure lameness Yeah that's him!!! Hey get this, Steve Erwin is having a kid!!!! The real question is, WHO THE FUCK WOULD HAVE SEX WITH STEVE ERWIN?
Re: Pure lameness The real question is: WHO THE FUCK IS STEVE ERWIN!?!?!?!? Goddamn, stop talking about Tony Danza, Steve Erwin and other pricks only there in the USA exist! Btw, if Chiquito de la Calzada and Tamariz have sons and daughters, why shouldn't ol'Stevie?
Re: Pure lameness @Broz Check Discovery Channel for "Crocodile Hunter" series... @sebbo Female crocodiles have taste... impossible
Re: Pure lameness You're lucky that I didn't start posting about people like the 480 pound fat woman who died while attached to her bed. That is just wayyyyy too fucking fat, they actually had to surgically remove the bed from her because she'd been on it for so long. Holy shit I love america for being the only place that can have people that fucked up.
Re: Pure lameness and I'm fucking disgusting!!! Holy shit i've posted on this board way too fucking much today, time to go do something with my life.