Dunno how true this is...

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Glas, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    The thing these fuckin grant gobblers ain't sayin is the facts are fuckin SIMPLE:
    The scores have nothing to FUCKIN DO with intelligence.
    The scores are higher for people who are APT to sit down and fill in little squares with a pencil. The scores are higher for people who are APT to be patient with paper, pencils, timers, flurescent lights.
    The fuckin tests are culturally biased. VERY culturally biased.
    Take [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] for a good example. He is a father of twleve. Has the biggest yam patch in the valley. Is such a fuckin smart guy he has FOURTEEN pigs. Yes, FOURTEEN.
    [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] is a man of forty-five years, which means he is the equicalant of about 175 years old in 'Western" years.
    Now, the fat, soft, pale skin has been living in the little village since the last move, when the yams stopped growing and the sows were miscarrying. When they were all tearing down the camp for to prepare for the move up the valley a ways, [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] noticed the little anthropologist was handling his fzipth all wrong. he had it sideways and was surely to chop the top of his head off if he kept it up. Now [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] headed over to show the dumb white man how to hold a fzipth when WHACK, the fat soft foriegn did indeed chop the top of his head open.
    Poor bastard almost died while laying there heroically refusing treatment offerd by the shaman. The fat soft outsider demanded the men chop a LOT of trees down up on top of the hill there and so they did and a monster came out of the sky and humans who looked like him came and took him away and [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] thought, "Wow, that soft fat man couldn't last more than a few weeks here, he sure isn't very smart."

    Now, it is a year since the soft fat one came back, injuries healed. he is a LOT more careful with a fzipth these days.

    He has asked [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] to sit with him and solve some puzzles.

    [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] agrees and the soft fat one sets some stuff up and begins asking questions about stuff [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] never once, ever, even came close to thinkin about. [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] never used paper in his life. The orange colour a pencil is is a colour the shaman says evil spirits manifest themselves in when the come to suck your soul.
    The soft fat one keeps saying the wrong word for 'cube': What he says translates as 'yam.' he keeps saying the word for 'Evil spirit bringing death infection of festered foot wound' when he meant to say the word meaning 'triangle.'
    [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] patience with the soft fat one wears very thin but he puts aside his superstition, being smart enough to know the shaman is just a fake mostly. he wrestles with the terrible speech the soft fat one is using. He gets a lot of things confused and wonders why the game is so wierd, based entirely on paper [which he has only seen used as toilet paper, never actually KNEW you could use it to put picture drawings onto...
    he wonders why the soft fat ones put so much of their effort into two dimensional shapes and squiggly lines and how these things relate to ANYTHING worthwhile.

    [click pop] BnnnngHOHO D [click] [pop] [click] Bzzzzzn N N N F T [click] got a low score and the soft fat one never told him the thing was an IQ test. The rest of the men in the village got low scores also. The women weren't allowed to play the game with the soft fat man, women are too valuable to risk messing with the stranger from space.

    What is intelligence. Who defines it? How do you test for it?

    How come so many 'dummies' are persistant and thrifty and careful and retire to Tihiti at 65. How come geniuses are to be found with a bottle of wine, a bad case of tuberculosis and sleeping in a box?
    Why does Ozzy have money?
  2. squirl

    squirl Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2003
    You can't be ambiguous and then claim that you were correct. If I said,

    "I don't know how true this is, but I heard that basketball team A will defeat basketball team B."

    and then said,

    "I don't know how true this is, but I heard that basketball team B will defeat basketball team A."

    After the game, would I be able to say that I was correct all along? That is what you are attempting to do. You cast this thread with an ambiguous title so that you could credit yourself it it turned out to be true, but not be implicated if it came back as BS. You did this more than once, too. You started the thread in a kind of grey area of serious/humorous so that you could boast if this was found to be true, yet be able to dismiss is as a "joke" if it came back as BS.

    It is like you are putting your credibility down as an ante for a bet, but you have engineered this bet so that you retain your ante even if you lose the bet.

    This is very much like the subsidies Airbus receives - Airbus needs to pay back launch loans only if the plane is a commercial success.

    If you actually want to prove something, then you need to lay your reputation on the line. You need to "pay to play," as the saying goes.
  3. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Well, for once I totally agree with you. IQ says as much as about your intelligence as body mass index tells you about how healthy you are.
  4. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Education and intelligence are kin but are NOT twain.

  5. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    Where did I say it was true? I posted it cos I thought it was funny. I knew the data was ambiguous, it says so on it. But I thought it was funny.

    Later it became apparent that it was true (or at least partly anyway judging by other's comments).

    It also seems apparent that there is at least a perception, prior to something like this being published, that the people in the South are of less intelligence than those in the North.

    So, based on that perception and the information in this graph, I will stick by my original comment that if the figures are correct then it does indeed explain alot.

  6. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    I only knew Bulgarians during the Cold War :)
  7. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Even so it doesn't really explain anything. A difference in IQ of about 4 points is pretty marginal. It's not exactly the difference between an academic and a moron.
  8. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    I am right now reading about a 'great man.'
    He was well placed and well qualified to become 'great.' the times were right for HIM:
    carpe diem.
    He would have been a fuck-up, a rather eccentric, limited, bigoted, unpleasent nieghbour if it weren't for The Times.

    A good biographer can portray a person well and leave us all wondering, "Why couldn't I be 'great?'"
  9. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    And a good biographer also leaves us wondering: "Why the hell would one want to be considered great?" :) The greatest people I ever knew will never be the subject of books. They never consciously sought greatness, they simply did great things, even if those great things were noticed by only 5 people.

    The greatest man I ever knew died "in disgrace," or so they wrote and said. But "they" didn't know him. He had more character than anyone I've ever met, so before I croak I hope to record something of his life. He was brilliant. He was probably the only person I ever truly trusted. Honestly the only one. Even when he pointed out our faults, his words were always true and without prejudice. And he didn't give a flying f*** about what anyone said :)

    If only I could be like he was :)
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2005
  10. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    Agree, but that's the only way we can measure "intelligence". Everywhere they say that your brain can be trained to become more useful, so i guess that somehow education and intelligence are related. That's why we can say that IQ tests, though based on knowledge, can be a proof of intelligence (or approximately...)
  11. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    There is a grouchy old woman who runs a local charity 'food bank' around these parts.
    She is good.

    By great, I meant HUGE, MIGHTY, POWERFUL.

    Good people don't often get monuments. Sometimes they get some local recognition or a little medal the Prime Minister gives em or they influence people around them in little, life changing ways, like a caring grandmother might or a prosperous business person who employs people with special needs....
    Sometimes good people die and are heroic after death, like Terry Fox [google his name ;)].

    I am readin, right now, about Bernard Law Montgomery. I have been on a Monty binge for a couple months now and am studying him. He was the guy I was talkin about in my little thingie, above...
  12. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    Biles, you're one of the few wise people I know (if only through the forum). :)
  13. squirl

    squirl Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2003
    If you are sticking to your original statement then you are sticking to your ambiguity.

    Many people in the southern US may be uneducated and unintelligent, but there are millions of people in large cities who are just as unintelligent as their southern counterparts. The difference? The urban unintelligents are educated. The education level achieved by an urban area may be higher than that of a rural, southern area, but when a city strives to have a high education level it is responsible for the education of unintelligent people. An educated, unintelligent person is much more destructive than an uneducated, unintelligent person is. An uneducated, unintelligent person is not qualified for a high-level job; an educated, unintelligent person is incompetent on his high-level job. An uneducated, unintelligent person is not entrusted with the fields of science, history, technology and mathematics; an educated, unintelligent person is. An uneducated, unintelligent person does not teach the next generation; an educated, unintelligent person often does. Education of unintelligent people is responsible for practices and phrases such as "enlightenment," "New Age," "Modern Art," "Post-Modern Art," etc. It is all one large sophism.

    Education insulates urban unintelligents from criticism, to the detriment of their country. Due to their higher standing, urban unintelligents are allowed greater responsibilities in society, even though they are no more qualified than an unintelligent southerner. One should be cautious of the automatic standing brought about by an "education." An occasion, where one needs only to jump through hoops to gain status, should be an item of concern.

    And this is much of the foundation of the liberal platform. I am reminded of the mensa organization. It, too, is an example of sophism. The only people who take mensa seriously are the members of mensa. As in the case of mensa, John Kerry was considered by "intellectuals" to be an "intellectual." Really, it was just a group of educated unintelligents praising one of their own.

    Now, I am aware that I will probably be told that an ivy league graduate gains automatic immunity from criticism. I would like to hear it anyway, because somehow, I think it will help my argument.
  14. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002

    This is by no means fact. It depends how you wish to measure intelligence. And whether what you deem as 'intelligence' is required for the high-level job you are describing.

    IMO someone who is educated in the field of the job they are undertaking are competent enough to do that job, regardless of whether there is a high level of intelligence in other areas.

    Again, you are making statements as if they are fact, when they have no basis in fact. Prove that 'education insulates urban unintelligents from criticism', or that 'urban unintelligents are allowed greater responsibilities in society'. In fact, I would definitely disagree with the second statement. In an urban area, each individual is one of millions of people. A number on a payroll. Faceless. A small wheel in a very large cog. In a rural community however each individual member has to contribute to the community because it is so small. So therefore there is greater responsibility, imo, on the individuals in the rural community.

    Btw if by 'jumping through hoops' means gaining the necessary qualifications for your chosen field of work, then it should cause no concern to anyone. As long as someone is qualified enough to do their job and has the basic level of intelligence required to get through life, then this is more than sufficient for their needs.
  15. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    yeeee, Bulgarians are smart! gnia-gnia-gnia-gniaanaa
    and we are going to become rich fat pigs too! just wait for our brilliance to convert into cash! (yukkk!)

    the guys writing this only show how non-existant their intelligence is. think everyone is the same dick like them, to fuck their mother!
  16. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    so what were their political views? i guess very anti-communist?
  17. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    wow did you know there were millions of aliens in the USA!?
    residing illegaly! (check that VDARE site)

    this sounds like the "bodies" they arrest on the border. cunts.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2005
  18. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Do you know, how much does human intelligence change every 5 years?

    I am not Bush lover, I am losers hater. Do you know, how many times have I noticed already how a loser politics name the voters stupid, uneducated, low and Hill Billies just because of the fact they were not elected? -- Always, 100%, no exceptions encountered... That's a mere psychology: if they consider you a loser, name them bastards.
  19. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Glas, there is a saying: "Every joke has a part of a joke". Wonder why noone burst in laughter when RolandGarros posted a series of death camp images in some of humor threads? He even added some "lol" there...
  20. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Average is a result of summing some numbers and dividing on the quantity of those numbers. To know the average IQ of voters of a state one needs to force them to pass IQ test all. IQ, taken via sample testing, represents average IQ of the mentioned sample, nothing more.